chapter 2

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"I.. I'm .. I'm.. I'm where?" I asked again.

"The morgue." The man said again cheerfully.

What.... How is this possible. Why am I here. How am I here. What is going on! I'm supposed to be dead!!!!!


"If it makes you feel better, I'm as surprised as you... This has never happened before to me. I thought they lie about that stuff." The man said.

"What stuff?"

"The dead coming back to life." He said with a smile.

That's it he's lost it! I'm dead.. I'm being pranked, where are the hidden cameras.

"Yeah okay, sure, I'm leaving." I said as I tried to get up. I was in so much pain I fell right off the table.

"You have a broken arm, two fractured ribs, and cuts all over your body. You got hit by a car. You died." He said that and all the memories flashed back into my head.

The fight with my mother. Me walking to the bus stop while it was rainy and cold. But I don't remember ever getting to the bus stop. That's when I remembered.

*Flash Back*

I slowly turned my head to the sound of screeching wheels. As I turned my head I saw the car coming towards me at full speed. I was in the middle of the street with no where to go. I didn't even have time to brace for the impact, as my head smashed into the windshield and I was tossed from the spot I was standing in. I was thrown at least 100 feet.

That was all I remembered.

That's how I died.

*End Flash Back*

The man came towards me and helped me up slowly. "Come with me I need to put a cast on that arm."

He put a white cast on my arm and a few stitches on the cuts on my face and leg.

"There you go love." He said letting me down from the table.

I felt terrible. I was in so much pain.

"What happens now?" I asked as I rubbed my ribs, lightly wincing.

"...You go to Paliam" He said taking out his phone to call someone.

"Paliam? Where is that?" I asked.


Yes I have an undead patient.

Yes shes come back.

Okay thank you,

Bye." I heard him say to the other person on the phone.

"Whelp I never thought I'd ever have to use that phone number." He said to me after hanging up the phone.

"Wait where am I going!?" I shouted.

"I told you, Paliam. And there is no need to yell, Miss Collins."

"What is Paliam!?" I yelled again because apparently it was not going through to him.

"Its where your kind go. Now come with me, I'll get you some fresh clothes." He told me grabbing my good hand and bringing me into another room.

"My kind? What do you mean? Let me go! I want to go home!" I screamed pulling my arm back.

"Madison I'm very sorry, I truly am, but I don't know what any of this is. It's kind of new to me to. Once they get here they will explain everything to you.... You can't go home...." He said the last part in almost a whisper.

"They? Who's they? Why cant I go home?" I started to worry.

"Here put this on. They will explain everything." He said handing me some jeans and a maroon sweatshirt. He then left the room so I could change.

I took off the bloody hospital gown I was wearing and put on the clothes.

Where am I going? Who are "they"? Why cant I go home?

I just want to go home.

!HEEYYY! :) vas happenin! how was this chapter? i promise Zayn will be in the next chapter or two.

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pleaseeeeeeee voteeeeee and commentt!!! please :)

love you all!


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