Chapter Twenty Six

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     Sanem reached out to her sister that morning for help, " Abla, you have to help me. Bring anything you have that might appropriate for a wedding and come to my hotel room." Sanem begged Leila. 

      She had brought only her casual clothing when she made the trip back home to see her dad, but for sure nothing that would be suitable for the most important and exciting day of her life...

      A fancy, extravagant wedding was never in her thoughts, so a marriage at the courthouse with only Leila and Emre in attendance was exactly what she wanted.... But she did want her wedding dress to be more than just a casual sundress...

      Leila grabbed everything she thought might suit Sanem's idea for a wedding dress, waved down a taxi and headed to the hotel. She wasn't surprised that they had decided on a quick wedding at the courthouse. 

      Both Can and Sanem had wasted so much time trying to find each other, and she wasn't proud of the part she had played in trying to keep them apart. All she wanted now was for them to be happy..

       When Sanem opened the door Leila could see how frantic she was, " Morning abla.... Are you okay?" Leila asked, as she stepped inside the room... Sanem threw her arms around her neck, "Thank you for coming...I have nothing to wear, you have to help me.." She cried..

      Leila laughed, " It will be fine. I brought a few things and I know we can find something perfect...don't worry." She assured her... 

      She had never seen her sister so nervous before, but she could tell she was happier than she had ever been..... she was glowing. She had made a mistake in trying to keep Can and Sanem apart....she knew that now. 

      Just looking at Sanem, and how happy she was...she knew she wanted to feel that way about someone...she wanted to have that a love that spanned the test of time...that outlasted all that trials and tribulations that life could throw at them.... She wanted that true, undying, everlasting love....

      Leila watched as Sanem went through the stack of dresses that she had brought. Sanem methodically took every dress and held it up, examining it thoroughly, then she wrinkled up her nose and laid it to the side.....  until she got to a very familiar white sundress.

      She had looked at the first four dress and dismissed them all, but the next dress in the stack of potential wedding attire made Sanem gasp.

      " Abla... where,.. where did you find this?" She asked, holding the white dress with small stripes of silver thread running through it and thin spaghetti straps. She smiled, " Leila, I think this may be my wedding dress.....I think it's perfect." She muttered, as she remembered the last time she wore that dress...

      " You know, I wore this dress to Can's house on my first photo shoot with the agency.. I was so excited I could barely think. The model was so beautiful...and she was throwing herself at Can. I was so jealous of her...but of course I didn't know I was jealous at the time." She explained, as she looked at her sister...

      She flopped down on the bed, pressing the dress endearingly against her body, " I put strawberries in her smoothie, knowing that she was allergic to them." She said, hiding her face with embarrassment. "But I had no idea why I was doing it...I was so confused." 

       " I left this dress in my closet on purpose the day I packed my things for Galapagos Island. It was such a reminder of how much I loved Can that I couldn't take it with me....Now here it is again."  She smiled, as she twirled around with the dress.... " This will be my wedding dress" 

       With the dress chosen, the process of turning Sanem into a bride began. " I want to look natural abla, so not a lot of makeup. I want Can to see "me"...." She said, as excitement filled her.

      Leila took over, applying just the right amount of makeup to complement the simplicity of the dress, but yet letting the glow of love shine through...

      Next was her hair..... Her hair was much longer than it was back then, but she wanted to wear it long and loose. Leila brushed her hair until it shined, then curled it, forming those long soft waves. 

      She pulled one side back behind her ear and clipped it with a pin. For the finishing touch, Sanem took the white daisy from the bouquet of flowers that Can had sent her for their special day....and attached it firmly behind her ear.....

      Leila stood behind her as they examined her in the mirror. " You look beautiful Sanem... No bride could ever look as beautiful as you." She whispered, her heart full of love for her sister...

      Her eyes glistened with tears as she took the final look.... " I'm not dreaming am I abla... this is really happening?" She said, holding on tightly to Leila's hand.....

      " Yes, it's happening." She reassured her with a smile. Once again feeling the guilt of almost ruining what was meant to be.... " And I couldn't be happier"..

      The ring of Sanem's phone broke the special moment between the sisters. " Yes CeyCey, I'm ready. Are you here?" she asked, taking the final look....

      CeyCey had insisted on attending the ceremony. Although Leila and Emre were the only witnesses, CeyCey wanted to see them make it official... A small gathering at the Aydins after the ceremony had been arranged for the rest of their friends and family......

      " Well, then let's go. I'm out front of the hotel.. You don't want to be late to your own wedding do you?" he joked...

      She took a deep breath, grabbed her bag and started out. Just as she stepped outside the door, her phone alerted her of an email.... She opened the email as they waited for the elevator... 

      " Oh, it's from Flora at Leakey's Bookstore... She has the date set for the book signing in two days. And she has rented us a small cottage just on the outskirts of town for as long as we want... It's a very secluded and romantic place for a honeymoon, she says." Sanem recited, feeling a twinge of excitement...

      " Oh how romantic." Leila squealed, as the doors of the elevator closed. Sanem braced herself against the wall of the elevator.... " This is the beginning of my real life....the life I was supposed to have all along.."  She thought.....

      CeyCey waved at them as they walked out, " Come on ladies... we have to hurry.. Can has called every two minutes...He is there waiting for you.." He said. " And you look beautiful Sanem.... and happy."

       The taxi ride was just long enough for her to relive vividly, every occasion of her life since she met Can..... She sat silently, thinking about it all...Maybe she would have changed some things about that time.... maybe she would have fought harder for him in the beginning... But in any case, she wouldn't have wished for anything different..

      Their love was full of crazy and wonderful things... things that made them who they are today.. Today she was marrying the man of her dreams....of her heart...of her soul...and she was the happiest she had ever been.....

      CeyCey fidgeted about in the seat next to her, " Sir, can you please hurry. We are on our way to a wedding and the bride really can't be late." He snipped, as he checked the time on his phone... 

      Five minutes later the taxi stopped in front of the courthouse. CeyCey paid for the ride and then opened the door for Sanem.... Can was pacing impatiently back and forth in front of the steps.... " Finally, you're here." He said, rubbing his hands together...

       He stepped forward, waiting for Sanem to step out of the taxi..... his heart pounding. He recognized the dress immediately, as she exited the taxi, and a broad smile spread across his face..

     " Sanem, my look beautiful. Just as beautiful as the first time I saw you in that dress." He said, as he took her hand and kissed it.

      Sanem had also recognized Can's attire.... " I thought how appropriate this dress would be for our wedding." She replied, eyeing his clothing..." And I see you chose my very favorite outfit of yours....You look just as handsome as the first time I saw you in that vest." She remarked, with a small curtsy...

      Can entwined his fingers with hers... " I am ready...are you? We have waited way too long to begin our lives... don't you think? 

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