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Still Pedro's POV

I bought the cup to my dry lips and poured the scalding coffee into my mouth and swore, holding it away like that could somehow save my burnt throat. I still felt empty even after three hours of hot sex. The sexual tension and frustration I felt had not even reduced by an inch. I opened the refrigerator and took out a packet of milk and drank straight from the carton. It cooled the pain in my throat but not the one in my heart.

Turning the coffee over in the sink and rinsing the cup, I walked out of the luxurious kitchen into the sitting room. I grabbed my laptop from the study next door, walked back and sat down on one of the leather couch.

Maybe work would take my mind off my urge.

After looking at some company files Shanice had sent to my email for a while, I got bored and decided to check my social accounts. Random messages from people I didn't know, pleading  messages from ex flings "dying" to have me back and sext from Fred; nothing interesting. I blocked the necessary people, mostly my ex flings even though I knew they would create other accounts and stalk me on them. I was a guy who believed in what happens at night, ends the next morning. When I came out to my dad about being gay, he supported me with the condition that I would take over Hydela Industries after he retired and I wouldn't do anything to embarrass him which includes never making my sexuality public. I wasn't allowed to be gay outside and even if I were to date, it was meant to be secret and only indoors. He always felt that I was going through a phase and the last thing he wanted was people remembering that the son of Franklin McFarland, CEO of Hydela companies once went through a gay phase and fucked a couple guys. So I remained single and got used to it. I opened an account on a gay hookup app and that made up for my sex life. I always made it clear that all I wanted was just one night of pleasure and nothing more. And never at my house.

That was were I met Fred and he was good that night. I was already getting tired of most people not following the agreement of one night and repeatedly calling and texting, asking for more so when I found out that Fred was also the busy type like I was, working for a modelling agency, he wasn't clingy and knew how to maintain distance, I kept him. At first, we would meet at random hotels and separate the next day. Then one day I invited him over. He had a boyfriend in the next town, 3 hours drive away, which was cool by me. He would come over when I needed him and that was it. I had never felt the need to be in a relationship. Or commit to anyone.

Not until that morning.

And it was strange. Being filthy rich, extremely attractive and having the charms to win anybody over suddenly didn't feel like power to me.

Those big green eyes appeared in my mind again, seducing me. Challenging me.

With shaking hands, I typed in the first thing I could think of into the search box. Marco Alvarez.

After scrolling through the long list of people also named Marco Alvarez, I almost gave up before I saw him. I clicked on his profile and his picture filled my screen. He was dressed in a green sweater that matched his eyes. He was smiling, exposing a good amount of his pearly whites. His brown hair was a bit longer than it had been that day and it cascaded down his neck and shoulders. I gulped as the simple act of breathing suddenly became difficult. He looked so happy and carefree and right then I knew I wanted to experience him in that mood around me.

I dragged the mouse to the friend request button and then stopped, my hand frozen, undecided. My hand hovered over the button as thoughts began to invade my mind.

What are you doing?

Sending a friend request to your employee on his first day?

What kind of a boss are you?

What if he panics and resigns?

When did you become a stalker?

What if he isn't gay?

And what if he isn't as perfect inside as he looks?

One final look at the smiling face on my screen and I only allowed one thought in my mind;

You will never know if  you don't try. If he asks any questions tomorrow, just say it's a work thing. And if it doesn't work out, you can always block him.

Wait! What if "what" doesn't work out?

I was a few inches away from clicking when I felt two strong arms wrapping around my bare chest from behind. I panicked and shut my laptop with so much force, I heard a faint crack. I was behaving like a kid who was caught stealing candy. I grimaced.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked placing a kiss on my back. I don't know why but I suddenly felt irritated by the gesture and dropping my laptop on the table, I unwrapped his hands around me and stood up.

"Working" I replied mildly annoyed.

"Working? You fuck a guys brain out and the next thing you do is work? You are unbelievable" he said walking towards the kitchen. He was wearing only his boxer briefs exposing his strong muscular back. No one would believe this guy was gay, talk more of being a bottom. I followed him wordlessly, suddenly craving for something to drink.

"Who was that guy?"

I immediately knew he was talking about Marco but I feigned ignorance.

"Which guy?"

"The boy on your laptop"

"Oh...just my new employee"

"I haven't seen you check out any of your employees on socials. What makes him so special?"

I wanted to say everything but then I wouldn't know how to explain it, so I just shrugged and poured us two glasses of vodka.

"He didn't say much about his social life and behaviors so I decided to do a background check myself" I lied, "for the company's safety"

He nodded and drank from his glass.

"Well, his social life wouldn't be much. He looks plain and basic" he said, "did you see that ugly green sweater. He must have gotten it from the cheapest store in the whole city"

I saw the disgusted look on his face and felt my stomach twist in anger. I took in the entire content of the glass in my hand in one swig.

And this was exactly the reason why I never asked him out. Spoilt rich privileged brat who saw anyone of lower status as plain and basic. I was very sure that he would have stopped seeing me if I was not up to his standard. I gritted my teeth as the hot drink burnt my throat down to my stomach.

How dare he call Marco plain and basic when he was the one who was plain and basic.

"You need to leave" I said in between clenched teeth.

He looked up from the almost empty glass on the kitchen island and looked at me with an amused look on his face, annoying me further.

"You can't be serious"

"I am"

"But it's midnight"

"And you can drive home"

He looked intently at my face and when he saw that I wasn't going to change my mind, he got down from the stool he was sitting on muttering something under his breath. He went upstairs while I poured myself another shot of vodka and carried it to the sitting room. He came down again few minutes later fully dressed, car key in hand. He stopped half way to the door, turned and looked at me, again trying to see if I was joking.

I wasn't.


"Goodnight Fred" I concluded signalling the end of the discussion and without another word, he walked to the door, opened it and with a final look at me, walked out and closed the door with a firm bang.

I swallowed the content of my cup again in one gulp, torturing my throat one more time.



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