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Viserra was in her children's nursery with Alicent and her daughters Helaena and Vaenya as well as Rhaenyra's daughter Maenora.  Viserra's second youngest son Jaehaerys was attached to his sister Rhaella's skirts as they watched their younger siblings fuss around in their mother's and Alicent's arms.

"They have grown quite a lot, Rhaegar will be dashing as his brothers and Rhaenys as beautiful as her sisters," Alicent said as Rhaenys cooed in her arms playing with the toy dragon gifted to them by Viserys.

"All of our children share the Targaryen beauty. I fear Rhaenys and Alyssa will have golden hair like their great-grandma Alyssa," Viserra said, "but yes they are both beautiful."

"Mother can we take Rhaegar and Rhaenys to watch our brothers, cousins and uncles train with father?" Aeliae asked.

"Yes, may we take them outside mama," Naerys asked.

"Of course, but not for long though for they need to be fed. Take Alyssa with you." Viserra handed Rhaegar to his wet nurse as Alicent did the same with Rhaenys.

"Naerys, Maenora you are in charge of them. Take your guards with you," Viserra ordered them.

"Yes, mama," "yes, aunt," both Naerys and Maenora said. The children apart from Rhaella, Jaehaerys, Vaenya and Helaena left the nursery with the wet nurses and guards to go the court yard to watch the princes train.

Awhile later, Alicent left to watch over the children and took Viserra's children to Rhaenyra's chambers so they could spent time with their aunt and uncle Laenor.

She left soon after fearing if she stayed she would cause Rhaenyra more suffering for what she has caused the family. As soon entered the nursery, she froze in horror to what she had returned to. Laying on the floor dead was Prince Jaehaerys and her daughter Princess Vaenya. Princess Viserra had been struck from the sword that killed her son and sister. Both Princess Helaena and Rhaella were kneeling by Viserra as she cried over the dead prince and princess.

Ser Harwin and Cristin Cole didn't make it in time to save the dead prince and princess but they made it in time to save the princesses as they killed one of the men and arrested the others and took them to the dungeons for questioning.

When Daemon heard the news of his sons death and his wife's attempted murder, he stormed down to the dungeons of the red keep and attacked the men.

"You better hope my wife does not die or you will suffer from my wrath for you would have killed my light to my darkness. You have already killed my son for that I will kill yours when I find your family, for I know who you are. I have met you before." And with that he left the men with the soldiers.

Princess Viserra was bleeding out so much blood

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Princess Viserra was bleeding out so much blood. The Maesters were able to stop the bleeding and stitched her up. Viserra was sleeping finally after Daemon pulled her away from their sons body. Daemon sat at his wife's bedside holding her hands. Not only do they lose their son and sister/niece but they also lost their unborn child. Viserra was three months pregnant. Since the Princess was stressed with the situations in court she did not notice the signs of this pregnancy and so she didn't know about the child.

Viserys, Rhaenyra and Aenar entered the chambers to see Viserra and Daemon after hearing the news.

"Daemon, we are sorry to hear what happened. Is Viserra alright?" Viserys asked.

"Yes, Rhaella told me she was only stabbed because she was trying to save our son. Little Vaenya stopped Viserra from being killed. The poor child," Daemon said, "We need to catch Otto Hightower for he is behind this, he intended to kill Viserra and my children. Rhaenyra's or Aenar's children may be next, we need to kill the Hightowers brother, All of them."

"He is right father, we need to be more cautious with this. We do not know of his plans. He has made us suffer so much already. I don't want to live in fear of what he will do to our children. Jaehaerys and Vaenya didn't deserve what had happened to them. They were young children," Aenar stated. Rhaenyra didn't say anything as she sat by her sister's side.

"I will order the deaths of Gwayne, Ormund, Martyn Hightower, Hobert and his wife. The man will also be sentenced to death by dragon fire," Viserys stated. Daemon nodded.

"Viserra will be the one to do it. She needs this for she has suffered more loss then I have," Daemon said, "we were to be parent's again. She was with child. The bastard not only took one child from us but two."

The King couldn't believe his ears after hearing what his brother has said. His daughter, his beautiful daughter has lost yet another child. He thought back to her warning from all those years ago, he knew he should have listened to her for her dreams were warnings of what were to happen.

"When she is awake tell her of what is to happen to the traitors for what they have done it only costed with death."

The Kingdom was in chaos

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The Kingdom was in chaos. The peacefulness had ended all of a sudden. Otto Hightower had gotten his revenge finally. He had broken the once happy family that the Targaryens had built the last 11/12 years.  Otto hatched out a plan to kill Viserra's sons. He knew he couldn't kill Baelon and Aerion for they are always with their father or uncles. He must kill her younger three sons so if anything were to happen to Baelon and Aerion, she will not have an heir.

Of course he didn't know what was finally done because one of the men was killed and the others captured. Otto didn't know which children they have killed all he knew was a prince and a princess. He heard the city watch talk about how Viserra was also caught in the crossfire. He grinned from ear to ear after hearing this. Viserra may be dead and he could now hope for his grandson on the throne.

He had send out his final plans to cause more ruptures in the family. Otto send a letter with a maid for Rhaenyra and one for Daemon which would have been for Viserra but she may be dead.

But what Otto didn't know was that his family was to brutally sentenced to death because of his actions.

But what Otto didn't know was that his family was to brutally sentenced to death because of his actions

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Baelon was sat at his mothers side waiting for her to wake up. Rhaella was sat with her father while Naerys, Aerion and Aerea were sat around their mothers bed. Princess Rhaenys and her daughter Laena had taken the four young children to their chambers for they did not understand what was happening. They did not know what had happened to their brother or mother, not even their aunt.

The older children knew they had to be there for their parents and younger siblings know more then ever. Baelon especially. He was the eldest and he would do anything to protect his family. He was his parents son. Baelon would fear nothing from anyone for he would be the one people will fear.

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