~ unbelievable ~

378 9 0

Ruby's perspective

The man wears all black as he leans on the worn-out wood of my door frame. His arms are crossed showing his bulging biceps and a small tattoo.

He has sharp features and obvious stubble, but I don't see any identification on him.

"Hello," his voice is deep and menacing, "I'm with the police,"

"How can I help you?"

"We have reason to believe Ethan Woods might attempt contact with you. Have you heard from or seen him? We need to bring him in."

I furrow my eyebrows slightly. I don't buy a fucking word that leaves his mouth.

"Ma'am, this is extremely important."

"Can I see a badge?" I snap.

He snickers and I take a step back.

"I must've left it in the car." A pause, "I need to search your house."

I glare at him. "Without a warrant? No."

His lips are tucked up in a grin but it doesn't reach his eyes. "A normal person in your situation would be more than willing to help in a police investigation, unless... you're hiding something?"

I'm confident that Ethan could find a good hiding spot, but I'm not about to let an unidentified stranger in my home.

"I. Said. No."

"That attitude could land you in trouble, little missy,"

The air becomes thick and he reaches behind him.

I slam the door shut, locking it quickly and jumping back.

Fuck, please don't shoot through my door.

"Ethan!" I whisper yell while making my way around the corner.

My heart races when I can't find him but before I can search properly a hand clasps my mouth and I almost have a heart attack.

"Shhh, he picked the lock, we have to run,"

I flip around. "Where?"

He scans the room until landing on the window.

"Ethan, I'm on the 10th floor."


He walks over and flings it open. Beads of sweat drip down my forehead as I stare down at the long fall.

Rain falls, wetting the stone walls as dark clouds overrun the sky.

"I- I can't," I stutter, voice shaky.

He takes my hand, rubbing his finger over my palm. "Yes, you can. There's railing all around, we just need to climb down on them, see?"

I follow his finger as he points to a small ladder heading the rest of the way down.

"I'm scared of heights," I whisper.

He squeezes his lips together and kisses my cheek. "Baby, I won't let you fall,"

And with that, he steps through the frame and onto the windowsill below. I gasp as he tugs my hand forward.

"We need to hurry," He urges.

I clasp the frame as I make my way through. A tremor runs through my limbs as I turn around, still clinging to the window. I slowly lower my foot, searching for the bump indicating I can stand.

"It's alright baby, you're doing amazing, almost there,"

My toes touch down and a breath I didn't know I was holding escapes me in a gasp.

Finally, next to Ethan, he wraps an arm around my shoulder and my heart pounds against my chest as he shuffles down another step.

My knuckles are white from my hard grip as I lower myself again. His hand never leaves my lower back as I slowly drop down with him.

My fingers, slick with rain, grip the cold metal railing as we continue going down and down. I steal a glance down and a dizzying abyss of misty darkness greets me.

I freeze, grabbing tighter to the railing as panic surges through me.

"N- no, I- I can't do this, E- Ethan we have to"

"Hey hey hey,"

Ethan's eyes meet mine.

"We can do this, Ruby, trust me,"

"W- what if we-"

"Baby, I will not let you fall." His words are determined yet reassuring and soothing against the backdrop of approaching sirens.

I nod slowly, taking a settling breath and we continue descending together. The rhythmic sound of metal creaking under our weight and the sharp pain in my hands become familiar as we approach the ground.

Finally, my feet hit the floor and my entire body shakes in relief.

Before I can celebrate the fact I'm still alive, red and blue lights approach rapidly and Ethan tugs at my hand. He pulls us around the building and into the sprawling city life.

The rain hides our footsteps as we run into the anonymity of a crowded marketplace. I glance back and get a glimpse of the man watching our escape. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I fling my head back around and my trembling legs go faster.

After navigating the labyrinth of marketplaces, we find ourselves deep in the city's core, surrounded by malls and shops. We seek refuge in a nearby café, collapsing onto the back corner table.

I pant, face flushed and coated in sweat as Ethan wraps an arm over my shoulder.

"Holy shit, we made it," I breathe.

He chuckles beside me. "That we did. We're safe now." His gentle words settle my mind slightly.

"There's no way that was your first time climbing down a building, you were so calm! It was scary," I say with a giggle.

"I just... I thought if I acted scared that would just make you more scared,"

"You were scared?"

He sucks in a deep breath. "Fuck Ruby, I would've shat my pants if you weren't there,"

I burst out laughing at his comment. "I would've pissed myself if you weren't below me,"

We sit there catching our breath while completely drenched for a moment, waiting for the sirens and heavy footsteps to pass before even thinking about food.

"What can I get for you?" The kind waiter asks.

"I'd like a slice of carrot cake and a chai latte please," I say.

Ethan stares at me for a moment and I watch the cogs turn in his head. "Uh..."

He turns back to the waiter. "A uh- strawberry milkshake and..." he trails off before peaking at the glass showcase, "Oh that frog cupcake looks cute, that too,"

I squeeze my lips together to stifle a laugh. When he turns back to me his face lights up red.

"H- hey! No judging,"

"No, no not... at all..." I mumble while struggling to hold back my amusement.

He groans and runs a hand through his now darkened hair. "Haven't had good food in ages,"

Realisation hits me at that moment. "That's so true, sorry, you should enjoy yourself!"

"Nah! Nah you're all good,"

I grin up at his hazel eyes. "We just climbed down a 10-story building and ran away from a creepy guy," I whisper.

He scoffs. "Fuck yeah!"

I raise my hands to my broad smile. "Unbelievable."

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