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Marco’s POV

And once again, I couldn’t concentrate on anything. Mostly because Alex, Cody and Kristen wouldn’t stop asking me where I had gone during lunch and why I came back so late. If Pedro hadn’t gone straight to the conference room, maybe they would have gotten a hint.

Let this lunch thing be our little secret

His voice rang in my mind. That sexy voice that managed to do sinful things to my body.

“come on man, what are friends for? Spill the beans” Kristen wailed

“where did you go for lunch and with who?” Cody joined

“no one” I replied a pitch too high

“you see, you are lying. You are blushing so hard, I could feel the heat from your red skin” Alex snapped while laughing.

“was it someone from the office or someone from outside? Was it a pretty lady or a handsome dude? That reminds me, we don’t know if you are gay” Kristen said squeezing his forehead in thought.

“was it the boss? He didn’t come up for lunch today either” Alex said causing me to get a severe shade of red.

“it was not him” I said praying that my voice was normal enough so they would believe me.

“then who was it?” Cody asked

“I just went to have lunch alone” I said playing with a piece of paper in my hand to distract myself from thinking of those hazel eyes

“crap!!... you think we would believe that horse shit, think again mate” Kristen squealed while crossing his hand over his chest.

“just say….” Alex began but was interrupted by Cody.

“shhhh… let’s get out of here, the boss is back and he doesn’t look very happy”

They rushed back to their respective desks, giving me the opportunity to see him just in time before he entered his office and sure enough the frown on his face was enough to get a baby crying. Shanice who was coming behind looked so pale like she had seen a ghost.

What happened between those two?

When I couldn’t think of anything that could be the problem, I decided to focus on my job. Few minutes later Shanice left the office and from the approaching sound of her heels on the marble floor, I knew she was working towards me. I always knew she didn’t like me for a reason I was unaware of and I made sure to stay out of her way. I looked up as she got to my desk and was met with an icy glare.

“follow me” she said through clenched teeth and started walking to the restroom.

I slowly stood up and followed, searching my mind for what I could have possibly done wrong. She shut the door as we got in and turned, giving me the same icy glare again. Her brown eyes held so much fire and contempt that I bet she would set me on fire if she could.

Never underestimate an angry woman, my mom would often say.

“where were you during lunch?” she asked, her voice so sharp it would have sliced a piece of paper in one swipe.

“having lunch?” I asked in a voice that seemed to infuriate her further.

“don’t play dumb with me Marco Alvarez” she snapped causing me to flinch a bit, “you went out with your boss today and almost cost this company a fortune"

Cost the company a fortune? What was she talking about?

My confusion must have shown on my face and that also seemed to annoy her more.

“don’t think…”

Someone walked into the restroom, glanced at us suspiciously, washed his hands and left.

“Don’t think that I am unaware of your plans to get him in your bed. A lot of people here have tried and it always ended badly for them" her voice was reduced to a harsh whisper.

"Just focus on your job or you won't have any soon. And when I say your job, going out with your boss is not one of it"

Is she angry that I went out with him or is she angry that I almost cost the company a fortune?

I could hear jealousy in her tone and I found out that just like everyone else, she wanted some of him too.

"And besides he is not into fags like you so look for someone else to sink your opportunistic claws in"

If she had intended to sting me with that last part, it worked.

And it hurt like hell.

I stood staring at my reflection in the mirror several minutes after she left.

What in the actual fuck?

First of all, I didn't ask him out for lunch, he asked me. I haven't been the one making advances, he has. She was just his employee just like I was.

Except there was something going on between them.

If there was, she would have mentioned it, wouldn't she?

She didn't look like someone who wouldn't gloat about having the CEO as her boyfriend.

Did she just threaten me?

Fags like me? Where the hell did that come from?

I went back to my desk very upset. One part of my mind told me to report her to Pedro and another part told me to let it slide. After all it was just talk, nothing serious. I followed the latter and decided to get back to work like nothing happened. The Shanice episode was soon out of my mind as I drowned myself in paperwork.

Few hours later, I was in the elevator on the way to the first floor. All the emotions and feelings I had felt the whole day had exhausted me and I was only too glad to be going home. I stepped out into the elevator, had a brief goodnight greetings with Gloria and was on my way out.

"Hey cuz!!!!!!!" Someone screamed from a white sedan parked in front of the building.

I was still trying to find out who the owner of the voice was when he stepped out of the car.

"Rodrigo!!!" I screamed when I saw the occupant of the car was my cousin Rodrigo, gaining a few stares from the people leaving the complex too. Rodrigo had come in from Mexico that day and even though he had told me he was coming, I was surprised to see him at Hydela Industries.

He engulfed me in a tight hug, his huge body swallowing my smaller frame. He was a muscular than the last time I saw him which showed that he had been hitting the gym. He was a bit taller than me and asides from the difference in size, we had a striking resemblance.

"What are you doing here?" I asked when he finally let me go.

"I heard my cousin is now a big man working in one of the biggest companies in the city so I have decided to be your chauffeur, sir" he said making me laugh.

"Very well chauffeur, don't keep me in the sun" I joked too causing him to join in the laughter.

"I'm so sorry sir. After you" he said and opened the car door for me while I got in still laughing.

He went round the car and entered and we began the journey home.

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