A/N~ Changes~

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So, I wrote this story months ago. It was quick and very rushed. I didn't bother to check it over and make changes. I have decided to check over this story and fix it up. There is a few minor things I have edited.

For example, some of the dialogue has been edited and the paragraphs/sentences. Some things have been written better/differently and others have been completely changed.

If you have read this already I want you to know I have edited the story. Please fill free to reread it and make some comments if necessary or if you notice an error and/or mess up.

The story line has not changed, it is still the same story. I have just made it better to read and hopefully have more engaging audiences.

If you have not read this story before and is now reading it after the edit, I hope you enjoy the newly freshened up version.

Thank you to all those who have read this story. :)

Noah Flynn X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now