Chapter 4: Mira's POV

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Mira woke up to bright sunlight streaming through the leaves of the trees. She sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Mira looked over to Ivory, surprised to see her still in bed. Usually, she was up before Mira, watching the boys go around doing their business. She pulled the blankets off her and stood up, pushing her hair out of her face, and walking over to a makeshift dresser.

Grabbing her jacket from the top basket, she pulled it on and walked over to the door, grabbing her daggers too. Just in case Mira thought as she walked out the door, closing it softly to not wake up Ivory. She decided to see what the boys were doing. Quietly walking through the forest, she made her way to the edge of the trees. She chose a tree that was right at the edge and started climbing. Mira spotted a branch that was good enough to sit on and watch the boys. Reaching the branch, she leaned against the trunk of the tree and sat with her legs straight out in front of her. Looking at the glade, she smiled. Most of the boys were just getting up, while a few others were already starting the day. Mira spotted the cook searching his food supplies vigorously, making sure nothing was stolen. Mira smirked, she and Ivory had taken some food last night for dinner while everyone went to bed. A loud yell from the cook told Mira he noticed, chuckling, she spotted the one they called Alby talking to the cute blonde boy she had teased last night. They looked like they were arguing over something. Probably over us, she thought. The other boy, who she had fought last night - was his name Gally? - stomped towards Ably and the blonde boy. The two boys told Gally something, whatever it was, it made Gally mad. He pointed to the forest and said something. Mira frowned, knowing Gally was talking about her and Ivy. The second boy pointed a finger at Gally's chest, telling him something. Gally turned on his heels and stalked back to the homestead. Bored, Mira decided to go grab some food from the kitchen. Hopping down from the tree, she looked around the glade, making sure everyone was doing something. When she knew it was safe, she walked along the treeline, not wanting to be seen yet. She got to the edge of the forest, the kitchen was only twenty feet away. Mira waited until the cook had his back turned before she ran over to the kitchen. Grabbing an apple that was sitting in a basket by the edge of the kitchen, she smiled and started walking back to the forest


The voice made Mira jump. Turning around, she spotted Blondie walking towards her. She placed her free hand on her hips and glared at him.

"I'm eating blondie," she told him. The boy frowned and crossed his arms. Mira smiled and took a bite of her apple "Whatcha want?" the boy shook his head

"Well first, I want you to stop calling me blondie, my name is Newt," He told her. Mira's smile grew wider and she tilted her head

"Nah, Blondie is much better," Mira said. Newt let out a sigh and rolled his eyes

"Whatever, second thing, you can stop stealing from Frypan, you guys are gladers now, you can eat with us now," Newt told her. Mira placed a finger on her chin and thought for a moment

"How ', we don't trust most of the gladers. And I'm sure most of them don't trust us," Mira said. Newt rubbed his chin and studied Mira.

"At least stop bloody stealing from Frypan," he pleaded. Mira could hear the impatience in his voice. She knew they didn't want to yell at her, and that made it all more fun. She looked at Newt and shrugged

"And if I say no?" she taunted. She watched as Newt tried to figure out how to answer her. Mira took another bite out of her apple and pointed to the kitchen "Just because Ably told everyone to treat us like gladers, doesn't mean we'll all of a sudden submit to his authority and rules. Me and Ivy had lived on our own for as long as we remember. We don't know you guys, we don't trust you guys, I only fought Gally so she and I could live in the forest without you guys trying to put us in the Slammer as you guys call it, and as much as you don't want to admit it's the same thing as a prison. Just let me and Ivy do what we usually do, take some chickens now and then, and grab a bit of food from Frypan. Leave us alone, we'll leave you alone,"

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