Chapter 9: Minho's POV

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Minho ran back with Thomas and Ivory to where there was a large crowd of Gladers at the foot of the Treehouse. If he wasn't mistaken, someone was up there hurling something down at them. He, Ivory, and Thomas joined in the crowd, and Minho instantly found it a bad idea. An apple hit him on the head, and he grimaced, rubbing where it hurt. He glanced around and saw Winston pull Ivory under something he was using to block the apples. That wasn't what made him suddenly feel... mad? But it was watching them laugh together. Minho had probably stared too long, since Mira suddenly came over and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him to the base of the tree.

She smirked. "You gotta stop staring if you don't want to get hit," She suppressed a laugh when Minho looked at her in confusion.

"I wasn't staring," he huffed, pulling his arm out of Mira's grip. Mira rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say," she said.

Minho waited till she looked away before also rolling his eyes. He sighed, scanning all the Gladers. He couldn't keep his gaze from straying over to Ivory, though. Okay fine. Maybe he was staring. But who cared? Everyone was focused on the new girl, who had stopped throwing apples.

Whoops. He'd missed what had just happened. Minho blinked, pulling himself out of his head and back to reality. Thomas walked past him and Mira, climbing to the top. Minho watched him go, managing to temporarily forget about Ivory. What he'd heard was the new girl was awake, and from the looks of it, she'd had the same idea as Ivory and Mira.

I guess Apple-Throwing to give the Gladers concussions is a favorite sport for girls.

Minho turned, however, when Mira walked away and met up with Ivory. Staring was probably rude, but at the moment Minho didn't really care. He wished he could go over there, but somehow it seemed wrong.

Yeah. It's not the right time. Besides, Ivory's smile wasn't something you got often. A genuine smile, purely happy. The sassy smile was good too, though.

Minho shook himself and turned, walking off to the Village as the other Gladers began dispersing. He didn't have to look over his shoulder to know where Ivory was headed, but he did it anyway and felt another spark of jealousy. What about Winston made Ivory want to hang out with him that much? Surely she'd go off at some point. Right?

"You okay there Minho?"

Minho turned and saw Frypan leaning on a post. "What?"

Frypan smirked, walking over and patting him on the shoulder. "What's on your mind?"

Minho shook his head. "Nothing, just..." he resisted the urge to look again. "Confusing things."

"Well... you don't have this look a lot."

The two stood in silence for a whole minute before Frypan spoke.
"Ooooh, I think I understand now."

Minho's eyes widened a little in concern. "You think so?"

Frypan grinned. "Is it about that girl? ...Ivory?"

Minho clapped a hand over Frypan's mouth. "Sh! Don't say that kind of stuff. It's nonsense."

Frypan laughed through Minho's hand and shoved him away. "Oh come on. I can keep a secret, man. And, I don't think you have to worry about that for long. It's pretty obvious with how you keep staring at her."

Minho rolled his eyes. "Do you have any food out? I could use some." Anything to stop talking about Ivory.

Faster than he'd expected, the sun was setting on the Glade. Most of the Gladers were in the Village, and the ones who were up were headed to sleep soon.

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