Chapter 14

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The girls started to gather in the gym as Coach blew the whistle.

I was so giving Lilith that detention today. I smiled to myself as I was trying to locate her in the gym. I Saw Jenny  and Emily but she wasn't there. Did she skip the whole day? I'll text her later.

I said as I approached the coach.

"Coach Wilson, Can you do me a favor" said Mr Jones.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked.

"Anderson and another girl that will be joining us for a month or two are still in the locker room can you tell them that they're late and I'm waiting for them?" He asked.

Wait she's here? What is taking her so long and why is there another girl there?

"Yeah sure" I said as I made my way towards the locker room.

As I got closer I heard some yelling. I couldn't make up what they were saying but I'm pretty sure that I heard Lilith  yell something along the lines like "you're crazy"

As I was about to enter the locker room  she  crashed into me. The sudden impact causing her to fall but I was still standing tall.

"Open your fucking eyes" she said, but her face fell as soon as she saw me.

She stood up immediately and said quickly
"I'm sorry I got to go I'm late" and practically ran.

I entered the room to see a tall blonde standing on the middle of the room.

"Uh hello? Coach wants you on the court, you're late" I said as I closed the door.

Now I don't know who she was but she clearly made Lilith really mad. Or maybe I'm just over exaggerating it.

Well no I am not over exaggerating anything. Lily was clearly mad. She was pushing herself so hard. She was even shooting the ball in a mad way if that's possible. Her eyebrows were frowned creating a sharp line between them, she was squinting her eyes, not talking to anyone not even her friends even on water break, she would miss a layup and would take her anger out by hitting the wall.

This was really getting out of hand. She was doing everything herself. Her back wasn't fully healed, her hand either it could literally start bleeding any moment. I asked coach if he knew what was going on and if he knew that this anger of you may call it that was harming her. And he said yes to both but he also said quote

"I know her and I know what's up and it's for the best that she takes her anger out in the game."

I didn't question him instead I just waited for practice to end. I wasn't sure if "detention" was a good idea but she needs to come in my office, I need to check her hand.

I saw that Emily and Jenny wasn't actually talking to her. Did she get in a fight with them too?

I approached her  and said.

"Meet me in my office in 10." I said.

She just nodded, not even looking at me.

After ten minutes she came in with her bag and freshly changed clothes.

She didn't seem as mad as before but she definitely still was.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey" she greeted her voice tired.

"Are you really going to have me on detention with Mrs Smith" she said dropping her things on the ground and sitting on the chair in front of me.

"No" I said "I just called you in to check your hand" I said crossing my arms. I just couldn't ask her straight up about today.

Yes Coach Wilson Where stories live. Discover now