Ch. 20

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The Next Morning

I feel someone shaking me, they must be crazy to wake me up out of my sleep.

"WHAT!!?" I yell
"Nyah why are you sleeping out here?" It's Cade

"Asher has company now leave me alone."
I say trying to go back to sleep

"Come on." He says pulling me up
"Whatttt I just want to sleep where are you taking me?"
"My room." He says simply

"I'm not sleeping in the bed with you and Sara."
"Sara left at like 5am. She has some family here and she wanted to spend the day with them." He says opening the room door.

"I'm not sleeping on a bed that you had sex with her on." I really wasn't

"We haven't had sex now come on." He says while pulling me to the bed.

"Fine but leave me alone I wanna go back to sleep." I say while getting under the covers

"No worries, sleep well."
"You too." I say kissing his cheek and then turning over


"Ughhhh turn it off." I say to Cade.
"That's your phone." He says
"Turn it off for me please." Then he reaches over to turn it off.
"Thanks." I say while cuddling his chest.

"Hey, Nyah it's 10 so you might want to get up."


"I'm not sure you want to walk out there in your state." He says nervously

"What do you mean in my state? You trying to say I'm ugly in the morning?" I get off his chest and stand up from the bed.

"NO!! That's not what I meant." He panics

"Then what DID you mean." I say with my arms crossed?

He starts to walk closer to me
"In this state." He says while grabbing my bare butt. Wait bare butt!!

I look down to see that I'm only wearing a cropped tank top and a thong. Crap, sometimes if I get too hot in my sleep I take off the shorts I sleep in and just sleep in underwear. I must have done it when I was on the couch last night.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry you must think I'm a pervert or something. Sometimes when I get too hot at night I take off my clothes. To be honest you're lucky I'm not completely naked." I say nervously

"It's fine I don't mind and I don't think you're a perv." He says with a flirtatious smile

"Umm I should go." I say backing up and with each step I take backwards he takes one foreword. I keep going back until my back is on the door and he has me trapped in his arms.

"Cade are you sure this is what you want? One you start there's no stopping." I say seriously

"I'm sure." He says and then comes in for a kiss. I close my eyes and wait for it then suddenly the door opens and me and Cade both fall backwards onto the floor. My butt hurts. Then suddenly I hear someone clear their throat I look to see everyone staring at us. Even that hoe Roland looks shocked. I look up at Cade to see that my legs are wrapped around his waist. Crap crap crap.

"Umm are y'all just gonna stare or help us up? My butt hurts really bad right now." I snap at them and suddenly were pulled up by our friends.

I look at Cade and his cheeks are red and then I look at everyone else to see them staring at my legs. Oh yeah I only have a thong on. I quickly walk past everyone to the room that Asher and I were sharing grab some pajamas shorts, brush my teeth and come right back out.

"Sooo are we gonna talk about what we just seen?" Hailey says

"Yeah, me and Cade were about to have sex against the door and you losers had to ruin it." I lie

"YOU WERE WHAT." Asher yells at me
I look at his neck and Rhoda's to see they both have hickeys so I just ignore him and ask Zach what we are doing today.

" I don't have anything planned. We can go swimming later but other than that idk." He says while staring at Cade who is refusing to meet his eyes.

"Oh good so that means I can have Ash all to myself today."Reindeer says with glee

"And I can have Nyah all to myself." Cade says while looking at me

Honestly I'm shocked, he's getting bold

"You have a girlfriend." Asher says to Cade with an annoyed expression playing on his face

"Hmmm Sara or Nyah? I think I'll stick with my current choice." Cade says while winking at me

He must want some head


"Well this is a very strange morning." Hailey says

"Nyah how did you end up in Cades room?" Zach says while making breakfast

"Asher invited Rudolph here, so I went to sleep on the couch. Cade came in the living room after Sara left and noticed me. He invited me to sleep in his room and that's all you need to know."

"Why did u only have a thong on?"

"You know how I get when I'm hot." I say with a shrug

"So your shorts came off before you went in there?" Asher asked

"Yes, I guess I didn't notice I took them off and apparently neither did Cade until we first woke up."

"No I noticed. Thankfully you are a heavy sleeper." He says with a wink.
What happened while I was asleep?

"Nyah can I talk to you alone for a second?" Asher asks

We walk to the room that we share.

"I can't believe you." He says seriously

"What are you talking about." I'm confused

"Why did you go in his room? You were supposed to sleep on the couch. If I knew you were gonna go to his room I never would have invited Rain over." He says angrily

"Well babe you made your choice so deal with it. You invited her over because you were mad at me. I didn't just go to Cade's room. He invited me to sleep there after you told me to go sleep on the couch. Btw I'm not sleeping in this gross bed anymore. I heard y'all having sex and I seen the hickeys. You are seriously messed up."

"Nyah, you said you wouldn't get jealous. I was just testing you."

"I'm not jealous at all. Don't mistake my anger for jealousy. I don't care about that girl at all. I'm not gonna touch her unless she does something I don't like but you Asher I should punch you in the eye. I'm not but only because I don't care anymore. So for the rest of the day leave me alone and go hang with Ralphina." I say and then walk right out of the room

I'm so freaking tired of all these games. If you love me then love me. Don't get mad because I'm not acting how you expect me to act. This is why I don't do relationships. Men are so immature and stupid. He really thought that it would make me jealous and show that I liked him if he slept with another girl. Gosh he's dumb. I should have sex with Cade just because. I should go have sex with him on the bed that me and Asher used to share. I don't know what I'm going to do today but hopefully whatever it is helps me forget about Asher.

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