Chapter 7: Ivory's POV

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Ivory yawned and sat up, awake in time to see Mira walk into her room. Mira noticed her awake and grinned, leaning in the doorway.

"There's a new greenie. Girl this time."

Ivory yawned again. "Anything else?"

"I suggested we kill Eagle brow and blame it on the greenie, but Newt wasn't too fond of that idea."

Ivory smirked and stood up, stretching. "Nice. I'm going to go find something to eat. I'm famished!"

Ivory wandered out of the woods and to Frypan's kitchen, where she leaned against a wall and called his name. Frypan came hurrying out and his eyes slightly flashed with nervousness.

Ivory laughed. "I'm not gonna steal from you again. I just want some food, that's all. I decided to ask this time." She winked, and he sighed in relief.

"Come on in," he waved for her to follow him inside. He handed her a sandwich and she bit into it gratefully. Winston came inside, also seeking food. He gave Ivory a grin.

"I guess we had the same idea. Good nap?"

Ivory nodded. "The best. I just hope I sleep tonight."

Winston laughed and shoved part of the sandwich into his mouth, wiping a sleeve across his sweaty forehead. "Did Mira tell you about the new greenie?"

Ivory nodded. "Little surprising, huh?"

He shrugged. "I think we'd better get used to the idea of girls in the Glade."

Ivory winked. "Sure do." She was about to walk out of the kitchen when Minho popped in, glancing at all of them in turn.

"Thomas wants to check out the dead Griever. Figured you might like to join us."

Winston's eyebrows furrowed. "Seriously?" He met Ivory's eyes. "What about you?"

"Yes." Ivory grinned and stood beside Minho. When Frypan and Winston didn't move, she let out an exasperated sigh and dropped her arms. "Seriously you guys. It's a dead Griever. And no one will see us go in."

Winston and Frypan exchanged looks and reluctantly followed them. Ivory skipped to catch up with Minho's fast walk and grinned again. "So. What do you expect we'll find?"

He scoffed. "Uh, a squashed Griever."

Ivory rolled her eyes. "Like that's obvious. But what if there's more to the Griever's..."

Minho stopped for a second. "What do you mean?"

Ivory shook her head. "Never mind."

The six of them met behind the Runner hut in the forest, then from there entered the Maze. They jogged down corridors before they came to where Ivory had been not too long ago, saving the other boys' butts.

"That's disgusting," Zart commented once they arrived.

"There's something in there," Thomas said, peering in between the walls.

Frypan gaped at him. "You mean besides a Griever pancake?"

Minho and Thomas exchanged glances before Minho neared the wall. Zart took a nervous step backward.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what are you doing?"

Ivory crossed her arms and fixed him with a "seriously?" look. He flinched away from her and Minho reached into the wall. Something clicked and he blinked. Suddenly, the legs twitched toward Minho, startling all of them and making Minho skip backward.

"I thought you said that thing was dead!" Frypan accused, more and more scared.

"Maybe it was a reflex?" Zart suggested.

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