Chapter Nineteen

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      Mevkive listened to her daughter as she told her about Mr. Aziz being sick and in the hospital. How Can had flown home to be with him through what they thought to be his last days. And how they had both been within feet of each other, but never knew it....

      Her eyes filled with tears as she imagined it. Can Divit had once been a person that she admired and respected. She was quite taken with him and his charm. But he had hurt her daughter in the most terrible way.....he had broken her heart and had almost broken her spirit.

      But as Sanem talked, Mevkive felt herself weaken. She knew the love that the two of them shared, that she was sure of.. It was a true and deep love, but one that had been tested over and over again.

      " So mom, I stayed. I wanted to know why he left...why he forgot about me... why he didn't try and understand. But, it turns out he really didn't, he didn't forget. We have told each other about our lives now...and how we felt for all those years...." 

      Mevkibe wiped the tears from her cheek, " My dear, I understand how you feel. This is something you have to trust within yourself. Don't rush... be sure, and listen to your heart."

      Her words came as a shock to her. Not at all what she expected from her mom. " Of course mom, so you aren't going to try and talk me out of it. You're not going to tell me I'm being foolish or naive?" She asked.

      Mevkibe wanted to do just that, but thought better of it. " No Sanem. This is for you to decide... If you are happy, then I am happy." She uttered with emotion, knowing she could no longer meddle in her daughters love life...

      She sat there for what seemed like hours, staring out at the sea.  The more she thought the more she realized that going to Scotland right now was not the right thing to do. Right now was the time to get her life back..

        Can had watched, out of sight, as Javier and Sanem talked. He watched her leave, visibly upset. And he waited as Javier made a phone call, before he confronted Javier himself. 

      Javier was just standing to leave when Can stepped up to the table. " I think we need to have a talk, don't you. Would you like a whiskey or coffee, I'm buying of course." Can remarked, as he sat down in the chair.

      He looked surprised, " A talk... about what?" He asked, as he sat down in the chair across the table. Can waved for the waiter, " Two whiskeys please." He called out. 

       Javier had never expected to be confronted by the notorious Can Divit, so he was a bit nervous. From what he had heard, he had always grabbed his bag and left town before there was  any talking...

      Can waited to begin any conversation until the waiter brought the whiskey. He didn't look away from him, as they waited. Javier tapped the table with his fingers anxiously. 

      " I'm not sure what has brought you here, but I'm positive it wasn't about a book signing. So why don't you tell me why you are here." Can spoke softly staring into his eyes. 

      Javier felt the heat rise up on his face. " Sanem is my client and it's my job to take care of her." He answered. " Sanem has been offered a prestigious invitation to Inverness Scotland for a book signing event... We leave tomorrow, and if you care anything at all about Sanem, you won't do anything to stop her...She needs this for her career." He huffed, standing his ground...

      Can narrowed his eyes, glaring at him intently, " I would never do anything to hurt Sanem or her career. If she wants and needs to do this then I support her, ...but I want to hear it from her." He explained, leaning closer to him.

      Javier leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face, " I think you are wrong Mr. did do something to hurt Sanem." He boasted. " And you still can't even admit it, not even to yourself. From what I hear, you walked away from her years ago, and never looked I don't think you have any say in what's best for her." He replied, taunting Can as he laughed.

      The words immediately struck a nerve with Can, " I don't think you know anything about me and Sanem, so don't pretend that you do. What happened back then is our personal business." He hissed, fighting hard to control himself...

     He wanted nothing more than to pulled him across the table and wipe that smirk off of his face.....But that's what the old Can Divit would have done...... And he wasn't the same person.

      Javier stood quickly, " I know more than you think, and you don't deserve Sanem. She was a basket case when she finally settled in San Cristobal, and it was because of you. Go back to your carefree life.... A life without commitments, a life where you judge and convict people without cause." He hurled out the words with force...

      Can stood, towering over Javier as he looked at him. " What you say might be true, but a person like me can change....but someone like you, that uses people, then lies to them about...will never change. You need Sanem for your personal gain..... I simply want her because I love her."  Can uttered..

      He tossed a few bills on the table, " You don't know the real Sanem yet Javier....But I'm confident that you will find out very soon just who that is..." Can smiled that devilish Divit smile, then turned and walked out...leaving Javier standing there wondering what he meant...

      Can stormed to his car. If ever he needed a friend it was now.. Maybe what Javier said was true. What if she had agreed to leave, go to Inverness for what could possibly be the biggest step in her career. 

      He sat in his car for a while, going over what Javier had said... Yes, he had been judge, jury and executioner when he found out that Sanem had surrendered her perfume to Fabri.. Nothing she tried to tell him made any difference..... And he had paid the price for that...

      More than anything, Can needed a friend, his friend, the only person that had been through all of his heartbreak with him.... CeyCey.  He picked up his phone and made the call... He hoped that CeyCey was still willing to be his friend after all he had said to him... 

      CeyCey answered immediately, " Hello Can... I'm glad you called. I need to apologize for what I did to you and Sanem." He blurted out, before Can could even say hello. " I know it was wrong and I went to far. I should have told you....can you ever forgive me.....I...I

       " CeyCey, I know. You did what you thought best...." He interrrupted . " But right now I need my friend...can we meet some where. I will buy you a cup of coffee." He offered.

      They agreed to meet at the small restaurant down the street from the agency.. They had visited that place many time before when Can was in turmoil, so CeyCey knew this time was no different.

        CeyCey  might have kept the truth from his friends....but it was fate and their love for each other that  brought then face to face in that airport..... 

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