Ch. 44

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Present Time
Cades POV:

"Soooo this whole time you wanted me?" She asks awkwardly

"Yeah pretty much."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well I kind of realized that you were sorta obsessed with me. I knew that if I approached you in a romantic way you would realize that you didn't actually have feelings for me. I also realized that you didn't know how to express feelings of love or affection so I allowed you to believe that I didn't want you."

"Hold up. So this whole time I was playing you, you were really playing me?" She says with an attitude

"Pretty much. I thought that if I kept bringing girls around eventually you would stop acting crazy and start actually having feelings for me. But I quickly realized that you had actually feelings for Asher and that fucked me up."

"Is that why you kept bringing Sara around me? You wanted me to actually be jealous?" She asked looking confused

"Pretty much. Remember the day I told you that you should go home when we were in Florida?"

"Yeah because I slapped you and beat up Sara."

"Well I guess you can say that I was trying to get you to express some sort of feeling towards me because you were all over Asher and I hated it."

"So you made me cry on purpose?" She asks getting upset

"Yeah I had to. I had to make you give up on your little fake obsession with me so you could actually feel something." I say honestly

"But that only made me like Asher more. What would you have done if me and him actually started dating. You know if he didn't bring the Rosanne girl to the house I would have dated him."

"I wasn't really worried about that. Asher is my best friend but I knew either 1 of 2 things would happen. He would either screw it up by being stupid or you'd screw it up with your issues with love and showing emotions." I say to her with a smirk

"So basically you did all this stuff to make me feel?" She asks me

"Yeah, also I lied to you a couple times. I knew you didn't actually like me. I purposefully kissed you in horribly when we had that dare. I never liked Sara. I also was never scared of you. I knew who you were and how you are."

"That was a horrible kiss. Why did you do that?" She asks me

"Cause I knew if I kissed you how I actually wanted to it would ruin your plans and in a way push you more towards Asher. I had to make you think that I wasn't an option and you didn't need to be obsessed with me."

"But you ate me out in Florida. How did you know that would happen? I mean it was only by chance that Asher actually messed up and made me sleep on the couch." She says curiously

"See that's where my plans got screwed up. When all that happened I kind of just went for it. I mean you were with me and in my bed. You licked my foot for goodness sake. Also I'm not really into that. I just wanted you to think that you were helping me with some insecurity."

"I licked your feet for no reason!?" She yells

"I ate your ass. By the way I really do enjoy that." I really do

"So when did you stop with your plans and just start pursuing me?"

"The day I seen you fight Zach."
"Cause you're crazy and I'm almost positive that you would fuck that Kale guy. I had to move fast cause he was making you smile way too much." I say while clenching my teeth

"His name is Kai."
"I don't fucking care."
"And us having sex. Was that planned?" She asks

"Not at all. I asked you to stay over cause I wanted to eat you out. The sex was all you."

"So now what Cade?"
"Now you're my girl." I say with a smile


"Ehh nothing Nyah. I've waited 2 years for you to get your shit together and come to me. You stupidly thought that you weren't my type and tried to play with me. Now you're stuck and your lucky I didn't fuck you in your ass for all this shit you put me through for no reason. You were perfectly fine with using me and that's fucked up."

"You did the same thing to me." She says pathetically trying to defend herself

"Because I figured out your dumb plan." I say

"It wasn't dumb. I just don't want to feel insecure." She says lowly

"Come here." I say and pull her on my lap

"So what happens now?" She says while running her hands through my hair

"Well now you're mine and you're going to be faithful and loving. No games." I say and kiss her cheek

"Cade, I don't know how to love you the right way. I mean I love my parents and Zach's parents and Zach but as you may have seen me and Zach have a very strange relationship. Honestly Zach is my whole heart I probably love him more than I love myself and I'll still punch him in his face if he upsets me. Imagine what I'll do to you."

"Then we'll work on it Nyah. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Honestly I think you need to take some anger management classes. They may help you with the fighting."

"But I'm not crazy Cade. I just don't like being messed with. I have some control. Honestly you haven't seen me at my worse." She says

"Well what makes you the worst possible version of you?" I ask curious cause I've seen her fight but usually she stops after they apologize

"When someone messes with Zach I guess. I know he can protect himself but he wouldn't lay a hand on any woman besides me. I think the worst thing I did was actually to your sister." She says while looking down

"When you gave her a concussion? I thought you just pushed her and she fell and hit her head."

What the fuck did she do to my sister

"Well that was apart of it but that's not all I did."

"What the hell did you do?"

"Cade it's a long story." She says and sighs

"I have time so you better tell me NOW!" I yell at her. I need to know all the information.

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