Chapter 19

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Madie’s P.O.V

I walked down to the doctor’s office. It wasn’t too far, I just wish I had a car so I wouldn’t have to walk or rely on Zayn.

I walked in and told the receptionist my name, she told me to take a seat. Her name was Jennifer and she seemed nice, she was probably about 26, she had pretty green eyes and black hair. The office wasn’t too bad either. It reminded me of my old doctor’s office.

“Ms. Collins, the doctor is ready to see you now.” A lovely middle aged woman said to me. I followed her down a long hallway with many doors.

“Here you are, he should be right in.” She put me in a small room and left closing the door.

As I looked at my surroundings the door opened once again. An older man who reminded me so much of doctor McVann, walked in.

“Good evening Ms. Collins, I am Doctor Reed.” He said with a very thick British accent.

“I’d say it’s more of an afternoon, but a pleasure to meet you, please call me Madeline.”

“Well I assume you are correct Ms. Collins. How has your stay in Palima been so far?” He seemed to have ignored the part where I said call me Madeline but whatever.

“Better than I had expected it to be, but I still don’t want to be here.”

He chuckled. “That’s understandable. Now, do you mind if I run some tests and give you some precautionary injections?”

I cringed at the word injections but politely said, “Well sure, I guess.”

He chuckled once more and turned around to a cabinet where I took out many things.

“Alright well first I must take a small sample of blood.”

He took out a small syringe and a plastic tie; he tied the top of my arm telling me to tightly close my hand into a fist. I turned my head away, and felt the syringe going in, and my blood pumping out. All while this was happening I thought of Zayn, and how I wish he were here to hold my hand.

He finished taking his sample and I turned back around.

“What is that!” I shrieked looking at a vile full of something green.

“That’s your blood. Since you recently died, the blood changed color when it was given no oxygen. I’ll just give you a few injections and that should turn it back to its normal color.”

After 5 more shots and me having to pee in a cup he told me I was done.

I walked out sucking on a lollipop and feeling the pain still in my arm.

I had made it home before 6:30, and sat at my kitchen table.

Zayn had apparently barricaded himself in his own room, blasting loud music.

I threw away the stick from my lolli that I had been chewing for the past 5 minutes.

I walked into my room and suddenly fell.

My wooden desk had been toppled over and my bureau smashed. All of my things held a place on the floor, my mirror was also broken into shatters, and there were multiple fist prints in the wall.

I got back up dusting off my knees and covered my mouth as I sobbed.

“That’s what you get bitch!” I heard Zayn scream over his loud music, which made me sob harder.

Hours later I had picked up all the glass, throwing it away, put my desk where it had originally been, put the shards of my bureau in the corner to deal with tomorrow, and picked up all of my things. The room looked better now but still horrid. I couldn’t stop staring at the fist prints.

I may have trashed Zayn’s room but it wasn’t anything like this.

It was now 11:00pm and I lay in my bed, the only thing that had not been in the way of Zayn’s rath.


I woke up the next morning, tear stained face, and a stuffed nose.

I went to the bathroom, peed a bit, and took a shower. I put my hair up in a towel and walked out naked towards my room.

I got dressed and grabbed my back pack, then headed to school.


I walked out of the school looking for Zayn’s car. Sadly it wasn’t there; I don’t know why I expected it to be there.

I sighed and began walking home

School wasn’t bad, the day kind of just passed by.

I didn’t remember anything that happened in class, Sara was absent so I didn’t have many people to talk to. All I could think of was Zaynand his drugs.

I was still more than upset by it.

I finally arrived home and realized I didn’t have my keys. I cursed under my breathe.

That second Zayn walked out of our apartment, he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. He walked passed me and mumbled “Bitch.”

I mumbled right back “Bastard.”

He looked back at me and I at him. He turned back around and kept walking.

At that point I realized that I really fucking hated Zayn.

Zayn’s P.O.V

I had sat at home all day, just looking at that stupid pill bottle. I threw it up against the wall. Madie’s a fucking bitch! Why would she go through my things! I’ve told her not to come in here! More than once!

I’m done with her!

I got up, grabbed my keys and left.

On the way out I ran into Madie, I raised my eyebrow as to why she was just waiting outside the apartment. Then I realized that I didn’t really give a fuck.

I walked by mumbling that she was a bitch and she gave it right back calling me a bastard. Not that I gived a fuck…

I looked back, her face looked a bit panged with sadness, but so did mine.


“I’m sorry Zayn but we can’t give you another apartment.” The apartment manager said after I had asked... Well yelled… for another apartment.

“What do you mean you can’t give me another apartment!!? Just give me the keys to any other apartment I don’t care!”

“I’m sorry Zayn we just don’t have the space.”

I sighed and walked back upstairs to my apartment. If I couldn’t get a new apartment then maybe I could get Madie to leave.


sorry if this chapter wasn't great, I'm exhausted lol. but the next chapter will be amazing i promise!!!!

thank you guys so much for voting and commenting and keep it up!

like i said the more votes and comments the quicker i update!! :)




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