Chapter Five

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      The sound of her voice on the other end of the phone startled him, but at the same time it made him feel warm and cozy, like a warm blanket. 

      " Huhh, I wasn't sure if you had the same number or not. I just took a chance, and you answered." He babbled, knowing how corny he sounded. " I...I.. are you ok. Do you have everything you need. If not, well I can't go get it for you,...because I don't have a car"....He continued to stammer about, trying to form an intelligent sentence.

       Sanem giggled, " I have everything I need. Don't worry, but since you don't have a car, maybe I should just meet you somewhere in the morning, know, for breakfast." She said, hoping he hadn't changed his mind about it all.

      " On no, I'm getting a car in the morning, and I will pick you up. So how does 9 o'clock sound. I will have breakfast ready and....."  he stopped before finishing..... He wanted breakfast at the cabin to be a surprise, so he hoped she hadn't caught his mistake....

      Sanem agreed, " That sounds great. But what happened to your truck?" She asked. " Well, I thought the truck may hold too many memories for us right now. I didn't want to put anymore pressure on us, so I decided to just rent a car for a few days." He explained, hoping she would understand.  

      Sanem was quiet for a minute, as she remembered how that truck had seen so much of their lives together.  All the happiness, and the sadness, all the good times and the worst ... So maybe it was for the best. "Concentrating on old memories sometimes don't leave room for the making of new ones."   She thought.

      " Ok,...I just wanted to say goodnight and tell you what time I will be there in the morning... so I have, so I guess it's time to say goodnight..... Ok,..goodnight Sanem, I will see you in the morning,...9 o'clock sharp." Can stammered, clearly stalling.

     Sanem smiled, " Ok, see you in the morning. At 9 o'clock sharp.... Should I meet you in the lobby?" She asked, not wanting people to talk if anyone should see  them...

      Can hesitated, " Hmm, I suppose that would be the best thing, ok, yes....just meet me in the lobby." 

      "Ok, the lobby it is then.. 9 o'clock. Oh, where are we going for breakfast?" She asked, wanting to prolong their conversation. 

      " Huh, hmm, well, I.... can it be a surprise?" He answered, hoping she would agree. " I want it to be a surprise if it's ok with you." 

      " Sure, if that's the way you want it. I like surprises, you know that." She said, remembering all the times he had gone out of his way to make something special for her, and all the times she loved it...

      " Well, I was about to give my sister a call, so...I guess this is goodnight, until the morning...I'm looking forward to it Can." She muttered, in a sultry whisper, then she ended the call.

      Can sat there, staring at the phone in his hand, " I don't think I have ever heard that voice from her before... it was...different."  He thought, as a shiver of excitement ran down his spine.

      He stretched out underneath the stars again, thinking of what was to come. " Maybe she has changed,...maybe she's not the same girl I knew before"... A wide smile filled his face...." This is going to be fun getting to know each other again." 

      Sanem stomped her feet on the cushion of the lounge chair and flung her arms about in the air, as she let out a squeal, " Oh my god.... He is just as heart stopping as he was eight years ago,...maybe even more."  She thought, covering her face playfully with her hands. " And he hasn't changed a bit.... He is still that charming, boy-like man that has no idea what he does to me..." She spoke out loud, as if she were talking to someone....

      After a few minutes of fantasizing, Sanem calmed herself. She knew she had to call her sister before it was too late. 

      Leila answered quickly, " Sanem, how was your flight? You would not believe how good dad is doing. The doctor says.....  " Leila, I'm glad to hear that,..but that's not why I called." Sanem said, interrupting her sister in mid-sentence...

      " I didn't leave Istanbul... I got to the airport, and was rushing to my gate,... and ran into someone that you and my dear friend CeyCey had neglected to tell me, was in Istanbul as well..." She snipped.

      Leila couldn't speak,... but she knew she would have to try and give her an explanation. "Abla, please let me explain. I didn't think you needed that problem right now. I was trying to protect you from more heartache.." She muttered..

      Sanem closed her eyes as that feeling of being a little child again came over her. " Leila, I'm not a child, I'm not someone that needs to be looked after or protected from the truth.. I'm a big girl...and if I want to see Can again,.... Well, if I want to see him, then I will. It's that simple." She stated, making it quite clear she wasn't happy with what she had done.

      " I wanted you to know that I didn't leave. I stayed to talk to Can,.... To let him explain himself, let him explain to me why he left. This is what I want, and you have nothing to say about it." She spoke, her words stinging Leila.

      " Sanem are you sure you know what you're doing. Can hurt you,.. so you want to go back for more." She replied. " And where are you,.. and please don't tell me you are staying with him in a hotel somewhere." She uttered in disgust...

      " Don't worry Leila, I'm staying here alone, but if I had wanted Can to stay with me, it would have been my business... Leila, I love you, and I don't want this to hurt anyone, but I still love Can. I need to find him again, we need to find each other again." 

       Sanem ended the call, but not before promising that she would come to the hospital sometime the next day to see her parents. " Leila, don't tell mom or dad about this just yet. I want to be the one to tell them... I know that you want to be the one to say what a mistake I'm making, but.... Please, give me the courtesy of doing that myself.." she said. 

      She leaned back in the lounge chair, completely satisfied in the way she had handled her sister... " It's time for me to show them that I know what is best for me.... What makes me happy, and if that's Can Divit... then so be it....

       It was well after midnight before Can was settled down enough to go to sleep...All the events of the day were gushing through him like a tidal wave.  He laid down on the pull out bed, still reliving every moment that the two of them had spent together in this very spot..

      This cabin had always been his safe place, a place that was only his. But it meant so much more to him after he brought Sanem here.. She was the one that made the cabin special.... 

       Their first dance together.... Their first meal together.....their first real date.... All of those things happened right here....And this is where they would find them all again.....

       He wasn't sure of her life over the past seven year....or who she might be involved with. But he knew he wasn't going to let that stop him... " She was his....she was his breath...his heartbeat... his meaning in life.... So no,..nothing was going to stop him.." ....

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