~ Married life is wild🌶️~

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Ethan's POV

Three weeks later.


I take long strides as I enter the living room. She's sitting there, hunched over her laptop with the phone to her ear. Tears stream down her rosy cheeks making my stomach twist, but I try to hold back as she finishes the call.

"What happened?" I ask finally, worry weighing my voice.

She turns to me, her fragile body shaking slightly. I pull her into my arms, my nails dragging along her back in attempts to sooth her.

"I'm just so stressed about the wedding, there's so much to do and such little time!"

"Oh love, I'm sure we'll be okay. You're doing such an amazing job and-"

"And it's so expensive! You don't even have a job right now! I mean, not one that's... stable,"

I sigh, "I'm sorry love, do want me to get an office job? Or I could work at-"

"James needs you, I can't just take you away from your life even if it's... well,"

She pauses, her reddened eyes finding mine.

"I'm sorry, love. Is there anything I can do to help ease the stress?"

Her body relaxes against mine as she sinks against my chest. "No, it's okay. But I'd appreciate a lift to the dress store,"

"Of course,"


One week later.


My heart thumps in my chest as I clasp my sweating hands in front of me. A few of my friends, James included, stand beside me and I notice some other unfamiliar faces on Ruby's side. One woman with striking red hair that curls down to her blue dress stares at me, well- glares, while the other two - both brunettes - giggle amongst themselves with their bouquet of flowers.

I try to ignore her as I look around. The remainder of my family sit in front of me. Erin is wearing a soft smile and a pink gown, I take a moment to observe her. She's come so far, gone through so much, yet here she sits looking the most beautiful she ever has while a smile. I admire the small lilies and tulips on each log seat, and the pastel pink strings of light above us.

Just as I'm about to check out Ruby's family, the pianist starts playing the elegant melody of Baby I'm Yours by Arctic Monkeys.

My heart stops as the murmur dies down and everyone turns to the isle. I take a settling breath as I look forward. Finally, our eyes meet.

Ruby stands in the doorframe of the church. Her white gown drapes all the way to the floor with a line of beautiful sheer fabric trailing behind her. She squeezes her lips together, a spike of fear flashing across her face as she takes the first step.

Her blue eyes stare into mine as her blonde waves frame her adorable face. Her cheeks are rosy, her eyelids coated in a light red sparkle and her lips tinted pink. She is... a masterpiece. Perfect.

Every step she takes locks me into a memorizing trance, every movement is pure elegance. My chest tightens as my eyes water. She's radiant and perfect and mine. She must see the intense emotions swelling within me because she giggles to herself slightly, a soft and reassuring smile spreading across her face and it lights up the entire garden.

I feel a squeeze on my shoulder which snaps me back to reality, James give me a smirk as a reminder to breathe and I give him a sigh laugh. I turn back and finally notice the old man walking besides her. His white hair curls up on the top of his head and then seems to drift his face in a long beard. He has blue eyes like hers only darker with age, and his smile is broad. His large hand places Ruby's into mine as he gives me a small nod.

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