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Pedro's POV

Seeing Marco weep like that shattered my heart into a million pieces. Being in the cemetery brought back a lot of sad memories and I fought to hold my tears back too. Nineteen years had passed but it still felt like it was yesterday. It was like standing at my mom's funeral for the second time. The few neighbors and friends, watching father weep like a child, watching the earth being covered after she had been placed in it, the flowers, everything came flooding back so hard that when Marco started crying so hard, I had to cut through the crowd and take him away to the car, not just to console him but to also console myself. I haven't cried in over fifteen years and I wasn't about to break down in front of all those people.

When I asked Marco if I should take him home, I didn't really want to take him home. I needed to be around him just as much as he looked like he wanted to be with me. I didn't want to force my needs on him if he wanted to just head home instead. And when he said he didn't want to go home, I was happy. I placed my hand on his, craving his touch.

Seventeen long years and I haven't felt this vulnerable. Now all I wanted was a hug too.

I drove till I got to the place I had promised my father and my therapist I wouldn't visit again.

It was an old abandoned warehouse that was already falling apart. It was in another slummy part of town and the company that had the warehouse had left a long time ago. The place hadn't changed much from the last time I was there except for the few homeless people around. Once I killed the engine of the vehicle, I suddenly felt like I shouldn't have come in the first place.

Just looking at the gloomy dark walls, I suddenly felt like a ten year old grieving child again. At first Marco looked confused but then he looked at me and I sure looked like hell. He squeezed my hands gently and smiled and that gave me enough strength to get out of the car. He entwined his hand in mine again and we began to walk in. I was hesitant and he dragged me along. The vulnerability hit me strongly again and I stopped.

"I think this is bad idea"

"I don't think so. You drove us here because you want to let go of something" Marco said looking into my eyes. His green orbs scanning my face and reassuring me with a small smile.

"I don't want to let go of anything" I replied trying to keep a strong face even though I knew that this place seemed to hold a large part of me like he had said.

"Then what is this place?" he asked and I looked away so he wouldn't see the sadness in my eyes.

"You don't have to always be strong. Sometimes showing a little weakness is what makes you human. Besides I need to distract myself and I think this place would be the perfect distraction" he said pulling me again.

He didn't know the warehouse like I did so I allowed him take us round in circles and after the fourth time we burst into hard laughter.

"Are you seriously going to let us keep doing this?" He asked holding his stomach as he laughed.

"You were the one being iron man" I replied stopping to admire his smiling face.

"Well, I don't want to be iron man anymore, so please take the lead" he said

The afternoon sun was filtering into the dark dusty room through a broken window and it's orange rays were on his smiling face. He didn't look like the sad boy I had dragged away from his mother's funeral a few hours ago. He needed to be distracted and somehow this place had successfully done that like it used to do to me years ago. His green eyes, still with a layer of sadness within, was shining in the sun and his brown hair added to the aesthetic beauty. The black shirt he had on was a bit small on him and they hugged his small torso tightly giving a perfect outline of the body within. He had stopped laughing and was staring at me too. His lips were slightly parted and I just wanted to kiss them. The hungry look in my eyes must have been obvious because a deep red began to stain his face and neck as he looked away but not fast enough for me not to see the hunger in them too.

FATAL SEDUCTION: The Boy In A Cheap Suit | 18+Where stories live. Discover now