Chapter 6: Newt's POV

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Everyone gathered around the box, hushed whispers floating around the glade. Mira stood next to Newt, silently laughing. Newt gave her a look. Why is she laughing? Newt wondered. He was completely puzzled by her and Ivory. They never seemed fazed by anything, and they never seem to take anything seriously. Instead, they made jokes about everything. Now, he wished Mira would try to be a bit more serious.

He turned his attention back to the box as it came closer, its rattling echoing through the Glade. Newt's mind raced, trying to figure out why the box came early. The only thing he could think of was that, whoever sent them here, decided to break the cycle. And for some reason, that made him worried. Like in doing so would ruin everything.

A loud clank! announced that the box was here. Newt and Gally pulled open the doors, Newt's thoughts spinning out of control. He dropped down into the box and looked around. He saw crates and other stuff that was usually in the box, thinking that maybe it was some sort of test. Then his eyes spotted some black hair behind a pile of ropes and boxes. He moved toward them, trying to stay as quiet as possible, so he wouldn't scare whoever was behind there. He pulled back the ropes and froze. It was a girl. He heard whispers above him as people tried to get a look

"Bloody he**," Newt muttered. He wasn't that surprised that it was a girl, after meeting Mira and Ivory. But he was surprised that she came up in the box. From what Mira and Ivory had said, they came in from the maze.

"Newt, what do you see?" Thomas asked. Newt looked up at him and frowned.

"It's a girl," he said. Newt watched as the rest of the boys exchanged looks of surprise

"Four Greenies in less than a week?" Clint said, frowning. Newt saw Mira roll her eyes

"How many times do I have to say this?! Ivy and I have been here for nearly a month!" She huffed, annoyance in her voice. "And we're not Greenies. The girl is."

Newt was about to say something to stop them from arguing when Minho spoke up.

"Is she breathing?" He asked. Newt turned to the girl and bent over her body. She twitched a little, but other than that she didn't seem to be moving.

"I think she's dead." He stood up, eyebrows furrowed. But why would they send us a dead body? A ripple of surprise spread across the group as what he said settled in. Suddenly Mira jumped down into the box and smiled.

"Nah, she's just asleep," Mira said, moving next to the girl and crouching down. Newt watched as she placed a hand on the side of the girl's neck and kept it there for a few seconds before removing her fingers. "She's got a pulse, it's just slow."

Newt placed a hand on his chin and thought for a few moments. He needed to figure out a way to get the girl out without hurting her. They usually just grabbed the greenie and pulled him up, but the girl was asleep, and he wanted to get her without any cuts or bruises. He was wondering if maybe he could make a sling of some sort when Mira spoke up.

"Hey Blondie, get down here. The girl has something in her hand" she told him. Newt sighed and shook his head. He wished Mira would stop calling him that. Kneeling beside Mira, he saw that the girl had something clutched in her hands. He pried open her hand and saw that it was a piece of paper. He snatched it and opened it. The paper read:

She's the last one. Ever.

Newt frowned and looked at Mira, who was reading the note over his shoulder

"What does it say?" Minho called, Mira looked up at him

"Says that you boys are weird and that she was sent here so Ivy and I can have a friend," she called, a smile on her face. Newt let out a small laugh and stood up so he could hand Thomas the note

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