Chapter Sixteen

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      Sanem felt her heart racing as he held on to her hand. " I felt the same way. The islands were a good distraction, but they could never feel like Istanbul. This is home, this is where my heart is the happiest....but only when you were here." She admitted, as she stood and walked to the railing.

      Can followed her, stepping up closely behind and wrapping his strong arms around her. " I'm sorry for leaving.... I'm sorry for not calling you or texting you.... I'm sorry that I didn't try to understand you. But I have changed a lot since then. I know I can't have a happy life if you're not in it." He uttered softly to her.

      Sanem leaned back against him, welcoming his words, wishing he had said them to her a long time ago..

      " Can, why didn't you say these things to me before you left...or answered one of the hundred of calls that I made to you....or answered one of my texts.. It would have made me feel so much better...." She said, choking back the tears..

      She felt his arms tighten around her, " I was hurting to much... I felt so betrayed just knowing that you would give away something that meant so much to me.. it made me crazy..." He told her, as he kissed her cheek...

      She closed her eyes, feeling the words that he was saying. " I tried to explain. I tried to tell you that I did it to save you. It was my fault you were in jail and I had to do something to get you out." She told him, clinging desperately to his arms that surrounded her..

      " You never lost my scent.... Only the cream can be duplicated, but not the scent it has on each person." She said, turning and wrapping her arms around his neck.. " My smell is mine smell is only for you...that will never change." She muttered, stretching up to kiss each cheek, then his lips.

      Can tighten his hold on her as their lips meet. It was a kiss of passion, of wanting, of understanding....but most of all, of forgiveness.. That feeling of pure desire flared up from deep inside... this was the moment he had been waiting for...

      Sanem knew this kiss was different, it meant more. She was ready to forget and forgive...she knew that the minute she saw him at the airport. But she needed to know if he had forgiven her. Was he ready to accept her reason for what she did.... 

      The past seven years of being apart was about more than just her scent and the fact that she had sold it to Fabri.... it was about trust and understanding....the willingness to listen to each other.... She wanted Can to be able to do that, and she thought he was ready for that now..

      They were hesitant to end the kiss. Their lips refused to part, as the both gasped for air. " I want you, I need you more than anything in my life.. I can't go on without you in it." He whispered, his lips still touching hers so gently..

      Sanem kissed him again, firmly...." My love, I don't see any reason that we have to. We don't have to live without each other." She answered with a slight smile. 

      He smiled, " No, we don't, and we won't....not anymore." He answered, smoothing back a few strands of hair that had blown across her face.. " This is just the beginning for us. From now on we do what our hearts want... agreed?" He said, sealing their agreement with a kiss.... a kiss that was turning into more than just a kiss. They both wanted more...

      They stumbled and staggered back into her room, both still clinging helplessly to each other, drowning in the heat of their feeling of desire. Sanem wasn't sure if now was the right time to surrender to her feelings for him, but she couldn't stop herself. 

      Can had never wanted anyone more than he wanted her... at this very moment. His head was racing with thoughts and his heart was pounding hard. She eagerly helped him pull his T-shirt  off over his head as he guided her toward the bed, both of them breathless and heated...

      The moment was halted with a knock at the door. Sanem pushed away from him, " Who could that be?" She whispered, a look of terror in her eyes.... All kinds of thoughts were running through her mind.... could it be CeyCey...her sister...maybe even her mom...

       Then there was another knock, and they heard,  " Sanem are you in's me Javier. I came to surprise you."  He called out, his voice sounded full of excitement.

       " Huh, just a minute... what are you doing here. I'll be right there." She answered. She looked around wildly as if she was trying to find a place for Can to hide. 

      Can stiffened, " Who is that..." He asked, holding on to her. She frowned, " Javier, my publisher. I had no idea he would come here." She whispered frantically.

      Can cupped her face in his hands, " Open the door babe...we have nothing to hide." He told her, giving her a quick kiss on the lips...

      " Sanem, are you okay... could you open the door please." Javier called out again, a little louder. 

      " Okay, coming." She said, nervously smoothing down her hair and her top.. She took a deep breath and opened the door.....

      " Javier, what a surprise. You should have let me know you were coming." She chirped, putting on a fake smile. She stood in the doorway, not allowing him to enter, " I can't believe you came.... Huh, why did you come? She asked.

      " May I come in. What's wrong, you are acting strange?" He said, stepping closer to the door. Can walked up behind Sanem, " Of course, come in. We were just having breakfast. Sanem my love, let him come in." He remarked, glaring at him with a slight smile.

      The smile quickly disappeared from Javier's face, " I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company. Should I come back later." He hissed, his words snapping at her.

      Can spoke up quickly, " No not at all. Come in. I'm sure Sanem is happy to see you." He said, stepping back, allowing him to enter. Sanem had a frozen smile on her face and hadn't uttered a word.... 

      Javier entered the room and looked around. He seemed to be inspecting it, looking for any sign that this man might be staying there too. " So, I decided to come to you since you didn't come to me.  I have some good news, so I wanted to deliver it in person." He snapped.

      " News? You have some news...that's great." Sanem muttered, as she bent over, picking up Cans shirt that was lying on the floor and handed it to him. Begging him to put it on with her eyes....

      Can gave her a quick wink and slipped the shirt over his head. He found this all quite amusing, but he knew Sanem was not seeing the humor in it...

      The unexpected arrival of Javier had thrown her off, but she was trying to regain her composure. " What is this news Javier. If you came all the way to Istanbul then it must be important." She asked, as she calmed her nerves...

      " I had hoped to talk with you privately, so when you're through with breakfast.... say half an hour...  we can meet alone to discuss it." He replied, focusing his eyes on Can...

      Can stepped out to the balcony, giving Sanem a chance to take care of the problem.. " Javier, I have plans for the day... I wish you had told me you were coming. This is so out of character for you." She said almost in a whisper.

      Javier stepped closer to her, " Well this is out of character for you too... Is this man the reason you decided to stay in Istanbul? I would like an answer." He snapped, his eyes glaring at her.

      Sanem felt her anger rise, " This man is none of your business. What I do with my life is my concern, not yours...... I stayed here in Istanbul because I needed to be here....and yes, I stayed because of that man..." She stated with more confidence than ever before....

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