~ Armageddon ~

207 5 1

Ethan's perspective

Ruby's muffled voice spills in from the next room. She hangs up and returns to us, her cheeks damp and eyes puffy.

"Baby, it's going to be okay..." I whisper, my hands clasping hers. 

"Yeah," she chokes out, "it will be okay," her eyes are cold as she stares at her feet, "I'll miss you,"

"Oh Ruby, I'm not going anywhere okay? We'll be so fast you won't even notice," I tilt her chin and obverse her face. My eyes trace her outline, her lips, her nose, her rosy cheeks. She's beautiful. She's mine. "I love you,"

Her expression softens, "I love you too, Ethan,"

I suck in a deep breath and turn to James. "Ready?"

He leans against the kitchen table, arms crossed over his chest. He gives a nod and swing a bag over his shoulder. "Let's do this," he hits my shoulder, "it'll be good to see your sister again,"

I clench my jaw. "Better treat her right man,"

He smiles, "that's the plan,"

With that, we get into the truck and make our way to the base.

The sun sets over the ocean turning the midnight blues to a crystal orange as we pull up. "Ruby, take this," I lean in and kiss her forehead while placing a hand gun to her palm. "Stay safe,"

She nods. Her arms wrap around my neck as she pulls me into her, her lips pressing to mine as she kisses me deeply. I groan into her mouth before she backs away, "you too,"

James an I make our way to the side, we press our backs to the cold stone wall as I look around the corner. "Clear," I whisper before swinging a rope up to the window. James picks the lock and we climb inside.

I adjust the strap of my backpack while James opens the next door. He signals for me to hurry up as he paces a few steps ahead. The dimly lit hallway is coated in old portraits and display guns, I almost get lost in my thoughts until James smacks my arm, pointing to the guards ahead.

I groan, rolling my shoulder before leaping forward. My fist makes contact with his skull, hitting him to the wall as he slumps to the floor. The next man charges at me, an axe in hand. I duck, rolling him onto my shoulder and throwing him to the floor. I slip the axe from his hand and slam the base into his neck, cutting off his airway.

As the two struggle on the floor, we notice the doors to the basement. "Perfect," James whispers with a grin. The heavy metal door swings open and we continue down the staircase.

I clench my jaw as we hit the bottom and look out along the cells. Most look either empty or have bony man with long, tangles hair. My stomach drops at the thought of Erin being treated like them. "Erin?" I call out in a low voice. No reply. "Erin, are-"

"Ethan?" A faint voice returns my cell and I sprint over. I slide onto the floor, Erin's face finally coming into view. Her blue eyes beam up at me as James picks the lock. As soon as I hear the click I throw the gate open and wrap her in my arms.

"Fuck, I was so scared you wouldn't be here..."

She sobs into my shoulder as I rock us. I notice purples and yellows all over her body and my stomach drops, but her beating heart makes me ease up.

"Look, I'm sorry to break up the reunion, but we have to go..." I glare at James, but I know he's right.

I wrap my arm around her frail waist and pick her up. She rests her head on my chest as we climb the staircase. However, once we get to the top a circle of armed men form around us.

God himself stands in front of me with a smile. "Gotcha,"

They all raise their guns. I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing for the worst. Loud bangs and smashing glass erupt from all around and I snap my eyes back open. I furrow my eyebrows as we look out the closet window only to find blue and red light greeting us.


We turn, running the other way as cops smash in doors. "Freeze!" The cops yell from behind us.

"No! We have to get back to R-"

A pulse of pain buzzes through me and I stumble to the ground. I cough as my body vibrates, electricity stinging my whole body.

I drop Erin and watch her crawl closer to the door, but it's no use. I scream and fight as they handcuff me and pick Erin up. They drag us to the front door and the bright lights blind me for a moment. Once they finally adjust, I see God kneeling in the middle of a circle of armed police.

Then I see Ruby.

Her wide eyes watch me as I'm shoved into a police car, she doesn't falter as they slam the door closed. My heart stops as they start chatting with her, I make out the words "thanks for the tip," and the whole world fades out.

I try to get her attention but the engine starts and I'm hauled off to jail.

Three days pass as I sit through court proceedings, listen to yelling and fighting of juries and lawyers. People want me dead, people want me in jail. But... somehow, I only get five years.

"You should thank Miss Winters for that son!" My lawyer yells with a grin. "Convinced the judge that you lead to the downfall of God himself!" He bursts into laughter, but I'm frozen in place.

"Is she... okay?" I ask, voice cracking.

"Yup, her and your sister are going to be living together from on, you can see them again in five years buddy, less if you behave! Though I doubt you will,"

I'm in the same cell as I was before. Before I met Ruby. The same shitty, concrete box. Not the nice one they put me in for her, not even the one with a plastic wall in the middle. No. The box with the bars. The one with one metal, smelly toilet and a hard, foldable bed.

I get the usual food now too, mash potatoes, bread and cheap chicken. Sometimes all we get is stew and porridge. The people are the same too. Only this time, God is in the time-out room and all his goonies are out here with me.

"Welcome back to the shithole," Alex laughs. "Need a buddy? Maybe a fresh tat?"

I nod, memories of Ruby's tender kiss before she betrayed me flooding my mind. "Do whatever," I groan while sitting on the press bench. "Just make it hurt."


Might go back and edit this lol, I don't know how to write action well.

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