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Ivory ducked as a Scorch Beast swung a tail at her. She opened the hatch and jumped into the truck.

"If we're gonna make it out alive, Mira, you're gonna have to pick up the pace."

Mira yelped and swerved around another Scorch Beast as it leaped at them. "I know, I know! Don't pressure me, I have enough stress!"

Ivory turned to the three other men in the truck. "Get ready. We may have to bail."

They nodded and prepared for the emergency getaway. Ivory climbed back up and aimed her guns at the huge creatures. She was glad it was dark. She didn't want to see them in detail. Their sounds and gurgles and roars were all she needed. Ivory looked off and squinted, then gasped as her eyes widened.

"Bail bail bail bail bail!" She opened the hatch. "Queenie Scorch Horse is coming! Mira, get out of the driver's seat and get over here!" Mira put a brick on the petal and tied the wheel in place. She grabbed her backpack and ran up to Ivory. "Why aren't we leaving?!"

"We haven't repaired the emergency escape since the last time we used it!" one of the men said, pulling a lever.

Ivory glanced out a window and jumped at Mira. "Get down!" At that moment, the queen Scorch Horse side-rammed the truck. Ivory felt herself tumble around, her head hitting the ground hard. She groaned, standing up once the truck was still again. She glanced down and saw blood on her arm. "Crap," she hissed, then helped Mira to her feet.

Mira groaned. "We need to get out of here before she comes back for another round."

Ivory nodded. "We can't get out through the hatch," she pointed down. "The truck is upside-down."
Mira pulled on the side door of the truck. "This still works!" Ivory pulled her gun out and cocked it, then grabbed two blades and handed it to Mira. "Come on." They crawled out of the truck, glancing around and listening for the Scorch Beasts.

"Maybe they ran after the other truck?" Mira suggested.

Ivory shook her head. "No. That can't be it. Queenie was pretty determined to take us down."

Mira turned around and gasped. "Yup. And she still is!" Ivory whipped around, grabbing Mira's arm. "Run!" The queen Scorch Horse was running at them with three more flanking her sides. She roared a winny, the sound rattling the air. Ivory urged Mira on. "Don't look back!" Mira nodded, her breaths quickening with each step. Ivory spotted the huge structure they'd seen on their way and pointed to it. Mira understood and veered left, glancing over her shoulder.
"They're gaining on us!"

Ivory didn't respond. It would slow her down. She grabbed Mira's wrist and ran faster. Mira sped ahead as they neared the structure. She pointed at a pair of double doors and Ivory nodded. When they got there, Ivory pounded on it and pulled on it. Finally, with a huff of anger, she pulled out her pistol and fired at the knob and lock. Mira shoved the door open, dragging Ivory in with her. As soon as the door shut, silence fell over them. It was quiet except for their panting. Ivory linked her eyes with Mira and they both laughed.

"We survived!" Mira cheered, collapsing and sighing in relief.

Ivory stood up. "Aah, man. Maybe now I can deal with this." She rolled up her sleeve, revealing a long scratch on her arm.

Mira grimaced. "When'd you get that?"

Ivory rolled her eyes. "When Miss Grumpy-pants Queenie knocked the truck over. Stupid animal."

Mira mocked a huff, putting a hand over her chest. "Uh. How dare she."

Ivory laughed, sitting down on the ground and digging through her bag. She pulled out a flashlight, clicked it on, then examined her scratch.

"Eh. Not too bad. No stitches needed."

Mira sighed again. "What a relief!"

Ivory pulled out bandages and wrapped her arm with it, then stood up and shouldered her backpack. "Okay. Let's figure out where we are."


They wandered around for a while. They were in a fairly large room with a stone floor and screens everywhere. They didn't really focus on those though. On the other side of the room, there was another pair of doors that had the words: "THE MAZE" written on it in bold letters. Mira and Ivory exchanged confused looks.

"Should... we open it?" Mira asked, reaching forward even as she said it.

Ivory bit her lip. "Sure. Why not? It's not like we haven't been almost killed a dozen times already and done stupid things to get in those positions."

Mira smirked, opening the doors with confidence. Ivory followed her, her jaw dropping. They walked through a tunnel, going through another pair of doors, and entered something that made them freeze. Ivory beamed the flashlight everywhere, not being able to comprehend the reality plainly in front of them.
"This... can't be for real, right?" Mira asked, as mystified as Ivory was. Walls, huge, massive, colossal, and as tall as the sky surrounded them. They walked forward slowly, trying to wrap their minds around this. That's when they heard it. The rattling of metal, scraping, and the gurgling sounds of a creature. Mira and Ivory's eyes fell on something larger than the Queen Scorch Horse.

"Mira..." Ivory started, but Mira was already pulling out her gun and cocking it. The creature's head whipped towards them, roaring.

"Run!" Ivory's mind raced and a stupid plan formed in an instant. Mira fired at the creature and took off after Ivory.

"What are you doing?!"

"Trust me!" Ivory raised her spear, getting ready to throw it. Once they were close, Ivory hurled it as hard as she could and listened to the satisfying squelch as it hit its mark. The creature lurched back, shrieking in pain and fury. Ivory and Mira ducked under it and ran faster. The creature whipped around, flailing its legs at them. Ivory grunted as one leg collided with her and sent her flying into one of the stone walls. Her head hit the stone and her vision and thoughts became muddy, slow. Ivory groaned, standing up. Black dots were crowding her vision and her ears were ringing. Mira... where was she? She fought back unconsciousness and flashed the light around. She saw Mira on the ground and for a split second thought she was dead. But Mira moved and stood up, stumbling over to Ivory.

"We have to get out of here," she slurred. Ivory glanced back at the creature. "Yeah." They stumbled away, rounding a corner. They did this for what felt like an eternity and finally just collapsed against the walls. Mira laid her head against the wall.

"This seems like a good place to die."

Ivory shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Don't you dare die. We'll wait until sunup and start exploring this place." There had to be other people in the structure. It was a good place to hide from all the other beasts. They just had to deal with those... whatever they were.

Ivory collapsed next to Mira and sighed. "I feel like sleeping."

Mira nodded. "Yeah. Let's... Sleep..." Ivory's head lulled to the side and she finally fell into unconsciousness. 

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