Chapter Twenty Two

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      After Can left the restaurant he headed to the coast. So many things were running through his mind. His first thought was to take Sanem and run away....just get as far away from Istanbul as they could.  But he knew that was selfish, and immature.

      He didn't want to lose her to her career, or to Javier.  He didn't want to lose her at all.... The sound of the sea gulls and the smell of the salty air had always made him  feel better, made him think about what he really wanted.

      He glanced at his phone, seeing he had only a short time before he was to pick up Sanem at the hotel. He hadn't spoke to her since he left there that morning, so he hoped their plans hadn't changed, and he hoped he didn't run into Javier again..

       He made a quick stop at the market for some freshly cut steak, and their favorite vegetables to roast on the grill. He thought about a bottle of wine but decided against it.... they didn't need any unnecessary distraction to come about. He wanted to be stone cold sober for this dinner,

       Sanem grabbed a taxi as she left the hospital, smiling from ear to ear as she gave the driver the name of the hotel. She would need to hurry if she was going to be ready for Can to pick her up. But first, she was going to put Javier in his place.

       As she arrived back at her room, she rummaged through the folder that Javier had given her for the invitation to Leakeys Bookstore. She would take control....she would find out if this was a one time offer.

      The found the phone number and dialed, and after a couple of rings a very nice lady with a very sweet voice answered the phone.... " Leakeys Bookstore,  Flora Macinroy speaking. How can I help you?" She announced, almost singing it.

      Sanem cleared her throat, " Oh yes, Ms. Macinroy, I am Sanem Aydin. I have an invitation for a book signing at your store in Inverness." She spoke in English. 

      " Oh my dear. Yes, we sent you a special invitation and we are very excited to meet you. But a very nice lady from your publisher's office has already replied." She squealed excitedly over the phone.

      Sanem smiled, " I see...well it seems they accepted without checking with my personal schedule first. I am on a personal vacation in Turkey at the present time and it would be impossible for me to make it there on time for the event. I am truly sorry, but if you could move the date... it might be a perfect solution." She offered, holding her breath for a reply.

      Flora wasn't quite sure what to say, " Well my sweet dear. Of course we can reschedule. But your publishers assistant had already explained about that. We are happy to have you anytime. All we need is a little notice to let the town know you are coming. We can set a date now if you like, or as I told the lass that called,  our bookstore has accommodated many credited authors at the drop of a hat." She chirped proudly.

      Sanem was shocked, " So Marcella already explained my situation. That's good to know. I need a day or two to look over my agenda for the next couple of weeks, but I definitely will be there as soon as possible. It is a great honor to be among one of your guests there in Inverness." Sanem stammered.

       They agreed to talk within the next couple of days... as they said their goodbyes. Sanem couldn't believe that Javier had lied to her about the signing.... What did he have planned, she thought. She was glad that Marcella had taken it upon herself to change the book signing, and she was sure that she had gone against Javier's orders.

      She wasn't about to let this go, as she headed down the hallway to Javier room. She knocked firmly on the door and waited.. then she knocked again... She knocked one more time, but nothing. As she walked back to her room that voice in her head appeared.....

      " Listen to me Sanem...Javier does not have your best interest at heart. This was all a trick to get you away from Istanbul..... and Can...."  The voice echoed loudly in her head....

      Sanem wasn't going to let that happen.... She quickly changed her clothes, knowing that Can would be there any minute... All she wanted was a nice quiet evening at the cabin with Can....she would deal with Javier later.

       Javier had positioned himself a little out of the way, in the lobby of the hotel.  He had remembered Can telling Sanem he would pick her up at 6 o'clock, so he made sure he was in the lobby before then. 

      At precisely 5:59, Can strolled into the lobby of the hotel and headed toward the elevators. Javier stood up quickly, " Can, I think we need to talk.. do you mind." He called out to him. Can turned, seeing Javier, " Ahh, here we are again.. what do we need to talk about Mr. Soto..." He asked.

      Javier motioned for him to sit down, " Please, it won't take long....but it is important. I think it's something you might want to hear." He said, a smug smile easing across his face...

      Can nodded as he pulled out the chair and sat down. Javier clasped his hands in front of him and looked at Can across the table, " I wanted to let you know as soon as possible. We are leaving early in the morning for Scotland. Sanem has agreed to the book signing in Inverness." He remarked seriously.

      Can scoffed, " Is that so. Sanem has agreed to leave, with you, and not tell me about it?"  He stood up quickly. " I know that you think you have Sanem's best interest at heart, but you don't know Sanem. She has told me everything that had happened between you and her.....and that it meant nothing to her." He snipped, wanting his words to wipe that stupid smile from his face.

      Javier stood to face Can, " I think it is you that don't Sanem anymore, and that is what bothers you. Sanem is not that same young, naive and trusting girl that you walked out on seven years ago. She has grown up....she has matured into a woman that knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it." 

      The words stung as Javier spoke. Can stood there silent for a second, "Was he right... had Sanem changed. Had she grown into a woman he didn't know anymore." He wondered. Javier continued to talk but Can had no idea what he was saying...

       All he knew was if Sanem was going to leave with Javier and go to Scotland..... then she would have to tell him herself....face to face...

       He wanted to get to Sanem's room as quick as possible. He turned and headed for the elevators. " Wait, Can....Sanem didn't want to see you.. She asked me to tell you that she was leaving. Please, give her that respect...don't force her to hurt you...." He yelled at Can as he walked away...

      Can turned to look back, " The only one that's going to be hurt is you, Javier. She doesn't love you, she never did..." He said, before continuing on toward the elevator....

      " Yes, that may be true Can.....But what about the other man...... what about Richard. Did she tell you about Richard. Did she tell you he asked her to marry him and she was going to say yes...... I'm just curious Can....Did she tell you that." Javier hurled the words at him across the room....

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