Chapter Two

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      It was all falling into place, CeyCey and probably Leila, had both known that Sanem and Can were there at the same time.  " That's why CeyCey was so accepting of my decision on going home."  She thought.

      Can turned and paced back and forth on the pier, " So CeyCey lied to both of us. He told me that you were happy and had made a new life for yourself in the islands.. And if I had really cared for you, I would leave you alone..and not hurt you anymore." Can spoke, feeling the sting of betrayal..

      Sanem recalled the conversation she had with CeyCey as well. It made sense now, the fact that he had argued with her about Can and even asked her what good it would do for her to know about Can.....That he had chose his life...a life without her...

     All her thoughts were buzzing through her head like a whirlwind. She knew she had to be alone for a moment to think it through...

      " Can, I'm taking a taxi to a hotel. I need to try and make some sense of all this." She muttered, taking his hand. " You need to do the same. But I will listen to you, we will talk it out. I want that as much as you do." She said, moving closer to him.

      Can nodded, " But promise me you won't just leave. Don't turn your back on me. I know I don't deserve it, but I need the chance to explain, be with you.. to bring you back to me." He pleaded, as he stroked her face.

      Sanem agreed, " I won't leave. I know this is important to us. If we want a second chance at what we had, then we both need to stay and try....try harder than we ever did before." 

      Can hailed a taxi and threw their bags in, " The lady is going to Skalion Hotel." He told the driver, as he sat down beside her in the back of the taxi. " Is that hotel ok with you. I know it's close to the coast and I hear the food is excellent." He said with a smile.

      Sanem smiled, " He hasn't forgotten how much I love my food.... especially the food from home.." she thought, feeling that warmth of being with home...and of being with the only man that made her feel loved.

      It wasn't long before the taxi pulled up in front of the hotel. A beautiful place, with a view to match. Can jumped out and grabbed her bag from the trunk, " Will you wait for me, I want to make sure the lady gets checked in ok." He told the driver, as he offered his hand to Sanem, helping her from the taxi.

      She took his hand as she stepped out of the taxi. As the headed to the entrance to the hotel, Sanems's phone rang. She took it from her pocket, the name Javier appeared on the screen..

      Can couldn't help but look, as she answered. " I'm so sorry my dear. I have had a slight delay." She told him in Spanish, glancing at Can for a second, then turning away. She stopped before entering the hotel, taking a few steps away from Can to have her conversation.

      She continued her call, but just far enough away from Can that it was difficult to hear what was being said. The Spanish language was not one that he spoke fluently, he learned just enough to get by in some of the countries that he had traveled to. He was quite impressed that Sanem had mastered the language, as he eavesdropped, but he heard enough to come to the conclusion that this call was a little more than a business call.

     Sanem had to go about the task of explaining why she had missed her plane. " What possibly could have happened Sanem, for you to have a change of plans?" Javier asked, clearly disappointed that she was not already on her way to Barcelona.

      " Well Javier, it was my decision to stay her a little longer, and I don't think I need to explain myself to you. I have some unresolved business here. I just became aware of a certain situation and I, I  want to take care of it." She said in a huff..

      He recognized her tone of voice and knew he was overstepping the boundaries of publisher/friend/want-to-be lover. " Ok my love, I understand. At least can you tell me how long you plan on staying in Istanbul. You told me your father was doing well and was on the road to recovery, so what is keeping you there?" He asked, already thinking of the possible answer..

      "Javier, I want to stay. That's all you need to know. Now I'm checking into the Skalion Hotel for now. I have some personal problems that I want to solve. I will let you know when I will be coming to Madrid."....She announced, not leaving any room for discussion.

      She ended the call with that, knowing that Can was waiting, and she would have to offer up some sort of explanation for that call...

      Can didn't say a word, just opened the door for her to enter. They walked silently to the front desk, but Can had already began his list of questions in his mind, as his jealously began to rear its ugly head.

      A single room with a view was what she asked for, as the lady searched for the perfect room. " Ahh, here we go....the best room on the 6th floor. It has a very large balcony, and you can see all the way across The Sea of Marmara." She said jokingly, with a giggle. 

      " That's sounds perfect." Sanem answered. " And how long will you be staying?" The woman asked, as she shifted her eyes from Sanem to Can...

      " I'm not sure, but at least a few days. But can I let you know later?" She replied, shoving her credit card toward her. 

      After a few moments the woman handed her a key card, " Room 612 ma'am. Take the elevator on your right, when you exit take a left, and your room is at the end of the hallway..." She explained, flustered from the presence of Can.

      Sanem could see the sign, that sign of yet another woman that was enjoying the vision of Can Divit...Yes she knew those signs all too well......

      She reached for her bag, " Thanks, but I have it from here. I guess we should meet somewhere and talk....but first I need to talk to our good friend CeyCey." She said. "He has some explaining to do."

      Can nodded, " Yes, but nothing is more important to me than spending time with you. I will pick you up in the morning, first thing, and we will go to breakfast. I want to have the whole day together, and every day after that,...for...Well, for as many days as you want." He stammered, still thinking of her phone call from Javier.

      Sanem smiled, " Ok, I will be ready. Breakfast sounds great, and I want to spend time with you too,...we have a lot to catch up on." She said shyly, feeling her body begin to warm up with just the thought of being alone with him....

      He stood there, holding on to her hand, as if his feet were sunk in cement. He didn't want to leave her there. Not even for a few hours, not even till the morning.....

      " Can, please don't run away this time. Please don't throw us away, not after all we have been through. We both need to reconnect,...  I want to get to know you again, I want to find you again... She spoke, her eyes filling with tears....

      Can shook his head, " I'm not going anywhere... I want the same thing...To find you again....

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