Chapter 24

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Madie's P.O.V.

I ran.

I ran straight towards my house.

I couldn’t let this slip through my hands.

"MOM! MOMMY!!! ITS ME! I'M HERE!" I screamed running faster than I ever thought I could.

"MOM!!! I'M NOT DEAD!!! MOM!!!!!!!!"

I shrieked when I ran into something. Zayn had apparently caught me and was shaking me violently. I began to struggle, kicking and punching him, hoping he'd let me go.

"What the fuck Madie! You can’t do this!"

I didn’t listen and kept screaming for my mother. "Madie I know it’s hard and you want to see her but you can’t!" he screamed at me.

I began to sob loudly. "MOM! PLEASE I'M HERE!!!"

He practically dragged me back to the car.

"You promised to stay in the damn car! Don’t ruin everything!"

He pushed me into the car and slammed the door closed, running over to his side and getting in.

He locked the doors too quickly so I couldn’t get out.

He quickly drove off, gripping the steering wheel hard.

After about 15 minutes he spoke.

"What were you thinking?" He growled.

I didn’t reply.

"We could have gotten in so much trouble! You know we can’t tell anyone."

"She's my mother! She has a right to know that her daughter is alive!!! I was all she had and she was all I had!" I yelled back.

"You're fucking lucky I even came here to deliver your shit to her! I could have told you no! You just had to ruin it didn’t you! What if she came outside, do you know how much shit we would be in! That could have started a revolution!"

"Who gives a fuck? They can’t keep us! A revolution would be good.”

"Yeah a bunch of civilians against the fucking government totally good, they could kill us and you're mom if they wanted to, so that the secrete wouldn’t get out! Is that what you want!?" he barked back.

I stayed silent. "Yeah that’s what I fucking thought! And they aren’t keeping us! They are protecting us. We could be the cure for death! Or any other illnesses!"

I continued to cry looking out the window.

Another 15 minutes of silence past until he spoke up once again.

"I'm sorry Mads; I just didn’t want ... I don’t even know what I want."

I sobbed so hard that I began to cough. I felt sick to my stomach from seeing my mother. Zayn got the message and pulled over.

I stepped out and there on the side of the highway I threw up for everyone to see.

I felt a comforting arm around my waist holding me up and one wrapped around my hair to keep it out of the way.

After I finished heaving what I had for breakfast I turned around and cried onto Zayn's shoulder.

"I know babe, I know." he said calmly while stroking my hair.


We had been home for a few hours.

I'd thrown up two times since then. I had just come out of the bathroom from brushing my teeth for the tenth time.

Zayn was sitting on the couch watching some scifi movie, I walked over and sat next to him.

The next thing I knew I was in Zayn's bed cuddled up to him.

I guess he wasn't so bad after all.


sorry for the sucky update, it was good in the beginning and then i had some more ideas but it kinda back fired lol.

how was every ones week?

hope you are all doing well!

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the more comments and votes the quicker i update!



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