Broken Trust

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JJ awoke to the sound of her alarm clock ringing in her ear, groaning she lifted her head annoyed but then she saw the lump asleep beside her she smiled, he had told her everything and said the three words she had wanted to hear for so long "I Love You."

But what really made her heart beat was the fact that he proved that he trusted her, he had shown that last night when he made himself completely vulnerable, he had let her see his scars, and she would always trust him with her life but now it was nice to know he would trust her with his.

"Hey" she said gently shaking him till his eyes opened, he looked at her with a confused smile and she let out a soft chuckle "we gotta go" she said and he groaned shoving his head underneath the pillow.

Laughing JJ got out of the bed and walked to his side, grabbing his hand she pulled him out of the bed and wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him in for a kiss.

He wrapped his hands around her neck, and they stood there for a minute longer before he broke away "come on we gotta go" he said as he grabbed his clothes to get dressed.

JJ sat at the wheel of the car, Reid beside her the two looked out the window and then his hand found hers and he intertwined the fingers, smiling JJ waited till there was a red light and she reached over and turned the radio on.

She could hear the radio hosts talking and then a song she had never heard before came on.

She listened to it in pure silence and when the chorus came on she couldn't help but look at him.

If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side

The two made eye contact and then looked away a blush forming on each of there cheeks, when the arrived at the station Spencer unwillingly removed his hands from hers and as soon as his hand was greeted with the cool breeze he wished it was back in JJ's.

Then the mood changed as each of them entered the station, today was the day another victim would be taken, where they would face an awful fate.

"Hey JJ" can I talk to you Hotch said as soon as he spotted the blonde, she nodded and followed him to a private room.

~10 Hours Later~

The team was exhausted they had spent the whole day hunting this unsub and had come up empty handed, every single officer had been sent to an alleyway in hope he wouldn't strike there, and Hotch was just issuing where everyone was going.

"Reid I need to talk to you" he said and Reid nodded and followed his boss into the same room had spoken to JJ in moments earlier.

"Take a seat" Hotch said and Reid nodded taking a seat on the uncomfortable couch.

"You should have told me, I could have helped you Reid, stabbings are a serious issue" Reid felt himself freeze, JJ had told on him he had trusted her and she betrayed him even after promising she wouldn't.

"I was fine" he said through gritted teeth and Hotch nodded "look can we go now I really want to prevent another victim" Reid said standing up and walking out.

"Alright JJ, Reid you go to the warehouse on sixth street, Morgan and Rossi your at the alleyway on third and Prentiss, Strauss your with me were going to stake out the bakery."

Reid sucked in a breath he didn't want to share a car with her anymore he just wanted to get as far away as possible.

The car ride was silent and JJ had tried to talk to her boyfriend but he had remained silent the whole ride, she had reached for his hand but he had yanked it away and he hadn't made eye contact with her once.

They pulled up outside the empty warehouse, and both of them turned the torches on and readied there guns but there was no one there.

"Spence" JJ tried and he ignored her, "Spencer" she snapped and he looked at her "what did I do" she questioned and his cold gaze met hers "I suppose it's my fault I was the one who trusted you" he said and she looked at him confused "what are you talking about" she said looking at him with worried eyes "you told him, after everything you told him, I Trusted you and you told him" Reid said annoyed.

JJ now getting frustrated looked at him "I have no idea what your talking about" JJ said holding her hands up as a sign of confusion and then he looked at her "I can't do this, I need to get out of her I can't be with you right now" he said slowly backing away and JJ watched in horror as he went from a walk to a jog until he was out of her sight.

She stood there alone and confused, tears brimming at her eyes, she was confused she didn't know what she did wrong.

It was only then did she hear footsteps approaching "whose there" she called lifting her gun, and before she could scream she felt a hand wrap around her mouth and pull her back, and then everything went dark.

ssa_jeid geekygubler blacklovewhite Ashleighpelham I ❤️ you guys

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