Chapter 21

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Zayn’s P.O.V

“Never got the chance to do what?” She asked me.

I bit my tongue, quite jealous of her opportunity.

“The chance to send a letter to my mother! She will never know I loved her! My sisters will live a long life without a brother and never really know that I loved them more than anything! So make sure in that note that you tell your mom just how much you fucking love her, because I never got to do that!” I screamed, out of jealous and anger, not towards her, just the circumstance.

“I will.” She nodded and went into her room.

I plummeted down onto the couch, and placed my hands in front of my face. I just wanted to scream. I just wanted to do anything!

Madie’s P.O.V

“The chance to send a letter to my mother! She will never know I loved her! My sisters will live a long life without a brother and never really know that I loved them more than anything! So make sure in that note that you tell your mom just how much you fucking love her, because I never got to do that!” he screamed.

“I will.” And I meant it, I promised it.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed thinking of what I’d write to my mother.

I got out a pad of paper and a pen and began writing.

Dear Mother.

No No that’s no good! Scratch that.

I got a new sheet,

Dear mom,

Its me Madie….

Wait she obviously knows its me!

Ughhh! I ripped that paper and threw it at my trash can.

After about two full pads of paper, my room was now its own recycling bin.

I took out one more sheet and focused; I held it together for two hours and had finally written the perfect letter.

Dear mom,

I wrote this letter just in case. Since you’re reading this I must be dead.

I just wanted you to know that yeah, we’ve had our ups and downs but that you were the best mother in the entire world.

I know it was hard when dad died, and now I’m gone, but you can get through this, just like we did when dad died.

I know I’m not there anymore to comfort you or to even argue with you but I know you’re a strong woman.

We may have not been through such great times but that doesn’t mean you’re not my mom.

Remember that time we went to the ice cream shop and instead of buying small cones we bought a whole tub and ate it while watching stupid 80’s movies. Yeah that was great.

And that time, we went ice skating and you fell on your butt 87 times!

Or even that time when I taught you how to ride a bike.

I stopped writing and smiled.

Well let me wrap this up.… I love you mom, and I’m sorry had to leave.

I’ll always love you mom.

                                                                                  Your daughter

                                                                            Madeline Sara Collins


I read the letter over and over again, I couldn’t breathe. I folded it and held it close to my heart as I lay down.

Zayn’s P.O.V

I knocked on her door and received no answer. I opened the door slowly and saw her lying in her bed, tear stained face, asleep, snuggling the letter she had written to her mum.

In spite of everything, I felt bad. I know what it’s like. To feel alone. To feel unwanted in a new place. To miss your damn mum more than anything! I know what it’s like all too well.

I walked in slowly, not to make any noise and pulled her blanket from her side, placing it over her body.

She shifted a bit and held the note closer.

I walked out silently.

I stepped in my room, opened my closet and pulled out a box.

The box was filled with pictures of my mum and sisters; they were the ones I had in my wallet during my accident.

Under all of the pictures was a note.

It was a note I had written to my mother my first week here.

I was too afraid to send it, so I’ve kept it all this time.

I grabbed a picture of my mum and sisters all sitting in a line, I was behind them my hand on my mums shoulder.

It was first picture we ever took as a family. A real family.

I laid down with the note and picture. Kissing it just as I fell asleep.

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