Chapter Twenty Four

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      Javier watched as the elevator doors closed, and Sanem disappeared from his life. He had planned everything so carefully...what had happened.

      For one thing...He had never planned on Sanem and Can Divit having such a deep, connecting love. He thought that she had rid herself of him when she found Richard. He never planned on Sanem breaking it off with Richard because she reazlied she didn't love him....

      He had sent Richard's ex-girlfriend to Dubai to end his relationship with Sanem. And for Sanem to coming running to Barcelona in tears, and he would be there to console her... But Richard's ex-girlfriend didn't get there in time. Sanem had already broke it off with Richard and was on her way back to Puerto Baquerio Moreno by the time she arrived..

      Javier had done everything for Sanem, but now it looked like he had lost her, more than likely for good... He had lost his most lucrative client and the woman he wanted more than anything...... There was only one thing for him to do...Pack his bags and go home.

       Can took the bag from Sanem, and opened the door for her to get in. He tossed the large tote bag in the backseat and took his place behind the wheel... " Are you ready to go... What about Javier? What about Scotland? Have you made your decision?" Can asked, as he held on tightly to her hand.

      Sanem nodded, " Yes... I made that decision a while ago. Javier is no longer my publisher, and what he told you about me wanting to marry Richard was not true." She said, stroking his face with her hand. " I broke it off with Richard because I knew I was still in love with you, and nothing was going to change that." She muttered softly.

      " And as far as Scotland is concerned, I talked to a very sweet lady at Leakeys Bookstore, and we made arrangements for another book signing date....whenever we are free to travel to Inverness...." She explained, giving him a shy smile..

      " We".....when we are free to travel to Inverness.... So we are going together?" He stammered, wanting to make sure he had understood....Sanem laughed, " Of course...I wouldn't, I won't go anywhere without you....Not now that we have found each other again..." She leaned across to give him a kiss on the cheek...

      He wrapped his arms around her, holding her there close to him. " Oh no you don't... you aren't getting away with just a peck on the cheek." He whispered, as he covered her mouth with his... devouring the sweet taste of her lips.....

      The kiss was long and intense, heating them both to the core.... Sanem was breathless by the time they parted... " I hope you're hungry my love....because I have a feast waiting for you at the cabin.." He muttered, his lips still resting gently against hers.

      The drive to the cabin was almost silent and filled with glances of anticipation. Each of them more than excited to be alone. 

      By the time they pulled off the road and started up the long driveway to the cabin, their desire to finally be together in every sense of the word, had consumed both of them. Can's heart was beating at a marathons pace, and it was hard for him to breath.

     Sanem had fantasized about this moment so many times in her head that she knew exactly how it was going to be....or so she thought. As the car came to a stop near the steps leading to the cabin, a new wave of hesitation swept over her.

     It was a new fear... a fear of not satisfying Can's needs. What if she wasn't good enough...what if she didn't have enough experience.... She had only been intimate with three men in her life, and two of them were disastrous one night stands.

      She felt her body began to shiver as Can came around to open the car door for her. She smiled, " Thank you." She muttered, reaching out to take hold of his hand. The feel of his skin made her gasp, but she tried to hide it.

      All of a sudden he seemed different... she seemed different. Like the first day she saw him at the agency... he was larger than life. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, " This is what you have been waiting for...he is what you have been waiting for all your life...So take it." The inner voice whispered confidently in her head.

      Can helped her from the car, holding on to her hand tightly, he lead her to the cabin. The table was set and decorated with flowers. The candles were lit, and the flames danced and flickered mysteriously in the dark. It was magical...

      " This is beautiful Can. How do you always know the right thing to do." She asked, as she gazed around at the what he had done. The doors to the cabin were wide open, and she could see the inside was decorated as well. 

      An array of candles were scattered thought-out the small area. A pathway of rose petals lined the way to the sofa bed. The bed was adorned with a white, silky soft blanket and a host of pillows in every shape, size and color. It was as close to perfection as anything could be...

      Sanem was stunned. " Do you like it? I hope you do. I wanted this night to be a night to remember." He spoke softly, as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. 

     The words were slow to come, as she soaked in the beauty of it all. " Can, I love it... it's wonderful, beautiful, and special. Thank you" She muttered, as she choked back the tears. 

      Suddenly all the hesitation and fear disappeared. Sanem wanted him more than anything...more than any other person in her life. This was what her life was missing...he was what was missing. 

      Can wanted nothing more than to rip off her clothes and his, and devour her in a rage of desire....But tonight was not the night for that. This was a night for intimacy, a night of sensual and emotional love making..... A night of romance.

      Even the kiss felt different as he gently touched her lips. It was soft but demanding.... as he searched every inch of her mouth with his tongue.... awakening all of her senses.. She felt her body tremble as she returned his kiss with hunger and a wanting desire. 

      Their clothing  seemed to melt away magically as they held on to each other in a heated passion. Before she knew it, she was looking at him in a whole new way. So smooth and muscular. It took her breath she struggled to stay calm.

      Her body was a silhouette of perfection as the candles flickered about, casting glistening glimpses of her naked body... He blinked his eyes, trying to adjust them to the dim light, as he reached for her.

      He was in a trance as he touched her. Her skin was soft and smooth.... but he could feel her trembling with anticipation.. " You don't know how many nights I have dreamt of this it would feel to touch you, feel your body next to mine." He whispered, pulling her up against his body... It sent a bolt, of what seemed like lightning, through him....making him shudder...

      Her breathing was short and already labored, but the sudden sensation of his body plastered against hers almost sent her over the edge.....

      He buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent that had become an addiction to him. His hands slide slowly and methodically down the her back, until they reached the curvature of her hips.

      He was enraptured with her and how she made him feel.....It was like nothing he could describe.... 

      This was a new chapter for him... new feelings... His very soul was riddled with a passion he had never experienced before...... He knew at that moment...This was the true meaning of love...

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