Chapter 8: Mira's POV

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Early the next morning, the Glade was waking up again, all of them still hearing the song from last night in their minds. It got them thinking, maybe the girls weren't dangerous, maybe they weren't what Gally said they were...

Mira huffed as she watched Gally talk angrily with Frypan and Newt, leaning against a tree trunk. I wonder if I could kill him and no one would notice she thought sourly, thinking that thought over for a minute. Nah. People would notice if it went quiet all of a sudden. She decided, pushing herself off the tree trunk and walking over to where the boys were talking. As she got closer, she could hear more of what they were saying.

"Newt! They're dangerous! And the longer we let them walk around free, the more danger we put ourselves in!" Gally was saying, pointing a finger at the woods. He and the others completely oblivious to Mira who was only a few feet behind Gally. Mira smirked as Newt huffed and crossed his arms.

"Gally, so far the only person who has complained about those girls is you. And may I remind you that one of them saved our bloody leader. If anything, these girls deserve our respect." He said, looking extremely stressed. Mira felt a small pang of guilt knowing she and Ivory were kinda the reason he was so stressed, but she pushed that aside as Gally started talking again.

"They pelted us with Apples! They broke our rules! We can't just le-"

"Are you boys talking about me?"

Mira cut off Gally as she placed both hands on his shoulder and leaned her chin on them. Gally, Frypan, and Newt all jumped, making Mira let out a small laugh.

"Get off me!" Gally growled, causing Mira to smirk.

"Calm down Eagle-brow," she said, removing her hands and placing them on her hips.

Gally gave her a dirty look and crossed his arms, towering over her. Despite the height difference, MIra glared back at him without any fear.

"What do you want now Mira," Newt asked, shaking his head slightly as Mira kept glaring at Gally.

"Nothing, it's just boring sitting in a tree for hours." She told him, turning her focus to him with a slight frown. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Frypan shot a scared look at the trees.

"Oh relax, you're fine. Unless it's eagle brow over here, then you might have to worry." Mira said, taunting Gally behind her. Mira heard Newt sigh again and looked at him.

"Yeesh, I'm just having some fun. No need to get all angry about it," She said, giving Newt a look. Newt groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Where's Ivory?" he asked, looking at Mira with a hopeful expression.

"Oh, you know. With Minho and Thomas at the weird hut thing in the forest," Mira said casually, flicking some tree bark off her sleeve and hearing Gally stomp away. Newt stared at Mira in disbelief

"She's where?!" he asked, visibly suppressing a sigh. "Only runners are allowed in there, and just because Ably let you and-"

Mira tuned out Newt's lecture and studied the walls behind him, her eyes slightly narrowed as she measured the height of it. Only seemed to be two hundred feet or so. Not impossible to climb, but pretty hard. She thought, mentally counting the number of vines she and Ivory would need to make a long enough rope to climb the walls. She turned her attention back to Newt who seemed to be finished talking and nodded.

"Yup, sure, I understand," she said, pretending that she had listened to him. But Newt sighed and shook his head

"You weren't listening, were you?" He asked, sharing a look with Frypan who shrugged and gave him a 'what-do-you-want-me-to-do?" look. Mira smiled, cocking her head.

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