Ch. 38

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"Cade wake up." I say shaking him
"What Nyah."
"Do you hear that?" I whisper to him
"Hear what?"

And then suddenly there it is again. Creaking footsteps in my apartment. I know good and well I'm not being robbed

"Cade someone is in here." I say sort of scared
"Someone is in my house. I think they broke in." I whisper

And then I hear the footsteps again and this time Cade hears them too and he shoots up from his laying down position.

"Okay calm down. I'm gonna go out there. Do you have a weapon or something?"

"I have two stun guns and some brass knuckles." I say while pointing to my drawer

"Okay you stay here."
"No Cade this is my house." I say while standing up

"Fine but just stay behind me." He says and grabs my stun gun

We creep out of the room and into the living room and I notice the intruder walking towards my guest room. Without thinking twice I run and jump on their back choking them

"Nyah what the hell that was not the plan!!" Cade yells at me

"Screw the plan I'm about to whoop some butt!" I say while trying to make the intruder tap out

"Nyah get the hell off me." Wtf the intruder knows my name

Cade turn on the lights and I realize that the "intruder" is actually Zach

"Nyah get off of him." Cade says with a sigh

I quickly get off of him

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Zach says while holding his throat trying to breathe and I slap him hard across the face

"You nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought I was being robbed!" I yell at him

"Are you stupid? If you thought you were being robbed why would you jump on their back. You're a dumbass." He says

Welp those are fighting words.

I quickly punch him in the stomach and start hitting him anywhere I could but I couldn't get many hits in cause he was fighting me back and he punched me in the lip.
"CUT IT OUT!!" Cade yells but we're still fighting and we are both getting some harsh hits in

"I SAID STOP!" Cade yells and pulls us apart, holding me to his chest

"You asshole! Don't you ever call me stupid again!"

"Man shut the hell up with all that yelling." Zach says and walks into my guest room

"Nyah are you okay? Your lips is busted." Cade says

"Yeah I'm straight." I say while sitting down

"That was crazy! Do y'all always fight like that?"

"Yup. Go get two ice packs out of my freezer." I say nonchalantly

"Uh okay."
He gets them and brings them to me.

"I'll be right back." I say walking to my guest room. I look and see Zach sitting on the bed on his phone.

"Living room now."

We both get to my living room and sit down calmly. Cade is looking at us in shock

"Here." I say handing Zach the ice pack to put on his also busted lip.


"Now why are you here?" I ask him with my arms crossed

"Me and Hailey got in an argument and she kicked me out. I came here because I have the spare key."

"Oh my poor baby." I say while going to hug him

"You want me to beat her up. We just became friends but you know how I am about you." I say seriously

"Nah, we both said stupid stuff. We'll be fine by tomorrow." He says with a shrug

I look at the clock I have in the kitchen and it's 3am. Who argues at 3 am.

"Alright well stay as long as you need I'm going back to bed."

"Before you do that you wanna explain to me why Cade is here?" He says with a smirk

"Because I'm grown now go before you get beat up again."

"I obviously won that fight." He says with a chuckle

"Says the one with a busted lip and a bruised cheek."

"You're lip looks just as bad as mine."

"You wanna go again?" I say standing up

"I don't think you want your ass beat again." He says while also standing up

"Okay no. Nyah come on." Cade says and grabs my arm.

"Whatever, goodnight Zach.

"Night." He says and then walks back to my guest room with the ice pack to his lip

Cade drags me back to my room and sits me on the bed.

"Y'all's dads were right. Y'all both do have equal chances of winning in a fight. That was the craziest thing I've ever seen."

"So in your opinion who won?"

"It was almost a tie but Zach won when he punched you in the mouth and then the stomach, you stumbled back a little."

"Dang it." I thought I won

"I'm gonna need y'all to stop fighting each other. He's gonna mess up your pretty face one day." He says while caressing my cheek

"You're sweet and I'm tired so let's go back to sleep." I say while getting in my bed

"Y'all are definitely crazy." He says and kiss me a light kiss on my lips so he wouldn't hurt me.

"Good night." I say while laying on his chest
"Night." And with that we drift back to sleep


I am currently making me and Cade some breakfast. Zach left at like 9 apparently Hailey called and apologized.

"I still can't believe y'all fought like that and then just acted like it was the most normal thing in the world."

"It is normal to us. You and Hailey never fought?"

"No of course not. I don't hit women. I'm surprised Zach hits you."

"Ehh he doesn't see me as a woman, he more so sees me as a man in a sexy female body."


" I guess." I say with a shrug
"Hey you wanna come with me to get a new car today?" He asks as I'm fixing our plates

"Sure. What time?"

"Well I have to go home and shower. You're coming with me so we'll just drive your car to my house after we eat and you shower."

"You trying to say I stink?" I raise my eyebrow at him

"No but you do have dried blood from your lip on your chin."


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