The Begining

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SSA Jennifer Jareau 'JJ' sat at the wheel of the black SUV, each spare seat was filled with members of her behaviours analyse team. The air was cool and crisp, the sky dark as they drove in silence each team members eyes following the road entrapped in their own thoughts, doctor Spencer Reid sat shrunken in the corner next to agents Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss.

Beneath his clenched fists was a photo of him that had been taken by a  stranger who had been constantly sending him threatening notes, unwanted photographs of Reid and this strangers victims. To worsen Reid's already evident guilt this killer would blame Reid 'for not catching him' which had only added to his stress levels and encouraged Reid to have self doubt.

"Look Reid, he won't attack you while we're here, it's too risky" Morgan tried to reassure his friend throwing in his toothy grin, but  Spencer's mind was in overdrive he couldn't think straight, he couldn't not think. His ear length brown hair was messy and hung loosely at his ears and he was fitted in a crisp white shirt with black work pants, and bags under his eyes.

"Maybe I shouldn't be here, I'm only endangering the team" he muttered his voice filled with fear and sadness. Morgan sighed this had been the third time this trip he had bought that up, and Aaron Hotchner the teams leader who was sitting in the front seat twisted around so he was facing the doctor.

"Reid, noth..." but he was cut off when bright lights flashed to the side of the car, and rammed full force into the SUV, causing it to roll down the hill with its agents inside.

Smoke and glass surrounded and filled the damaged car, the atmosphere was quiet as everyone inside tried to figure out what happened and let the shock slowly fade. "Is everyone alright" JJ asked her hand wiping away the blood that was running from her nose adrenaline pumping through her, there were small yeps and moans from the agents letting each other know that they were ok and small chatter ensued as the team tried to work out what had happened, JJ tried to open her door but it didn't take her long to figure out she was stuck in there.

"Where's Reid?" Morgan asked, his voice came out tough but JJ could hear the fear behind it, twisting in her seat JJ came face to face with Morgan who looked battered and bruised and was clutching his shoulder, blood seeping out from above his eye while Prentiss who had blood and glass throughout her thick dark hair was searching frantically in the car for an indication of where Reid might have gone.

"He was right here?" Prentiss murmured as she unclipped her seatbelt causing her to wince in pain "nobody move" Hotch said as he tried to pull the jammed seatbelt away from his body, "Hotch! Reid isn't here, he's not here" Prentiss's voice had gone rather high as she was trying push the door open.

Morgan leaned over and tried to help Prentiss open the door as his was clearly dented in. JJ who managed to get her belt off, used her elbow to smash away the remaining glass keeping her inside the fallen car. "No he's not, Reid isn't here he's not in the car" Prentiss almost yelled as she struggled against the belt.

Now free from the belt, JJ looked back to see that in fact Prentiss was right there space where the doctor had been moments before was now empty, window shards were covered in blood causing the blonde to wince, leaning over to help Hotch JJ tried to fiddle with his belt, until she heard a strangled cough coming a few meters down from the car.

JJ looked out the shattered window, to see a figure lying there, she looked at Hotch with her blue eys and he nodded "go, I got this" and with that the blonde crawled out her window, landing on the ground with a thud, as soon as she stood up she felt a wave dizziness escape over her and she tried to regain balance by leaning on the car.

Another cry came out, and staggering over there JJ made her way over to the fallen body her body freezing at the sight of her best friend. Spencer Reid was laying on his back coughing up blood, with a large tree branch sticking through him, blood was all over his limp stomach and his face was pale.

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