Chapter Twenty Seven

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      Mevkibe Aydin had out done herself.. The whole neighborhood had joined together and transformed their street into a beautiful space. They lined their block with tables that were blanketed with food.

      This had been a celebration that she had looked forward to for many years... She knew the kind of love that Can and Sanem had, and she knew they would find each other again...

      The ceremony was short. A "yes" from both Can and Sanem and the signing of their name was all it took to join them together for the rest of their lives. 

      " Let's take a picture together...just to document this special day." Emre said, as they all gathered around Can and Sanem for a selfie. A few minutes later they were on their way to the car, hand and hand.

      Can opened the car door, " Here you go Mrs.Divit...." He smiled. " I like the sound of that.." He said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.  She shuddered, " That gave me a chill... I am Mrs. Divit. I love the sound of that too.." She said stroking his beard...

      They could hardly keep their eyes off of one another as they drove to the Aydin's neighborhood. Can would have been satisfied without a party, but Mevkibe had her heart set on it and he didn't want to disappoint her.... But all he wanted was this night alone, at the cabin with Sanem....

      The food, laughter and music had gone on for quite some time, when Can pulled Sanem aside, " I think we should go... and make our own party at the cabin... a party just for two." He whispered in her ear...

     She smiled, feeling her face flush with heat. " Is that right my husband... a party for two, hmm, won't that be boring?" She teased, as she nibbled on his ear. 

      His body filled with goosebumps as she kissed his neck playfully... " Sanem, you don't want to start something that you can't finish, my love... Let's say our good nights. We have a lot of night waiting for us." He muttered, his heart pounding hard..

      Sanem was nervous and almost giddy with excitement as they turned on that familiar road that led to the cabin. " This is our first home together my love... I don't want to ever get rid of it." She said. " Oh by the way, we have to be in Inverness, Scotland day after tomorrow for the book signing. And Flora has rented us a secluded cottage there for as long as we want... So, we can begin our honeymoon there. What do you think." She asked, sliding over to lay her head on his shoulder.

      " I think it sounds great.. secluded you say... It sounds perfect."  He replied, but anywhere would be perfect if they were together, he thought... But for tonight, he wanted to be here, at the cabin. This had been the first place he had shared with her... his place, so it was only fitting that they spend their last night in Istanbul there...together.

     The cabin was just as they had left it, the bed still in shambles, the pillows flung about, but nothing could have been more perfect. Can lit a couple of candles and turned around to find their favorite album to put on the record player....

      It took him a minute to find it in the dimly lit room and get it started. " There we go. We have candles, music and a half empty bottle of wine...." He was saying as he turned around..... But he stopped abruptly and his mouth fell open, as he saw his wife standing there totally naked....

      " I'm not sure if we needed all of those things, my dear husband." Sanem spoke quietly. Within seconds Can removed his clothes and was standing with Sanem. Just the feel of their bodies touching had sent a jolt of electricity through them.

     If this was the feeling of making love, he never wanted it to stop..he thought, as they stumbled backward, both of them falling on the bed.... His lips devouring hers... feverishly and demanding.. his hands tracing every curve of her body... 

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