Chapter 11: Newt's POV

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Newt glanced down at the pile of ashes around him, kicking at some burnt pieces of wood with a frown.

"Either Teresa was extremely smart burning that Griever, or really dumb," Mira said next to him, looking at the pile of ashes with a dazed look.

"I don't know how she even knew fire would bloody work on them," Newt thought out loud, glancing at the slammer where Thomas and Teresa were being held.

"The better question is, why didn't the doors close?" Mira asked, shaking her head with a huff. "First, Minho, Thomas, and Ivory find a possible way out, then Ably wakes up and gives us some weird warning about Thomas, then the doors don't open,"

"I'm not blaming Thomas for this, or Teresa for that matter too," Newt said, frowning at her.

Mira crossed her arms, glaring at Newt. "All this crap happened when those two appeared. There is no way those two aren't connected to this," Mira raised an eyebrow at him.

Newt sighed, shaking his head as he glanced around the Glade. "There is no bloody way two people could cause this much destruction." Newt waved a hand at the burnt buildings and debris scattered everywhere.

Mira blinked, glancing at the glade with what looked like sadness, but it was gone faster than it appeared, leaving Newt to wonder what she was thinking about.

"You said you wanted to protect everyone, so maybe keeping Thomas and Teresa locked up will keep them safe,"

Newt groaned, not wanting to discuss something like this right now, especially with Mira who seemed to be as stubborn as Minho, maybe more. He sent a quick glance around the glade, looking for something to change the subject.

"Where's Ivory?" He asked, not seeing her anywhere. Mira frowned at him, and Newt knew that she wasn't fooled by his subject change, but she didn't say anything as she shrugged.

"Don't know, her and Winston ran off to the woods sometime last night," Mira said absentmindedly, glancing at the woods with another shrug. "I pretty sure she's looking for a way out though,"

Newt sighed again. "I swear it seems like you two know bloody more about the maze than we do," He said. He saw Mira glare at him, and expected her to say something sarcastic or something, but was surprised when she turned away from him and quickly walked away, her whole body tensed. Newt stood there, confused, trying to figure out why she reacted the way she did. A few days ago, if he had said something like that, she would have given him a grin and would have told him something that would make him laugh. But ever since Ably had woken up, Mira and Ivory both seemed...quiet, and more serious. And if Newt was being honest to himself, it worried him, a lot.

Deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice Minho coming up next to him until he spoke right behind him.

"Teresa said Thomas is improving a bit," Minho told him, crossing his arms. Newt nodded, still trying to figure out what was wrong with Mira.

"Okay, I'll head over there in a second," He said, not seeing Minho's slightly angry glance to the woods.

"Has Ivory returned yet?" Minho asked, not taking his eyes off the woods.

"No, Mira said something about her and Winston looking for a way out," Newt told him, glancing at the woods, then to where he could still see Mira walking away.

"She looks mad," Minho commented, giving Newt a look. "How on earth did you make Mira mad?"

"I have no bloody clue," Newt confessed. "One minute we're just talking, the next she's walking away angrily. She's confusing as she can be,"

Minho snickered, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure you talking is enough to make anyone mad," He shot, slapping Newt on his shoulder.

"Haha, very funny," Newt said dryly. "Come on, let's find Ivory and Winston before Ivory causes more bloody trouble,"

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