Talk To Me

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JJ laid on her side of the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her hands were placed down by her side and the other half of her bed was empty since Will had gone to visit his Aunt and he had taken Henry with him.

JJ slipped out of her bed and looked out the window, her blonde hair going white from the bright shine of the moon light. For two agonising weeks JJ and Reid had barely spoken it was like there was a barrier on between them and it was holding each of them back, and it hurt.

She saw a figure laying in the grass, and she decided it would be now or never, the two needed to talk and it was killing her to see him look at her with that pained face knowing that she was the one who put it there.

Her feet made contact with the slightly damp grass a shiver ran down her spine, she had a long sleeve top on with a bright green pants and her hair was resting on her shoulders.

She walked over to the fallen figure and laid down beside him, there heads touching as they both looked up at the sky being memorised by the twinkling lights. Spencer wasn't angry at JJ, he didn't care about the fight but he couldn't risk putting her life in danger, losing her again it would hurt to much.

Her blonde hair was warm against his jaw and he resisted the urge to tell her everything, how much he loves her, what's really going on but his guilt in a way kept his mouth shut.

"Spence?" She whispered and he gave a little grunt to acknowledge he heard her "I'm so sorry for everything" she whispered, she felt him move and feared that he was going to get up and leave but then she heard the sound of soft cries and she looked over to see tears slowly making there way down his face, he had always been the sensitive one.

"Hey" JJ said as she wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close, liking the warmth of his body against hers, "Spence it's ok" she whispered as she gave him a big squeeze.

She was determined to find out what happened to him, why he is so scarred and broken.

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