Chapter 10: Ivory's POV

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 Ivory tossed two spears to Minho, and he hadn't even caught them before she turned to get more weapons. After she'd armed everyone with machetes, spears, and even some daggers, she gripped her machete and adjusted the three spears on her back and took a deep breath.

"Ready guys?" Minho said. The two other Gladers with her and Minho nodded, even though their eyes were petrified with terror and they shivered in fear.

"Okay," Ivory's knuckles were turning white with how hard she was holding the weapons. "Let's go!"

As soon as they opened the door, the sounds outside overwhelmed them. The screeches from the Grievers and the horrifying screams of pain from the Gladers pumping fear into their blood. Ivory ignored it though. She needed to be strong.

Their group sped through the grass, the long blades whipping their arms and legs. It was nothing compared to the painful sounds of their friends dying, and that is what drove them forward. Ivory flipped a spear around and hurled it with a shout at a Griever that neared them. The others sent a few more into the mechanical monster for good measure, and then Minho led them to the Hut. Ivory spotted Thomas, Teresa, and Newt with a few other Gladers trying to get inside as a Griever ran towards them. Minho reacted faster than she did and sent a spear flying through the Griever's skull.

"Come on, come on, inside!" Mira shouted, grabbing Ivory's wrist and yanking her inside. Once all their group was inside, many "sh!"'s ran around as the room descended into a tense silence. The creaking, grating gears of the Grievers outside kept them on their toes, ready for the impending doom.

A sudden crash on the roof made Ivory and Mira jerk back, getting into a defensive position. Then a Griever tail smashed through the roof, tearing a post away. Gladers were pinned under the debri, and the others rushed forward to help them up.

"Is everyone okay?" Thomas asked.

Ivory met Mira's eyes, even in the dark, seeing an equal amount of fear she felt.

Yeah we both know this is beyond us...

Then suddenly a tail burst through the wall again. Ivory's eyes widened. "Chuck watch out!"

Chuck shouted in fear as the tail grabbed him, and at least five people leapt forward to grab his hands and wrists.

"Chuck don't let go!" Thomas hollered over the chaos and noise.

"No s***!" Chuck shouted back.

Alby leapt into the action, wielding a machete. Howling over the noise, he hacked at the Griever's tail. A piece of it fell to the ground, and it took a few more strikes to cut off the part holding Chuck. Everyone fell backwards, sighing in relief.

"You okay Chuck?" Minho asked.

"Yeah," Chuck answered, panting heavily. "Thanks Alby."

There was a moment of relief and calm, but not for long. Ivory heard more clanking and cast a concerned eye over to the wall.

"Alby watch out!" Thomas bellowed, and yet another claw of death burst through the damaged wall, grabbing at Alby.

"No! Alby!" Several people shouted. Ivory couldn't move, or even shout. All she could do was sit and watch Thomas leap forward and grab Alby's wrist.

"Thomas," Alby said calmly, knowing his fate. "Get them out."

With another yank from the Griever, Alby disappeared, leaving everyone petrified as they listened to the screams and painful cries of dying Gladers. After several minutes, there was nothing left but an eerie silence.

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