Chapter 2: Newt's POV

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The bonfire was huge, at least eight feet tall, and very wide. Frypan and a few other Gladers were passing out small plates of roast pork and rice. Newt snagged a jar of Gally's drink from one of Frypan's friends, taking a swig of it before walking around. He listened to the laughter and conversations and jokes passing around the Gladers, smiling. Some called out hellos to Newt as he passed by. He waved to them and walked over to Frypan, looking for some food. Frypan was busy talking to Winston when he walked over though.

"Yeah. Nearly as fast as most Runners. Maybe faster," Frypan was saying.

Winston snorted. "I'll believe it when I see it."

When Newt walked up next to them, Frypan grinned. "Newt! Just the guy I needed to talk to."

Newt sighed, rolling his eyes. "What do you need help with now?"

Frypan's smile turned to a scowl. "More food is missing today."

Newt let out a deep, heavy sigh. Frypan had been complaining every week for nearly a month now about missing food and was getting tired of this.

"Have you tried locking it?" he asked.

Frypan shook his head in dismay. "Tried it. Didn't work. They pick the lock."

Newt was struck with a good dose of surprise. "They picked the lock?"

Frypan nodded and a slight frown crossed his face

"And someone has been stealing animals," Winston piped in, making Newt sigh in annoyance and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Go to Ably, he's first-in-command, not me," he said, wishing he could just grab his food. But to his annoyance, both boys shook their heads.

"He said it's probably just some Gladers messing around. But this has been going on for nearly a month. It's getting annoying." Frypan complained, not seeing Newt roll his eyes.

"Can I just enjoy tonight? We can talk about this tomorrow." Newt told them, hoping they'll leave him alone. Frypan and Winston both sighed, but they let him grab some food and leave. A little ways from the fire, Newt spotted the greenie sitting at a log with his back to the fire. Newt walked over and sat down next to him. The greenie looked at him in surprise, scooting so Newt could sit next to him.

Newt sighed and took a sip of his drink. "Remember your name yet?"

The greenie shook his head in dismay. "No. I wish I knew what was going on."

"I understand." Newt handed the drink to the greenie "You tried this yet?"

The greenie studied the drink, then took a sip, immediately coughing it out.

Newt laughed, taking his drink back. "As expected. Newbies always cough the first time they drink it."

"What is it?"

Newt shrugged, taking another sip. "Dunno," He glanced over his shoulder. "Gally made it. It's supposedly a secret."

The greenie snorted. "Don't you worry about that guy?"

Newt shook his head with a chuckle. "He saved your life today. Trust me, the Maze is dangerous,"

The greenie took another look around. "We're trapped here, aren't we?" he asked. Newt sighed, taking a sip of his drink.

"For the moment. see those guys? There, by the fire?" He asked, pointing to where Minho and the other runners sat. The greenie nodded. "Those are the Runners. The guy in the middle there is Minho. He's the Keeper of the Runners. Every morning, when those doors open, they run the Maze...mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out,"

The greenie looked back at the runners. "How long have they been looking?"

"Three years,"

"And they haven't found anything?" the greenie asked, a little scornfully.

Newt shot him a glare. "It's a lot easier said than done. Listen. Hear that?" Newt asked as noises came from the maze. The greenie looked around fearfully, making Newt smirk. "It's the maze, changing. It changes every night,"

The greenie looked at him in disbelief. "How is that even possible?" He asked. Newt smirked, taking a swig of his drink.

"You can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet them," New told him, setting down his drink. "Listen, the truth is....the runners are the only ones who really know what's out there. They are the strongest and fastest of us all. And it's a good thing to...because if they don't make it back before those doors close...then they are stuck out there for the night. And no one has ever survived a night in the maze,"

"What happens to them?"

"We call them Grievers. Of course, no one's ever seen one and lived to tell about it," Newt explained. "But they're out there,"

There was silence between both boys for a moment as they each thought over the conversation. Finally, Newt drank the last bit of his drink and slapped the greenie on his shoulder.

"Right, that's enough questions for one night. Come on. You're supposed to be the guest of honor" He said, standing up and pulling the greenie up with him. The greenie starts to protest, but Newt quiets him with a shake of his head. "No! No, come on. Let me show you around," The greenie gave up and followed Newt around the fire as he introduced him to everyone.

"And there, we got the builders. They're very good with their hands, but not a lot going upstairs " Newt told him as they passed a group of gladers. "And then we got Winston...he's the Keeper of Slicers. And we got two Med-jacks, Clint and Jeff,"

"Hey, what's up?" Clint asked as Newt and the greenie passed them. Newt nodded hello and gave both med-jacks a wave.

"They spend most of their time bandaging up the Slicers," He explained, looking around the bonfire. He smiled as a few of the boys passed him.

"What if I want to be a runner?"

The greenie's question made Newt roll his eyes. Every month, a new greenie comes in and Newt explains how the glader works, and every month they ask the same question. It was kinda annoying.

"Have you listened to a word I've just said? No one wants to be a runner. And, besides, you've gotta get chosen," Newt explained, hoping the greenie would leave it at that.

"Chosen by who?" The greenie asked. But luckily, Newt was saved from answering when Gally pushed Dave out of their fight circle and into the greenie. While Dave exchanged laughs and jokes with his friends, Gally studied the greenie, a gleam in his eyes. Newt knew what was about to happen.

"What do you say, Greenie?" Gally asked. "Wanna see what you're made of?"

The greenie shook his head. "N-no, I'm good."

A moan of disappointment rang through the boys, including Newt.

"Why not shank? Afraid you'll klunk your pants?"

The greenie began considering this, then stepped into the circle.

"Fine." A cheer erupted from the other boys and they gathered once more into a circle.

Newt grinned. "This will be fun" He exchanged amused looks with Frypan and Winston, who both knew the greenie was about to get pummeled. Gally explained the rules, and they were at it. Gally taunted the greenie as they stumbled around. Newt watched the greenie try his best but chuckled in amusement as he tripped into the dirt. The greenie didn't get up immediately, making Newt wonder if he was okay.

"Thomas," He said, getting up. "My name is Thomas!"

Some boys patted him on the back and congratulated him on remembrance. Newt was grinning and about to walk over when someone shouted.

"Hey! Someone's stealing animals!"

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