Chapter Fifteen

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      Javier had settled in on the plane.. He had a little over a four hour flight to Istanbul, giving him plenty of time to design a plan of attack.

      He knew Sanem well enough to know if she had her mind set on one thing, it would be hard to change it. He hoped that the invitation to Inverness, Scotland and possibly the most beneficial book signing of her career would be enough to whisk her away from Turkey..

      If he had calculated correctly, he would be at the Skalion Hotel by 11 o'clock. Just in time for him to surprise her and take her out for lunch.. Maybe he could get her to show him around the city, and meeting her family would be fabulous. 

      He smiled, " This just might be my best plan ever. But I will need to get her away from Istanbul as soon as possible." He told himself..  

      If the reason Sanem had stayed in Istanbul had something to do with that man Can Divit, then  he would have to make sure that this trip to Scotland would be a make it, or break it decision for her book. " He didn't need an old flame to get in his way... not if he could help it.." 

      Can had picked up the bagels and was on his way to the hotel. He wanted to make sure she was up and ready, so he called. 

      She answered on the first ring, " Hello Can. I hope you're on your way. I have a pot of hot tea  ready." She said, hoping he wasn't calling with a change of plans..

      Can laughed, " Good. I'm on my way with the bagels. Can't wait to see you." He muttered, his heart fluttering from the sound of her voice. 

      She felt her face flush with heat and excitement. " Me too. Remember, it's room 612. I'll see you soon." Her voice sounded as giddy as a schoolgirl's...

      A few minutes later room service arrived with a large tray of fruit, cheese and that beautiful bouquet of flowers. She spent the next little while nervously arranging and rearranging the table and chairs on the balcony until she got it just right.

      The day was a little overcast and the wind was a little strong, but she had her heart set on eating out there in the fresh air, so she hoped the weather would agree. The view of the sea from her balcony was amazing and romantic... Just what she wanted. Now all she had to do was wait....

       She was still fussing around in her suite, fluffing the pillows on the sofa, and taking one last one at herself in the mirror, when there was a knock on her door. 

      Sanem closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening the door. The sight of Can standing there made her shiver. He always had such a presence about him... a confidence that made him even more attractive.

      Can smiled and nodded, " Good morning. You look beautiful this morning." He muttered, stepping inside the door. Sanem moved aside, " Come in. You look very nice yourself." She replied with a nervous giggle.

       As Sanem closed the door and turned around, Can reached for her, pulling her close against him. His lips found hers, softly but firmly. It was more than a quick morning kiss... he lingered, searching and enjoying the feel and taste of her lips.

       She returned his kiss with eagerness. It had taken her by surprise though, but there was always something about Can that surprised her. " Now, that was a proper good morning." He whispered, as he kissed her cheek, then her neck.... breathing in her wonderful scent.

       Sanem felt herself sink into him, wanting more, as he nibbled at her neck. That burning sensation had erupted inside her, making it difficult for her to breath, let alone think. But she knew that it was too soon for this...

     " Can, Can.... I don't...  want to get carried away.. Let's have breakfast." She stammered, making some distance between them...

      He rested his forehead against hers, " You're right.. let's have breakfast.... Then let's talk. I want to know everything about you and your life." He smiled, reluctant to let her go.

      Sanem took the bag full of bagels, linked her arm with his and lead him to the balcony. "Ok, I have hot tea, some cheese and there anything else we need." She said waving her hand as if she were presenting it to him. 

     He laughed, " This looks great sweetheart. I love it." He said. The bouquet of flowers caught his eye, " And I love the flowers.... They are your wildflowers right, the ones you use for your cream." He asked, as he gently touched the delicate petals.

      She bowed her head, " Yes they are. I thought it was only fitting to have them with us this morning." She mumbled, a little embarrassed.

      As if right on cue, the overcast skies disappeared and sun spread its warmth out across the sky. Sanem poured their tea as she had so many times before... but this time she was trying not to be that scared insecure girl. This time she knew what she wanted, and this time there wasn't anything stopping her from having it..

      Can was still curious about her life in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, so he was the first one to start the conversation... " So you own a house in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. What's it like?" He asked, as he sipped on his tea.

      " Well, it's not very big. It has two bedrooms, a kitchen and a small living area. But it has a wonderful rooftop terrace. That's where I spend most of my time." She explained, her face lighting up as she talked. 

      " You can really see the whole bay from up there. The San Cristobal Main Dock and Shipwreck Bay too. My house is a couple of blocks from the dock, so it's pretty busy there sometimes." She babbled with excitement.

      Can loved to watch her talk, especially when it was about something she was passionate about. " It sounds great. I would love to see it... if you wouldn't mind showing it to me." He said, his eyes devouring her.

      She blinked nervously, " Of course, I would love to show it to you. Oh, and there is a great little beach area not far from my house...Playa De Oro. I ride my bike there almost every day. It is the best beach on San Cristobal as far as I'm concerned..." She replied, quickly changing to subject. 

       Can smiled with amusement. " She was still just as insecure as ever." He thought. But she still fascinated no one else.

      " And what about you.. do you have a quiet little getaway somewhere that no one knows about?" She teased, poking his leg with her foot. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know if he had a secret getaway or not, but now was the time for her to find out.....

      Can leaned back, studying her, " No... I don't, well other than the cabin, but that isn't a secret. I traveled around so much there just wasn't a chance to settle anywhere for very long. So I stayed in hotels, or just pitched a tent close to where I was shooting." He told her.

      He reached over and took her hand, " I could never be serious about staying in one place, not if you weren't there. The only reason I stayed in Istanbul was because I found you here. I'm not at home unless I'm with you.." He whispered, as he kissed her hand softly..

      A chill of excitement filled her. She felt the same way...even with her house in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, she never felt at home..... it was always missing something.

      But now she knew, it wasn't missing something....It was missing someone.... "Can"

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