Chapter 5: Ivory's POV

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Ivory watched Minho and Alby go into the Maze, longing to go too. She wanted to see a Griever up close. She wanted to explore the Maze. But she knew that Newt and the rest would stop her. She would have to leave secretly when no one was looking.

After Alby and Minho were gone, Newt and Gally turned around toward them, Gally wearing a furious expression (but to be honest he always did) and Newt looked... Dunno.

Ivory put her hands on her hips. "What's up, Eagle-Brow?"
He clenched his fists. "Don't call me that. We have something to talk about and something tells me it's going to be a long discussion."

"It's been approximately sixty-two seconds. Not very long," Ivory said.

"Oh, it's not over."

Mira spun on her heel. "Yes it is!"

Gally snatched her arm before she could get very far. "Don't you dare run off."

Ivory kicked him in the side of the thigh and grabbed Mira's hand. "Come on. He just wants to pound us into the dirt."

"I feel like doing it."

Newt finally stepped in between them. "Okay. Let's just settle down. Gally, stop overreacting. They're girls. They do that sort of thing."

He glanced over at the girls, only to be met with their "really?" expressions and crossed arms. Newt shrugged.

Ivory snorted. "How are you supposed to know what girls do and don't do?"

"You guys have given me a pretty good impression on what you do."

"Well. It could be wrong! We could be different!"

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Please stop. You guys have earned the privilege of living here in the Glade. Please don't abuse that privilege."

Ivory laughed. "We don't need permission to live here! As far as I can tell, once you're in here, you don't get a choice."

Everyone was silent for once, until Gally spoke up. "We could just throw you into the Maze."

Ivory cocked an eyebrow, scoffing. "Is that supposed to scare us?"

"Nobody survives out in the Maze at night."

"We've done it before. We can do it again."

Gally struggled for words, finally stomping off to wallow in his own anger and probably plan some pleasant deaths for them.

Ivory watched him go. Now she just had to get rid of Newt.

"Okay," Newt said, also watching Gally leave. "Please stop making us mad. It's really not helping, and we can't get anything done if you distract us."

"True..." Mira said.

Ivory ignored them both, gazing at the entrance to the Maze. She balled her fist, taking a step away from them. Newt sensed her change of mood and shook his head.

"No. You can't go into the Maze."

Ivory decided not to argue and instead nodded, walking away from Mira and Newt. Mira ran up to her.

"What's wrong?"

"I wanna see it," Ivory said, fingering her dagger's handle. "I want to see a Griever."

Mira's eyes widened. "You're kidding, right?"

Ivory shook her head. "No. I remember... that night we survived." Her eyebrows furrowed as she searched her mind. "I remember that we escaped one, but I remember throwing a spear at it. I never saw it when I went into the Maze, but... I just need to know."

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