The execution of the five Hightowers and the man involved in the assassination Of Prince Jachaerys and Princess Vaenya was held the next day in front of the people of kingslanding. The Hightower sons were first executed by Daemon with his sword Dark sister, Hobert Hightower, his wife Leila Hightower and the man that was arrested by Harwin and Cristion were brought out after. Their way of death was more deadly than beheading. Viserra of course didnt want to kill Leila but she was apart Of the Hightower plot no matter what. They will killed by dragon fire, from the one of the most dangerous dragon's known to man, The cannibal. The cannibal burnt the three alive by the orders of Viserra, the only Targaryen known to tame him. After burning them alive, he also ate them. He was known as the cannibal for a reason.
By the orders of King Viserys, every home in the city was searched for Otto and his grandchild, Alaenys. Valaenya was grateful for the King for having soldiers search for her daughter. Her two youngest, Shiera and Gael were kept with the young Targaryen and Velaryon children in the new nursery surrounded by guards. Daemon had made sure that the children were protected by people who were loyal to the crown so nothing would happen to the heirs to the crown.
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Otto had heard rumours that his son, brother and nephews were being executed. He snuck into the crowd that morning and watched as the Targaryens killed his family. This made him even more determined to finish his plans. His plan would involve getting to Aegon and killing Viserys. If he succeeds doing this he will be one step closer to the iron throne. But of course he will have to start a war for it because he will need to kill every Targaryen and Velaryon heir to throne.
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A few moons have passed, Viserys was put on bed rest and so Viserra had taken over his royal duties. Viserra had put in some plans to make the Red Keep more safe. She hired more guards, hired Mysaria as her lady of whispers so she could use her little birds as spies like Otto did to spy on them. Mysaria of course wanted something in return, she wanted to change flea bottom and help the children leaving in poverty in which Viserra agreed to help aid Mysaria with her plans to change flea bottom. Daemon was suprised to hear his wife and old mistress helping each other. He didn't believe that Mysaria was actually loyal to crown but to herself but he trusted his in his wife, his future Queen to know if people were not loyal to them.