Chapter 12: Minho's POV

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Minho glanced at Ivory who was running beside him. But she didn't notice him. In fact, it seemed like she wasn't paying attention to anyone, as if she was lost in some memory. And by the looks of it, it didn't seem to be a very pleasant memory, judging by her completely emotionless face. Emotionless, and colorless.

"Hey, Ivory," Minho urged in a hushed voice.

Her eyes flicked toward him for a minuscule of a second, but remained set on her path. "Yes?"

Minho furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

He couldn't forget about what had happened before they entered the maze. Mira and Ivory, standing over a lifeless body, unfazed... Almost as if they'd done it many times before. Almost as if they were used to it. All that blood...


Minho shook himself, realizing they had come to a stop. Ivory was staring at the ground, her eyebrows tight and a frown weighing down her lips. Minho gritted his teeth and grabbed her shoulder, turning her toward him and shaking her. She had to be on her a-game if they were going to get through the inevitable Grievers blocking their path.

"Hey. Look at me," he squeezed her shoulder.

Ivory whipped her head up to look at him, her eyes full of fear. "Yes?" she said more softly.

Minho let his hand drop, but held her gaze. "Snap out of it. We'll deal with... whatever happened, later. Right now, you and Mira need to get it together. We need you."

Ivory blinked, but nodded, hardening her eyes and forcing a grin. "You're right."

Minho smiled, but didn't let himself get too excited. The situation they were in was still heavy and serious. Lives were on the line, and they weren't even sure if what they were doing was going to get them out...

Thomas was talking to Chuck and Newt when he turned his focus towards him, and he was mentioning something about a Griever.

"Do you have the key?" Teresa asked Chuck.

Chuck shook his head, but before he could answer, Ivory piped up. "I do. Here."

She handed Chuck the key, then filled her empty hand with a shiny, heavy-looking dagger. Sharp, but thick. Enough to penetrate the Griever's skin...

"Alright," Thomas started. "Once we're through, it'll activate and the door will open. We stay close, we stick together. We get through this, we get out now." He met Minho and Newt's eyes. "Or we die trying."

Minho felt the adrenaline pumping furiously through his veins, and no doubt it was coursing through everyone else's as well.

"Okay. Let's go!" Thomas shouted, raising his spear and charging around the corner. Everyone followed, shouting (except Mira and Ivory, who only followed behind), ready to take down the first Griever.

As soon as the group engaged the first Griever, chaos ensued. As everyone around Minho tossed and bumped into each other, he kept an eye out for Ivory.

The group collided with the first Griever, pushing it towards the edge. Thomas shouted something to Minho, but he couldn't hear exactly what he said. The Griever roared and lashed out with its tail. The group ducked easily, but the creature swung it back around and grabbed one of the Gladers, throwing him. Minho gritted his teeth, and in the corner of his vision he saw Ivory a few spaces over, also struggling, but also trying to avoid one of the legs. Her veins and tendons were showing through her neck, and her jaw was clamped shut. A shout behind them made Minho tear his eyes away and focus back on the Griever.

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