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Pedro's POV

All I actually wanted to do was go home and retire into my comfy bed and sleep through the weekend but instead I was in a taxi headed towards Hydela Industries. My head was banging and my back was sore from sleeping on hard cheap motel beds for a whole week. A look in the rear-view mirror and I cringed at my tired image. My bloodshot eyes, a clear indication that I needed a nap. Not just any kind of nap. Uninterrupted hours of sleep.

The flight back to New York had been quick and I was almost happy that I would be in the office in no time and the quicker I concluded there, the quicker I visit my bed but that happiness was cut short when the traffic had suddenly become so bad, we were stuck at a place for an hour. It had begun to crawl again but at this point, I would have alighted and trekked the rest of the way, if my legs weren't as heavy as lead.

Shanice had wanted to send my car to the airport and I had stopped her. At the moment I wished I had allowed her. The taxi was considerably small and I had to squeeze my already aching legs in-between the front seat and the back where I was seated. The driver, a rusty middle aged man who was either dumb or had no interest in saying a word, kept nodding to an insanely boring music that I didn't even understand. The air was polluted both in the taxi and out on the street so I was stuck in the mist of pungent odor.

I could have cried with relief when we pulled up of the building. I threw the dollar notes at the driver and got out of the car, stretched my frozen legs and began to walk into the building. Shanice was at the door to recieve me. She was dressed in a yellow short dress and a pair of black heels. Her hair was held up in a loose ponytail and she had a huge grin on her face. I was too tired to make any facial expressions.

"Good afternoon sir. How was your journey?" She asked getting my suitcase from my weary hands

"Uncomfortable" I simply said and walked into the elevator. She followed, filling the machinery with her strawberry scent.

She was silent for a while, which I was grateful for and then she began speaking again. I could have screamed.

"Everything was well taken care of while you were away. The designs have been sent to the engineers and it's most likely that we are going to meet the deadline. A new firm has shown interest in partnering with Hydela and we have a long list of investors all interested in........"

"Shanice, please"

My ears were saved till we got to the tenth floor and got out of the elevator, and then the greetings began pouring in.

"Good day sir"

"How was your trip sir?"

"Welcome back sir"

"Good afternoon sir"

I simply nodded to each one and walked to my office wearily. I plopped into my waiting seat and took my aching head in my hands.

"Are....you okay?" Shanice who had followed me in, asked.

"Yes Shanice, just get me some aspirin and then you can update me on everything that needs my immediate attention. I wouldn't want to be here too long"

She left immediately to get the aspirin while I still had my head in my palms. I blinked severally to clear my clouding eyes.

"Here's the aspirin" Shanice said startling me a bit because I didn't hear her re-enter.

I took the tablets in my hand and threw them in my mouth before emptying the plastic bottle of water into my dry throat. A few seconds passed and I could feel the aspirin already doing it's work.

"Okay Shanice, let's get this over with" I said looking at the papers she had placed in front of me.

"Like I was saying....."

FATAL SEDUCTION: The Boy In A Cheap Suit | 18+Where stories live. Discover now