Chapter Twenty Three

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      Sanem looked at her phone again to check the time. 6:15... It wasn't like Can to be late, especially for what she considered a " special date"..  She didn't want to seem pushy by calling him again, but she was beginning to worry.

      She tried to calm her nerves as she walked out to the balcony and took in the vast view of the water. It always made her feel good to smell the salty air and feel the warm breeze against her face. But even that was having little effect on the fact that Can was now almost twenty five minutes late.

      The words that Javier had yelled out to Can seemed to be echoing through the whole lobby. Can stopped abruptly, then turned slowly to look at Javier, " Yes, she told me about Richard. But why do you know about Richard?" Can hissed, trying desperately to control his anger.

      Javier smiled that very annoying smile of his, " Ahh... but I don't think you knew about the marriage, did you Can.. Yes, Richard had been very persuasive. Lavished her with expensive gifts,  offered her anything she wanted,... if she would marry him." He babbled, as he walked across the floor toward Can.

      " She called me that morning so excited...I remember. She told me she was going to say yes...she was going to marry him. Of course, I tried to talk her out of it, but she was determined." Javier smirked, as he shrugged his shoulders. 

       He continued on with all the details, " Now, Sanem told me that Richard had second thoughts and wanted to wait to get married. He wanted a big expensive wedding in the States and Sanem didn't want things begin to fall apart." He said with a laugh...

       Javier stepped up close to Can, " I don't know what happened for sure, but the next thing I knew, Sanem was flying home and Richard was a thing of the past...but I did hear from a friend of his that an ex-girlfriend arrived in Dubai and all of a sudden everything was off." He said in a taunting whisper...  " So you see, if Richard's old girlfriend hadn't showed up, Sanem would be married to Richard right now." He hissed....

      Can closed his eyes, wishing he could close off his hearing as well. Had Richard really asked Sanem to marry him?  The thought of it made his stomach churn. " Javier, that's enough... I don't need to hear anything else from you." Can replied, as he clenched his teeth.

      " So see, you don't really know this Sanem. She didn't want to tell you she was leaving for Scotland, so she asked me to tell you." He told him, with a satisfied look on his face.

      Can flinched as Javier spoke. " Maybe you should grab your bag and run away, like you did before.. Sanem will get over it. But next time just don't come back." 

      All that Can wanted to do was disappear, get as far away from what Javier was saying as he could. But that was what he had always done.... he had always turned his back on what he loved most.

      Can ran his hands through his hair nervously. He needed to think..he needed to take a minute to process what he had just heard, and breath in some much fresh air, so he started across the large lobby to the entrance..

      " Ok...I'm calling again. I don't care if it makes me look desperate or not." She mumbled to herself, as she pulled the phone from her pocket. Before she had time to call, there was a knock on the door.

      She quickly opened the door, fully expecting to see Can standing there, but instead it was Javier. " Oh,...Javier. I don't have time to talk now..I'm waiting on Can. But I will tell you that I'm not going to Scotland tomorrow." She blurted out. 

      He shook his head, " But it's all arranged, we leave first thing in the morning. I've already spoke to Can about it and he won't stand in your way." He told her, as he stepped inside the door. 

      " Where is Can, when did you speak to him?" She pushed him aside and looked down the hallway toward the elevator. " Where is he? What did you tell him Javier. Whatever it was...he won't believe you." Sanem yelled, as she rushed down the hallway to the elevator. 

      " He's gone Sanem....just like before, he's gone." He smirked, as he followed her.  She looked back as she got on the elevator, " You know nothing about Can Divit.... But I do. From now on I will take care of my own career....Javier you're no longer my publisher or my friend.." She said as the doors closed on the elevator.

       All she could think about was finding Can as quick as possible. The doors opened on the elevator and she rushed out, looking around desperately for any sign of him, but there was nothing. The words from Javier still swirling around in her head, making it hard for her to think. 

      The only place he would go would be to the cabin, she thought, as she hurried out the front entrance to find a taxi. But the first thing she saw was Can, leaned over against his car. Her heart stopped, as she watched him...

      She slowly started to walk his way, " Can,... Can. Are you ok. We need to talk. You can't can't leave me again. You can't.." She stammered, as the tears filled her eyes.

      Can looked up, his face full of hurt, " I can't leave... I can't leave you. I won't. I promised you that. My place is with you, my heart is with you.... No matter what." He said choking back the tears.

      Sanem leaned in close to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. " My place is with you too. I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to. I'm not going to Scotland, or anywhere, at least not without you. I don't know what Javier said to you, but what I'm saying to you is the truth... please believe me." She muttered, as she kissed his cheek.

      Can pulled her tightly against him, his lips searching for hers. The kiss was long and warm, heating every inch of their bodies... " I think you promised me a delicious dinner Mr. Divit, if I'm not mistaken. You haven't changed your mind have you?" She whispered, her lips barely grazing his.

      He smiled slightly, " Yes, I did and no, I haven't changed my mind. But I'm thinking more than just dinner my love. I may never let you go....we can stay at the cabin forever...." He replied, holding her firmly against him...

      She snickered, " Well then, should I bring my bag...if I'm staying forever, I just might need it." She teased, rubbing her nose against his...

      " Wait here babe...I will get my bag and be right back." Sanem said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. Then she hurried back into the hotel and took the elevator up to her room. She threw  a few necessities into her tote bag, along with a change of clothes. She wasn't planning on coming back to the hotel....not if she had anything to say about it. 

      That feeling of happiness, fulfillment, and joy bubbled up inside her as she gathered her things and started out the door. Finally they would have the life they both wanted and deserved.

       Javier met her at the door as she was leaving, " I told him everything Sanem... I told him about Richard...about how you wanted to marry him. I told him that you loved Richard more than you loved him." He spewed the words like venom. " So now he's gone....and you only have me.... You need me."

      She glared at him, " So you lied to him.... you lied about what happened with Richard. You know he never asked me to marry him. I broke it off with Richard because I didn't love him....I couldn't love him." She screeched, her voice filled with anger...

      " But no Javier, Can isn't  gone....he's waiting for me downstairs... I told you, you don't  know Can Divit.... But I do... And I never needed you Javier...not then and certainly not now...." She snipped. 

      " Javier, go back to Barcelona....go home, you are no longer involved in my career or my life..."  She snapped, as she turned and walked down the hallway.

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