chapter two: you have (1) unread email

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getting an eviction notice was not on my 2023 bingo card. at all.

I had exactly one week, til they wanted me out. and I had no where to go. fuck. taking a picture of the letter, I quickly sent it to my mom and best friend with a text saying "what the fuck do I do?????????".

immediately after that text went through, I got an incoming call. 'MAMA 🤍' the screen read. I felt a surge of sadness and anxiety go through my entire body. "hi mom" I began quietly. she asked why I hadn't paid rent the last two months as the starter of our conversation. I wanted to change the subject, but I felt I had no choice but to tell her about my recent difficulties in life.

I told her how everything was perfect and then my job let me go, and I couldn't escape my bed for a week. how i've been submitting at least 10 applications everyday, and doing at least 3 interviews every week since then, and i've been rejected from them all.

"I feel like i'm going crazy mom. why won't anyone hire me? I don't want to be homeless and jobless." my chest feels heavy, as the tears just keep falling. "honey... you can always come home. you know theres always a room waiting for you if you ever need it here" my mom spoke with such a soft delicacy. as if she knew I might break completely if she seems too hard on me.

after another hour on the phone with her, and reminding her I didn't want to have to rely on her or be a nuisance to her, I decided I would spend the rest of today looking for jobs and then start packing up my home tomorrow.

logging onto my laptop, I checked my email.

Hi Maria. You have (1) unread email. Click here to view.

I clicked on the link. It was an email from an individual, and not from a company I applied for, unfortunately.

"Hello Ms. Sanchez.
My name is Matt Dierkes, I am the assistant to Mr. Noah Sebastian. I've seen your chef work on your instagram which lead me to here.
Mr. Sebastian is an extremely important, and busy man. He has been struggling to make time for healthy eating. I've discussed with him about looking for an in home, private chef.
I've looked around for many people, but your work seems different. As if you put genuine love and care into each dish you make. I also may have stumbled across your resume on an online jobsite, and you seem well suited for the job.
I'm hoping I've found you at a good point in your life, where you may be able to interview and consider this job as a future.
You can either email me back at this email, or call me at (818) 586-4942.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,
Matt Dierkes."

well. what the hell just fell into my lap?

I quickly type a response to the mysterious man. a quick hello and that i'd love to set up an interview with him.

I decided to do a little stalking myself, and looked his name up on instagram. he was certainly attractive, especially with all of the artwork that lined his body.

by the middle of the day he had emailed me back. my interview with him and Mr. Sebastian was at noon tomorrow. I emailed him back and confirmed that time worked perfectly for me because honestly, what else am I going to be doing? Drowning in sadness? Yeah.

I decided now was best to start packing up my house since this job lead seems more promising than the rest were. hopefully, if they like me, I can be hired and find a place to live quickly.

packing always seemed like such a trivial task. I wish I could afford to have a moving company to pack all my shit up. not that I even have a lot, its just so annoying to do, and quite sad for me since I loved my little studio apartment.

by the end of the afternoon I finished packing up my living room and most of my bedroom. granted, my living room and bedroom were the same room, I couldn't quite pack up my sleeping area just yet, and still needed my bathroom things and cooking stuff until I got fully evicted.

I jogged to the market down the street and picked up a couple of things I needed for my dinner tonight. Noodles, sauce, garlic bread. I decided on a simple spaghetti to get me through the next few days until i'm homeless.

spaghetti was always an easy dinner for me to make, and one of my favorites. after twenty minutes, everything was finished and I ate my entire plate, plus a little extra.

I packaged everything away, and got back to packing. all of my clothes fit in my suitcase. all of my shoes fit in one box. all of my pictures and other homey decorations fit in one box. by 10pm my entire life was packed away besides little things or necessities.

I laid on my bed, dreaming and hoping this job interview went well tomorrow. The second I threw my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes., they didn't open again until it was bright outside.

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