Chapter 20

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Madie’s P.O.V

 I stood in my room, just thinking.

I looked around at my messy room; I realized that I might have to buy some new furniture.

I walked over to my cracked mirror, I sighed loudly. I lifted up my shirt, and for the first time I saw the scar. I had broken my ribs on impact, which in the end had left a giant purple- pink-ish scar. I put my shirt down and looked at my arm, luckily it had healed well.

I sighed once again and went to my smashed bureau and opened the only drawer that hadn’t been badly bruised.

Inside were the contents I had with me the day I died. It had my old backpack, my wallet, my cellphone, and a necklace my mother bought me. I pulled it out and put it on.

I began to cry, thinking of my mother and how I missed her. I remember the last thing I said to her, 

"I always do everything and you're never happy! What do you want from me! Why don't I just fucking die would that make you happy!"

Ironic isn’t it.

I sobbed a bit harder.  I wonder how much she hates me, the last thing we did together was fight…

I took out my old cell phone; it had multiple scratches on it, and a giant crack right down the middle.

I clicked the turn on button and to my surprise, it worked.  The screen came up but only half of it, the rest just looked black. I could see my little icon initiating I had a voice mail.

I clicked on it and entered my password, I heard my apartment door open and someone sigh. I assumed it was Zayn but ignored him.

“Hey Mad’s, its mum,

I just wanted to apologize,

You’re right; you do do a lot,

I’ll try to help you out more okay,

Come home right after school, I want to take you out for dinner!

I love you!”

Then I heard the sound of the doorbell ring.

The voicemail sounded crinkly,

“Oh Hi Jackie, what can..

Cathy Please, I’m sorry, come with me! Madeline is dead!”

I could hear my neighbor Jackie breathing heavily and sound as if she was crying, my mother screamed. “No, no please! NO!”

“She was hit by a car! Please hurry!”

And that’s where it ended.

My mum called me just seconds before she found me dead.

I choked a bit and ran for the bathroom, throwing up.

I cried harder. I couldn’t breathe.

I walked back into my room struggling to breathe and accidentally hit the call back button.

“Hello? Mads? Hello!?” I heard my mother breathing heavily.

I stayed quiet, hearing my mother’s voice calmed me.

I heard her whisper, “She’s dead, why would I think it was actually her,” before she hung up.

I called back again,

“Hello?” she sounded as if she was crying hard.

“Please whoever you are answer me!”

She hung up again.

I called once more.

“Please stop this! I’ll block you if you don’t stop calling! Just stop please!”

I couldn’t bear not hearing her voice ever again so I panicked.

“Hi.” I said in a hushed tone.

“Hello? Who’s there?”

 I hung up. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, she called me back. But I couldn’t answer.

I then listened to the new voice mail.

“PLEASE just answer me! You have my daughter’s phone! Please I just want it! Please!” She broke down. “Never call me again! I’m blocking you; whoever you are!”

No!  I screamed and sobbed harder, I couldn’t call her back, because I couldn’t talk to her. I needed help!

I ran to Zayn’s room and opened the door.

“What are you doing!? GET OUT!” he screamed but his tone changed as he saw me sobbing.

“Zayn. Please help me! I called my mum and , and , and now she’s gonna block my number so I’ll never get to hear her voice ever again please!”

“Why the fuck would you do that!” he screamed sitting up.

“I don’t know just please help me please! I don’t know what else to do!!!” at this point I was hysterically crying.

“Why should I help you! You’ve ruined my life!”

“Please Zayn Please!” tears flowed quicker than they ever have before.

“Okay, okay fine just shut up and give me your phone.”

I handed it to him and sobbed into my hands.

He redialed her number and put her on speaker.

“Please you’ve done enough stop calling me!”

“Hello, yeah M’ sorry I called you so many times. I just, well” he looked at me with pitiful eyes. “I’m Madie’s friend and I just well I wanted to tell you I had her phone.”

“Really? o-okay.” She cried harder. “Ca-can I have it?”

“Uh, yeah, I’ll stop by this weekend and bring it to you okay.”

“Yes yes thank you so much!” she sniffled.

“Yeah, okay bye.” And he hung up just like that.

He huffed and handed the phone back. “Listen, write her a note or something and I’ll give it to her and tell her you gave it to me prior just in case.”

 “Why are you helping me?” I asked still crying slightly.

“Because I never got the chance to do this.”

another early update!!! just cause i love you guys! :)

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sorry if this chapter isnt great it didnt come out the way i wanted it to.

PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! the more votes and comments the quicker i update!

give me some feedback! tell me what you want to see!!

the next few chapters are gonna get crayyyyy!



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