Chapter Seventeen

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      Javier looked around Sanem out to the balcony, " So that is Can Divit. He is the reason you canceled your plans to return home....Sanem this man almost cost you your sanity. Why would you even want to be in the same room with him." He asked, gripping her arms firmly with his hands.

      Sanem frowned, " This is none of your business Javier. If you want to talk about the book, then I will meet you downstairs in the restaurant in about thirty minutes, but my private life will not be the topic." She scowled, as she opened the door for him.

      Javier's face turned a pale shade of red. " Very well, I will meet you there, but you are making a huge mistake here Sanem." He said, as if he knew what was best for her.

      She nodded, " Thirty minutes... and I hope the news is worthy of your trip all the way to Istanbul." She answered, with a look of doubt.

      Sanem shut the door behind him, her insides shaking with anger, " How dare him show up here and tell me what I'm doing is wrong."  She thought, as she leaned against the door. 

      Can stepped inside, " So, there's some big news? And he had to fly all the way to Istanbul to tell you?" He remarked sarcastically. " My love, he wants to be more than just your publicist, he came her to take you home with him." His words cut like a sharp knife.

      Sanem shook her head, " He has never acted like that before. I will take care of it.... I will see what he has to say, then send him on his way back to Barcelona." She said, moving up close to him. She felt safe here, right here next to him. And this was where she wanted to be.

      Javier found a table in the back of the almost deserted restaurant. He wanted to be alone with her, and this seemed the only place that was going to happen. The image of that shirtless man, looming dauntingly over her at the door, still lingered in his mind as he ordered a drink.

      It was a bit early for whiskey, but this had turned out to be a stressful morning. " What was she thinking.... Or was she thinking at all." He wondered, downing the first drink and ordering another. " This was suppose to be an easy fix....tell her about the new book signing and whisk her away to Scotland, just the two of them....alone."

      He rubbed his face, trying to clear his head. " It's just a minor setback....nothing to worry about. Once she hears about the offer from Inverness, and what it would mean to her book, she will come around."  Javier told himself with confidence...

      Sanem encircled Can's neck with her arms. " I'm sorry he interrupted our day. I will meet with him, don't worry, he won't force me to do anything I don't want." She muttered, stretching up on her tiptoes to smatter his face with kisses.

      Can smiled. He pulled her close, becoming aroused with the way her body felt next to his. She did things to him that no other woman had ever done. " I am not through with you today. Go...have your meeting, but I will be back to pick you up." He told her, as he nibbled mercilessly on her neck.

      Her breathing was irregular and she felt that warm tingly feeling begin to fill her body, "Can...I don't have time now...please. Let's wait till later." She said, pushing herself away from him. She wasn't sure how many times she would be able to resist this man... this man that set her on fire.

      He pulled her back to him, giving her a tight hug, " Ok my love. I understand. I will pick you up for dinner. I'm going to cook for you at the cabin, over the fire. No distractions...agreed?" He asked, resting his forehead on hers.

      " I love you...I love you more than anything." He mumbled, smoothing down her hair. " I will be here at 6 o'clock.. and please don't tell your publisher where the cabin is... I'm don't want another surprise visit." He joked. 

      He swallowed up her lips with his, devouring them as if they were his favorite food. " I miss you already babe." He whispered breathlessly. 

      Can hurried out the door. He knew he had to go quickly or he wouldn't go at all. The elevator ride down gave him time to collect himself.  All those feeling raging through him like a tidal wave had made him feel unsteady. He knew that her publicist had other reasons than her book, for showing up in Istanbul... 

      Javier had the view of the lobby elevator from where he sat in the restaurant. He watched as Can exited the elevator and headed out, knowing that Sanem would be there shortly. Now it was up to him to make this deal sound better than ever.

      Somehow he would have to get Can Divit out of the way, but he wasn't going to let Sanem make the biggest mistake of her life. If she wasn't interested in him as more than a friend, then the last thing he wanted was to lose her as a client. 

      Sanem and her book generated a lot of money for him and the Publishing House. The past seven years had made him a name to be reckoned with in the business, and it was all because of Sanem Aydin. 

      He waved at the waiter, " My guest should be here soon, so would you bring us some tea please." He replied, just as the door of the elevator opened and Sanem headed toward the restaurant. 

      Javier raised his hand and waved, letting her know where he was. She smiled and started to the table, " You know this is quite the just showing up here." She remarked, as she pulled out the chair to sit down.

      He stood,  moving around to hold the chair for her, " Well I do that sometimes. I felt like this was a special offer and I wanted to deliver it in person." He explained, as he took his chair.

      She nodded, curious about this wonderful offer. " Well, don't keep it a secret....what is it?" She blurted out, a bit impatient. 

      He smiled, knowing he had peaked her curiosity. " A very important and well known bookstore has sent an invitation to have you there for a two day book signing event... It is quite the offer.. One that any bestselling author would be excited to get." He said, teasing her.

      She leaned across the table, glaring at him, " Javier, will you please get to the point." She said. He clapped his hands together with excitement, " Yes...yes...We are going to Inverness, Scotland my love...." He announced anxiously, as he studied her face for a reaction.

      For a second she just sat there letting it soak in. Then gradually a smile came across her face, " You don't mean Leakey's Book Store....THE Leakey's Book Inverness Scotland." She repeated with astonishment...

      A broad smile came across Javier's face... He had done it..he had given her one of the best book signing offers that anyone could get.... One that no one could resist...

      He reached into his bag and pulled out the elaborately done, official invitation and slide it across the table in front of her..... " Here it is.... The elite invitation... What do you think? No, don't think...just react. We have to leave in a couple of days, so just take care of whatever you have to take care of and we can be on our way." He spouted with enthusiasm...

      " Two days.... I can't leave here in two days... in fact I don't know if I want to leave at all.." She said, when the reality finally set in.... She didn't want to think about leaving Can, not now, not ever.....

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