Chapter 3: Minho's POV

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Minho looked up from what he was doing to see what the commotion was all about.

"Hey! What's going on?" he asked, running alongside some of the boys.

"Someone was stealing the animals!" one of them said. "We're chasing 'em now." He grabbed a torch and darted over to the group of boys that were going into the forest. Minho ran after them, running through all the names and who was all by the bonfire. If anyone was missing, they could have been the ones stealing some animals. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized everybody was there. Everybody was by the bonfire. So who could possibly have snuck away, and risked getting into trouble? Who would need animals, anyway?

He and a group of six other boys were walking now. They'd lost the thieves. All of a sudden, an arrow zipped out of the branches and whistled past Minho's ear.
"Whoa ho!" he jerked away, rubbing his ear even though he hadn't gotten hurt. He pointed at the branches. "They must be in the trees!"

"Don't come any closer!" A voice shouted. Minho's eyes widened. "It's... It's a girl! Hey, call the others!" He motioned to a boy. He nodded and darted off into the darkness. Minho directed his gaze back to the trees. "Come down and let's talk!"

"Why should we trust you?" a different voice said, but also a girl.

"There's shucking two of you?!" Minho rubbed the back of his head. What were they supposed to do with two mystery girls that appeared in the Glade and obviously were stealing animals?

"We just want to talk!" Another boy said when Minho didn't respond.

Minho shot him a glare, but didn't say anything.

The second girl spoke again. "I have a feeling that we have different definitions of "talking". Don't we?"

Minho smirked. These girls obviously knew how to take care of themselves. "Maybe. But we promise we'll just talk."

There was a rustle and then silence. The other Gladers came crashing over and Newt stopped beside Minho.

"I heard there were bloody girls in the Glade. You sure you're not finally going mad?"

Minho pretended he hadn't said that. "No. These are girls. Aren't you?" He called the branches.

"No, we're man-eating aliens sent here to kill all of you," the first girl said. Minho saw a few Gladers pass worried looks "Of course we're girls"

Newt raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I've dealt with weirder."

"No you haven't!" The second girl taunted.

"You think so?" Newt called up.

"Very certain," the first girl responded.

Alby huffed. "I've had enough of these games. Hey! Come down and let's discuss this. You have a lot of explaining to do."

"If I have this correct," The second girl spoke again. "We're the ones up here, and you guys are the ones down here. We're the ones who know this place better than you guys do. So... I'm pretty sure you can't tell us what to do."

Alby groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can we just talk?"

"We are," the first girl said, and a smile was evident in her voice.

"No, I mean face-to-face."

"I can see your face! Does that count?" the second girl chirped.

Alby threw his arms down in frustration. "Are you guys doing this just to see us get upset?"
"Not at first, but it is pretty funny watching you guys get angry." There was some chuckling from the branches.
Minho couldn't help but agree. These girls were something else. In his opinion, they were funnier than any boy in the Glade. They knew how to respond, they knew how to make their opponent fed up with it all. That was what he liked.

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