His Mansion

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Marco's POV

The drive away from the warehouse was quiet but for the first time calm. To my own surprise, I wasn't nervous or fidgety. I felt like I actually knew this huge man sitting beside me. And he looked alot relieved. His hands on the steering wheel were not tense and he moved them easily.

Now, I didn't just admire his body, I admired his whole being. I admired the little boy that was able to learn how to handle his hurt because he didn't want to hurt his father. The boy who despite being a victim of child trauma, was able to be this successful, handsome, caring man.

I didn't realize I was staring at him till he turned and caught me.

"If you are going to keep looking at me with those sad smiley eyes, I might just have to kill myself" he said and even though he had a gentle frown on his face, I could see a glint in his eyes that said he wasn't anywhere close to angry.

"If you keep frowning all the time, you won't be this handsome for long" I said before I realized that I had just called him handsome and I had to look away to hide the red hue creeping unto my face, neck and shoulders.

"So you think I'm handsome" I could hear the amusement in his voice and that only caused my stomach to flutter.

"I think you shouldn't frown so much" I said in the strongest voice I could fathom.

"But a lot of people find that hot too"

I felt the butterflies in my stomach do a chaotic chorus.

I find it hot too

"Only weirdos find a frown hot" even my words weren't strong enough to drive home my feeble point.

"Okay" he finally said chuckling a bit.

We got silent again and I slowly gathered my nerves again. I must have been very tired because when I closed my eyes for a little rest, I opened them when the car came to a halt in front of my gloomy apartment.

"Thank God you woke up now or I would have had to carry you in" his deep voice filled my ears and not so surprisingly, I wished he had carried me in.

I didn't know what to respond, so I looked out of the car window to the house. I felt the sadness I had fought all day begin to creep back. Pedro must have noticed from how hesitant I was to get down.

"You don't want to be here?" He asked gently.

I turned to face him and even though I didn't speak, my face said it all. Without another word, he turned on the car ignition switch, changed gears and once again, we were out on the road. I felt the tightness in my chest soften again.

"Where are we going to?" I asked softly.

"My place" he answered plainly like he didn't just flip my insides like an egg with those words.

His place?!!!!

I didn't know how to feel and my confusion compounded when he turned and glued me to the leather seat with his deep hazel gaze.

"It's not like I will take you to a hotel when I have a big and comfortable house"

I could hear the arrogance in the sentence but it just succeeded in turning me several moderate levels on. He kept looking at me till I was sure that I couldn't get anymore redder.

"Keep your eyes on the road. I don't wanna die yet" I said in a voice that sounded strange to me. That succeeded in getting his attention back on the road with a gentle smile on his face.

He drove for another thirty minutes far into the heart of the city and far away from the slum I lived in. I knew he was rich so I wasn't surprised when he drove up into a street more beautiful than anything I had seen. It was lined with huge modern buildings. Most of them had lights on in them and from some windows I could see people walking around. The whole street was quiet except for a frequent barks from the dogs in most of the houses.

He kept driving till he pulled into the drive of the most beautiful condo I have ever seen. I felt my mouth drop to the floor.

"This....is...your house?" I found myself asking.

"Yes" he simply answered as he clicked a button on the remote control in his hand and the garage door opened up on its own. He drove in and parked with my mouth still on the floor. He got out and when he saw I wasn't making any attempt of following, came around and opened the door.

"I didn't say you have to sleep in the car"

"You...stay here alone?"

"If there was anyone else, I would have told you earlier"

His response did nothing to calm my racing heart. The thought of staying alone with him in his house was exciting and yet scary.

"Can you come down now? I'm already tired" he said again getting impatient.

I got the message that he wouldn't say it again without pulling me out. I got down, however slowly.

If the house was big from the outside, it was huge and beautiful inside. It was like walking into another planet. Everything was neat and woodsy. From the brown leather couches to the mahogany wood center table, the place was tastefully furnished in a rich victorian style that would leave anyone awestruck. A spiral staircase led to the upper part of the building which I presume held the rooms. The living room was so spacious, you could further divide it into four moderately sized rooms. A fireplace adorned the far right hand corner of the room and a large beautiful  painting I couldn't figure the artist or style took up a huge part of the wall on the left. A dining area was visible from the living room and it was just as beautiful.

"I can see you already like the place" Pedro said, the amused tone back in his voice. I picked up my jaw from the floor before attempting to speak.

"It's...huge" I blurted out.

"Yes, it is"

"And you stay here alone?"

"Not tonight"

At the sound of that and the way his eyes got dark and intense as he said it was enough to send me over the edge of lust.

"I will show to you to a room" he said finally and began walking up the stairs.

I followed.


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