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Many years have past since the horrific night the royal family had to enjure. Otto Hightower had manged to succeded in killing Viserys Targaryen and kidnapping his grandson Aegon Targaryen so he could manipulate him into becoming the next king of the seven kingdoms. The only problem now was that he needed to get rid of Viserra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen and their many childien. Not only that, he would have to also get rid of Rhaenyra, Aenar and their children as well because they all were also be in his way to get Aegon on the throne. Otto thought of getting rid of his daughter but he would just imprision her and take her other two children and manipulate them in his image. He tried to kidnap them also but were saved by Laenor and Harwin.

Life in kingslanding for the royal family was full of grief and sadness. Viserra was made Queen of the seven kingdoms the day after her father was taken from them. Viserys, even though he
was sick from infection off his wounds, still had long left but Otto had stabbed him in his heart.
The Targaryen family spend the years looking for Otto, Aegon and Alaenys but they did not succeed in finding them. Alicent was distraught from her son being taken, wondering if he was still alive. Alicent decided to keep her last two remaining children close to her side, she would even check on her step-grandchildren fearing one day they would also be taken or killed.
Rhaenya and Acnar not only lost their father but their spouses, Laena died in child birth and the child died also. Laenor was unfortunly killed saving Helaena and Aemond.

Alot of good events have happened throughout the years. Rhaenya and Aenar wed and had two sons, Aegon and Viserys and she had not long given birth to her their daughter Visenya. Viserra became Queen and Daemon her prince consort.
They both also had more children, Daenaera, Elaena, Vaeryn, twins: Aelon and Aemma, twins: Vaemon and Aerys, Alicent and Maekar.
Viserra was currently pregnant with another babe. The maester said that this pregnancy was much bigger then when Viserra had twins, suggesting that she may have triplets but one of the babes may not survive like her first set of triplets.

Viserra has had a great number of pregnancies people may say more then the great queen Alysanne who had 13 pregnancies but not all made it to adulthood. She knew these babes will be her last and Daemon knew this. Even though Daemon loved making love with his wife and Ser Harwin and he loved his children, he didn't want his wife to suffer from having more children. He loved her so much that he would chop of his penis just for her so Viserra wouldn't end up with child, but she loved her husband to much to give up making love with him so she went to the maesters to find a solution to their problem's and they suggested either Daemon cut his balls off, Viserra have her cervix sowed close or drink the tea to prevent pregnancies and suffer from the sickness of taking it.

Viserra chose to have her cervix sowed close instead of the other two options. She didn't want Daemon to suffer and she also didn't want to suffer from the effects of drinking the tea, when she drank it when she was younger and it effected her health thats why she stopped taking it while her and Daemon were in the step stones and she became pregnant with Baelon and Rhaella after that.

Viserra was on bed rest for last few moons of pregnancy so Daemon had taken over royal duties with Alicent while Viserra was resting.
Viserra stroked her belly thinking on the children she and Daemon had lost, Aenys Targaryen, Jaehaerys Targaryen, Elaerys Targaryen , unborn babe, Aemon Targaryen and Laenya Targaryen.

Aenys was Aerion and Aeliae triplet but he didn't survive the birth, Jaehaerys was murdered by Otto Hightower's assassins he sent, Elaery's died a few days after birth, Viserra miscarried the unborn babe after her assassination attempt, Aemon also died a few days after birth, and Laenya died before her first birthday. Even though she lost these children, Viserra knew that the gods give and the gods take away. She knew they were safe and happy with her parents. Viserra was grateful for the children she has now because they all made her into the mother that she is to this day. A knock broke her out of her thoughts.

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