chapter fifteen: thigh highs

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Noah's POV:

I woke up in a haze. I don't usually drink the night before work, so this would definitely bite me in the ass in the morning. I checked my phone, and it read 2:17am. I audibly sighed. Looking around, Maria and Jolly were asleep out here as well.

I decided to bring her up to her bed. I slipped my arms under her knees and around her back, lifting her up gently. She stirred, but relaxed after I shushed her a little. I made my way upstairs, opened her door, and slid her blankets back from the bed. I set her down softly, and covered her up. I stopped for a second, pulling my phone out to text her something I've thought about for the last three days. 'Hey, I've decided I don't really care for you to have a uniform. I like your style so your outfits will do fine. See you in the morning, Ms. Maria.' I hit send, knowing her phone was downstairs, so it wouldn't wake her up.

I walked into her bathroom, and looked in a couple of drawers, finding a pack of make up removing wipes. I pulled two out, and made my way back to her. Wiping off all of her makeup the best I could. I threw the wipes away, and went back downstairs. Putting her phone in my pocket, and stopping in the kitchen to get her some water and Advil.

I went upstairs, plugged her phone in, and set the water and medicine down. I watched her sleep soundly for a few minutes. I couldn't hold it in, and I snapped a picture of her, setting it as her contact photo. She was beautiful, truly. I smiled at her, glancing at her one more time, before exiting her room and heading to my own.

Jolly is always fine sleeping on the couch, so I let him be. I stripped to my boxers, got in bed, and fell asleep soundly.

The morning.

Maria's POV:

I woke up to my alarm blaring, annoyingly. I sighed. Sitting up, my head immediately began pounding. I turned the alarm off, and saw a glass of water and Advil sitting on my bedside table. I took it quickly, and grabbed my phone.

1 Unread Message from Noah Sebastian

I opened the notification, and smiled at it. He's sweet. He must've put me to bed last night.

Flashes of the evening entered back into my mind. The feeling of his skin against mine. The way his tattoos felt. The way his eyes looked at me. The tears. All of it made my heart swell immensely.

I got up and went to the bathroom, starting the warm shower. Brushing my teeth, and smiling at the fact he tried to remove my make up. The hot shower felt amazing. I shaved my legs and armpits, and washed my face twice with my face wash. After finishing everything else, I stepped out, grabbed my hair towel and wrapped my hair up. Drying off my body and lotioning.

I finished my hair and makeup, walking out to my closet and grabbing a white skirt, with a black flowy sweater. I threw on a pair of black thigh highs, and my house slippers. It felt like a silly outfit with the slippers but I can manage.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs, pulling everything out to make a hangover breakfast. My special hangover omelet, that contained a lot of veggies to help the immune system. A fruit salad to go on the side. Bacon and sausage links cooked to perfection, and a special drink that will make the hangover nonexistent all together.

It was 8:15am, when Mr. Sebastian made his way downstairs, wearing a white button up, and black slacks. "Good morning, Mr. Sebastian! I hope you slept well." I addressed him with a genuine smile. He looked miserable, but a smile fell on his face after I greeted him.

"Morning Ms. Maria. Thanks for breakfast." I nodded, going to the living room to wake Jolly up.

"Helloooooo. Living world to Jollyyyyyy. It's time for breakfast." After a few shakes, he woke up. He looked worse than Mr. Sebastian and I combined. "Come on handsome, time to eat and feel better." He nodded and followed me to the kitchen. I set a plate of food in front of him, and I'm pretty sure his eyes changed colors. He was happy.

I ate with them, standing on the cooking side of the island. I didn't feel the need to sit while I ate. Small moans left their mouths as they devoured their breakfast, I was presented with two empty plates from them. Jolly spoke up, I think jokingly, "Maria. I need to marry you, seriously. That was the most delicious food I've ever had in my entire life and my hangover is gone."

I smiled and laughed, "it's my hangover cure. Make it for anyone anytime there's a hangover present and it gets rid of it." My eyes slowly moved to Mr. Sebastian, who looked irritated with Jolly. "Was it good, Mr. Sebastian?" I asked, feeling like a mouse afraid of a cat.

"It was delicious. I agree that it made my hangover go away. Thank you for taking care of us, Ms. Maria." I smiled brightly, "no problem boss man, it's my job... do you have any requests for lunch today?" He shook his head at me, and told me to make whatever I wanted. He headed into his office, grabbing his coffee to take with him.

Jolly sat in the kitchen with me while I cleaned up the dishes. "You're gonna change him, you know?" I shook my head, "what do you mean?" I looked at him puzzled. "He's never said thank you to a woman before... not since his ex." I laughed. Thats not possible? "He doesn't have manners?" I questioned him.

"He has manners, just not to women since his ex left him. His ex broke him so, he stopped respecting them for the most part. Not necessarily by choice... he just couldn't look at them the same way after her." I frowned to his response, that's not anything like what Mr. Sebastian has shown me so far...

"Anyway, I'm gonna head out, thank you for the delicious breakfast, Maria. Don't forget to text me so I have your number!" He hugged me, and went on his way.

I scrolled through my contacts, and saw his name "Jolly Sexiest Man Alive". I laughed at the memory of last night, in our drunken state, him putting his number in my phone so we could 'gossip' about Mr. Sebastian. I shot him a quick, 'hey it's Maria' message.

The day seemed to drag. I gave Mr. Sebastian his lunch and a smoothie. He came out of his office around 1, putting his dishes in the sink and going outside to work out. I let myself watch him while I caught up on the dishes. A handful of times, we made eye contact, to where I would look away with a blush coating my cheeks.

He came in, changed back into his work outfit, and went back to his cave.

Dinner wasn't much different. He wasn't done by 5 today, so I gave it to him in his office, with a glass of water and a napkin, like usual.

1 Unread Message from Noah Sebastian

'I'd like my drink at 7:30 tonight, please and thank you.' I responded by reacting to his message with a thumbs up.

At 6:30, I went back into his office to grab his dishes, cleaning up the area and relaxing for a little bit. Scrolling on my phone, until a message from Jolly appeared at the top.

It was a photo of Mr. Sebastian and I from last night, we were mid laugh sitting on the couch together. His hand rested on my thigh, and mine on his forearm. The intimacy of the photo made my cheeks heat immediately.

"Jolly send you that?" His voice came out of no where. I quickly locked my phone and looked down at my legs. His hand came up, and squeezed my shoulder.

I swallowed a sip of my water, and looked at him, nodding my head a little. He smiled at me, "can you send me it? We look adorable." I nodded, not thinking he'd actually want the photo.

I made his drink, and set it in front of him. "Come here." Fell from his lips. I nodded, and stood next to him. He swiveled around in the barstool seat. His hands moving down towards my thigh. He hooked one of his fingers around the material, and let it slap back onto my thigh, "I like these, keep wearing them whenever you have a skirt on." I could smell a different type of whiskey on his breath. He was probably drinking in his office today. I nodded, my face noticeably hot. "I can do that, sir."

"Let me know when you go to bed." I told him quietly, and headed up to my room. I quickly changed into my pajamas, and sat in bed. After another half hour, he came and said goodnight.

I went downstairs and finished up the two remaining dishes, and started the dishwasher. Once I made it back up to my room, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and then laid back down. I fell asleep instantly.

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