Chapter 22

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Warning self-harm.

Zayn’s P.O.V

Two days had passed and it seemed as if everything blew over. I kind of got over the fact that Madie had trashed my room and I think she got over the fact that I had drugs, since she still doesn’t know that I only sell them not do them.

We’ve been kind of distant all week. She’s been very quiet, I drove her to school Thursday morning and neither of us said a word to each other on the way there, the only thing she said was a quiet ‘thank you” as she got out which was replied to with an even quieter “you’re welcome” from me.

Yesterday she had no school, she stayed quietly in her room all day. I didn’t want to go into her room, one because I didn’t want her to know I cared and two because I was afraid.

Today was Saturday and I had just gotten back from an early morning run. I walked into my apartment wiping the sweat from my forehead onto my t-shirt when I heard what I thought was a whimper. I don’t know why but at that moment I went into protection mode. I ran into Madie’s room not caring what she’d say to me, I just ran in there.

 The first thing I saw was blood. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She held her wrist tightly. I looked down and she had a bloody razor in front of her.

I ran to her kicking the razor far away and taking her wrist in my hands.

“What the fuck Mads! Why would you do this!” I yelled panicking.

She continued to whimper at my touch.

I pulled her up and quickly ran her into the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and drew her arm under.

Some of the blood washed away and I could see four clear cuts. None too deep to need stiches but deep enough to draw a crazy amount of blood.

At the sight I began to get woozy but stayed in my place in worry of her.

After most of the blood washed off and her tears stopped I turned the faucet off and put a face cloth over her arm.

She winced slightly.

“What the hell Madie?” I said with more force than I wanted to.

She looked up at me and flung herself at my chest.

I stumbled back a bit confused by her action but quickly recovered putting my arms around her.

She stayed in my chest holding her hand over the face cloth and began sobbing.

After twenty minutes of our embrace her sobbing ceased to light sniffles.

“I’m s-sorry-y Zayn-yn.” She said sniffling.

“Don’t apologize; you didn’t do anything to me.”

She kept her head low.

I reached one of my hands around to her chin and lifted her face to look at me.

“Why?” I asked calmly.

“I don’t know. I was just so upset… Why is this happening to me? Why did I have to die?” she hiccupped and continued, “…that stupid letter is the last thing my mother will ever get from me. I’m so stressed about it, I can’t do this Zayn,  I have to see her.”

“Madie you know you can’t, you know the rules.” I said with a great amount of empathy.

“Zayn please you have to help me, I just need to see her.” the tears poured down her face quickly.

I thought for a moment. I could bring her with me and let her at least see her mother without her mother seeing her, or I could leave her here and risk her hurting herself again….

“I’ll take you with me on one condition; you can’t under any circumstances leave my car. No matter what! And you can’t draw attention to yourself, she can’t see you.”

“What?” she said not comprehending.

“If you stay in the car, you’ll be able to see her but she won’t be able to see you.” I shrugged.

She nodded.

“And I would like a car mate for that three hour drive.”

She smiled but it faded all too quickly.

“Okay.” She replied.

“Okay.” I repeated.

 This chapter was in no way intended to hurt anyone in the talk of self-harm. if you do self-harm in anyway please get help, there are many place to get help!

Hey guisse!! how are you all?

Hows this chapter? did ya like it?

cant wait to see what happens on the trip!!!

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I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving and hope all of my Jewish readers have a Happy Chanukah/Hanukkah!



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